Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 57 - Impatient

Chapter 57 - Impatient


Lena knew that since it was Jeff who was not familiar with the route to and from this estate to Samuel's house that it would take him longer than it would've taken Clive to go and pick up the other, but the time difference was making her impatient.

Samuel had texted her to let her know that he was about an hour out according to Jeff - meaning that he would again be in time for dinner. However, it had been over an hour since he had sent her that message and she had yet to see or hear any sign that they had arrived.

It wasn't that she was worried that anything had happened to the little chickadee himself, more that she was worried Jeff would end up getting lost despite using the navigation device and would end up arriving far later than they had been scheduled to  be.

Even though it was hot, she was determined to sit outside and wait for their arrival, quite a different approach than she had taken when Samuel had first come to stay with them. She could've waited inside the guest hall and it might've been a better idea considering the heat was most likely contributing to making her more annoyed with each passing minute. She was stubborn however though and had already made her mind that she wasn't going to move.

Another fifteen minutes had passed by and she was just getting ready to call Jeff to find out what was taking so long when she heard the car before she saw it begin to pull up. She should've felt more relieved to see that they had arrived at their destination safely, but instead the sight of the car made her feel more annoyed. It had taken much closer to two hours than the hour that Samuel had claimed it was going to take.

"Lena!" I didn't expect to see you out here. Have you been waiting out here all this time, your face is rather red." Samuel stopped when he noticed that Lena's face did indeed look red.

"If my face is red, it has nothing to do with the heat and everything to do with the fact that it took far longer than was scheduled for you to arrive." She commented, fixing the car with a glare. Jeff didn't notice it at first as he had headed back to the trunk of the car to pick up Samuel's belongings so that he could help carry them inside.

Once he came around the front however, he didn't miss the way that she was glaring at him.

"I do apologize Princess. I swear I didn't get lost or anything. Traffic as we got closer to this area became more difficult to navigate, there had been a crash that was slowing things down a considerable amount." Jeff apologized offering her a slight bow of his head as he did so.

"You're forgiven for this time, but make sure that the next time something like this happens you make sure to keep me updated." Lena told the other with a slight scowl. She really didn't like being kept out of the loop when something unexpected occurred.

"Thank you Princess." Jeff replied feeling somewhat relieved as he headed inside to take the boxes up to Samuel's room.

"Little Chickadee, you should've updated me as well if you knew that it was going to take so much longer." She told Samuel as she turned her full attention back to him.

"Sorry, I really didn't think that it was going to take that much extra time to reach here otherwise I would've." He apologized.

"But you really didn't need to wait outside for me. I would've told you when I got here."

"Don't mind her, she just did it because she was beginning to get impatient about how long you were taking." Leo replied for his sister as he approached the two. He wanted to offer Samuel a hug, but Lena interjected between them. She elbowed her brother none-too-roughly and he made a mock noise of hurt.

"It wasn't because I was getting impatient. I had just expected that he would arrive sooner than he did." The princess replied.

"Right, that explains why you're taking out your frustration on me over such a small thing as that." Leo took a step back as he spoke when he realized that his sister was beginning to get more annoyed with him.

"It really doesn't matter why she was outside, the point is that it's too warm to be sitting out in this heat for such a long time. Why don't we go inside?" Samuel suggested. He hadn't been standing outside for very long but he could feel the heat starting to get a little too warm for him.

"Fine. It's time for dinner anyways. We will have to catch up on talking after we eat. There's a few things that I want to go over with you." Lena replied as she began to head back towards the front entrance of the estate. Leo had gone on slightly in front of her after he had gotten one look from her that told him she expected him to not get in Samuel's face right now. She still wasn't convinced that he wasn't going to try to somehow throw him some sort of a surprise birthday party despite the siblings conversation about it the other day.

Once they reached the door she turned and gave Samuel an expectant look that he didn't quite understand right away.

"Are you expecting me to open the door for you?" He asked giving his best guess as to why she was waiting on him.

"Of course I do and I'm glad that you haven't forgotten that much while you were away." The princess replied. Her behavior in situations like this still confused him at times. Maybe he would have a chance to get used it more this time since he would be staying there for a much longer period of time compared to before.

"Fine, fine. It's only fair since you were waiting outside for me for such a long period of time." Samuel sighed as he stepped forward to open the door for her.

"It still isn't that hard to do. You get used to it quick." Lena commented as she walked through the door. Unlike the annoyance from last time, Samuel got the idea that she was teasing him more than making a harsh comment about it. Leo looked like he wanted to say something, but kept his mouth shut as he walked in after Lena. It seemed he had the impression that since Samuel was holding the door open, he might as well go inside ahead of him as well.

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