Ascension of the elder

Chapter 101

Chapter 101: I told you the boom was coming


Faye and the rest of her team crouched down at her shout. The 'mist man' who was standing in front of them waved his hand and suddenly there was a *whoomp* sound and all the guards except the captain were blaster sideways. If they were able to see what had happened they would have seen a line of mana shoot between their lines before expanding outwards blasting them out of the way.

The guards hit the walls at speed and they made no sound as they slid down to the ground. It was unknown as to whether they are alive or dead and to be honest no one really cared about these dirt bags. The captain looked back and seeing the 'mist man' and the fact that all his men were already out of commission made him terribly fearful. Drawing on the godly power of arrogance he turned to the 'mist man' and shouted at him.


The 'mist man' only looked at him strangely before disappearing and appearing directly in front of him in his true form of dark armour and punched him in the stomach dropping the captain like a sack of spuds. The 'mist man' was obviously Kyle; he had been using a special form he had discovered during his experiments which let him take a spectral form. It had its advantages and disadvantages but for intelligence gathering it was perfect.

So while Faye and her team were securing the hostages/prisoners Kyle had entered the guard room and found out about these men. They were to a man beyond redemption and just hearing their conversations made Kyle feel unclean and somehow tarnished hence why he felt no guilt or remorse about probably killing them.

The captain was on his knees trying to gather his breath as that strike was beyond anything he felt before and there was a good chance he had damaged something inside. With his head down he could see a pair of feet moving around him heading towards the women at the other wall.

As Kyle approached Faye's team were happy to see him and shocked at his power. This attack was perfectly timed and executed. If the guards were prepared they could have combated this technique which used no elemental properties which may have been detected and instead this was akin to a mana landmine. Also the reason Faye had ducked was due to their training, the hand signal Kyle had given was to indicate he was going to use an area of affect skill and the standing order for when an ally was going to use this kind of skill was to either get to cover or to get down.

"Well done and to you ladies back there this scum is yours do to him as you will but we need to move in five minutes." Kyle first spoke to Faye and her team before directing the second part of his statement to the women in the back.

Kyle had heard the men bragging and he knew some of these women were their property and if what the men said was true these women must have either an all consuming hatred or are too scared to do anything.

The green eyed lady was the first to respond; she stood up and approached Kyle. She was surprised as when she was near him she found she was actually taller than her saviour. Kyle was still taller than his peers but he was still only 5 foot 2 inches tall, but due to his entrance and the aura she felt from him she had believed he was taller.

"Can I borrow a blade?" She asked, Kyle looked to one of the team and nodded so she unsheathed her tanto blade and passed it hilt first to the green eyed woman.

The woman looked at the blade curiously before she took it and walked to the captain. As she approached he looked up and on seeing who it was he smirked at her which made her shudder but she carried on moving towards him.

"Oh the slut has decided to step up, will we have to give you another session in the training room?"

Hearing the captain taunting her with the past she began crying and suddenly all decorum and dignity fled from her and she could only launch herself blade first at the man. Kyle realised what the man was doing when he spoke and before the blade made contact with the captain Kyle had released a mass of seals one each for the prisoners. The captain was trying to get the green eyed woman to attack him and he must have been one of the exemptions on their slave seals which meant if one of them killed him they would in turn die in perhaps the most painful way possible.

The green eyed woman didn't think of anything beyond her rage and once the blade had entered the man and she had knocked him down she pulled it free and began stabbing him repeatedly while chanting.

"Never again, you'll never touch us ever again."

Kyle left her to her rage for a minute until she ran out of steam and the captain looked as if he had gone through a meat grinder. Everyone in the room was quiet but a few of the women were also crying quietly as they saw one of the main sources of their pain and fear being destroyed by one of their sisters and unlike what they expected she was still fine.

Kyle stepped over to the green eyed woman but stayed 2 meters clear of her and spoke in a calm voice.

"Are you okay ma'am? If you can move we need to leave before the other guards realise something is amiss, regardless of how strong we appear if the entire estate comes after us they will overpower us by numbers."

The green eyed woman was staring at the captain but as Kyle was speaking some life and clarity returned to her eyes. She looked at her hand which held the bloodied blade, she was fully expecting to die but it seemed that she wouldn't have that reprieve. Turning her head to Kyle she had a strange sensation, it felt like life and colour was rushing back to her world and he was the source. Gradually she calmed down and was able to understand what Kyle was saying. Placing the blade down so his guards understood she didn't mean him any harm she stepped closer to him and spoke.

"Good evening sir, forgive my unsightly visage. It would be most pleasant if we can exit this building forthwith, also where are my manners I haven't introduced myself yet I'm Rose Miles wife of the Miles family head and also his prisoner."

Everyone was amazed by this woman's ability to recover; she had returned from the broken woman to this prim and proper lady the only scary part was the blood dripping from the hand which held the blade. Kyle nodded impressed with her resilience before he directed his orders to the others.

"You 2 go and get the women who you secured and grab them suitable footwear, I want you at the main doors in 3 minutes. Everyone else grab shoes which are easy to move in, we are going to be heading out and we'll need to move fast. Faye you're with me."

With his commands issued Faye's team began hustling everyone along while Faye and Kyle moved through the halls to the guard room. Kyle may have been looking for evidence or something like that but he had all the evidence he needed from 'shadow hand' and 'steel lotus' instead he was aiming for the mana crystal. He was going to rig it and he couldn't be disturbed so he brought Faye along to watch over him.

Moving into the guard room Kyle found the stairs heading down to where the mana crystal was located. This crystal was much smaller than the ones he had in the bastions due to them continuing to grow to a proper size while this one wasn't able to take in any more mana and could only convert the mana in the air into a useable form.

Kyle used this as the means to rig it and he altered the control ring so it drew in a greater amount of mana than usual and directly pumped this into the arrays within the building. As more mana was flowing into them they began to become visible to the naked eye before beginning to glow. Kyle and Faye rushed back to the entrance and saw everyone was already there.

With everything in place Kyle took point and quietly opened the door. There were no guards present at the entrance but looking to the right at about 100m away was a figure slumped against the wall. This was one of the patrolling guards who must have been killed by the rest of the team outside. Kyle wasn't worried about the women finding out about his forces now as he had already placed a secret seal over everyone when he released Rose from her slave seal. So he made a signal with his hand before rushing to the tree line followed by everyone else.

As they reached the trees figures began to materialise around them scaring the women but the new arrivals just surrounded the women and ran with them. These were the other members of the team who received Kyle's signal to regroup. As they were moving Rose got close to Kyle and spoke to him again.

"Thank you for helping us again and you have saved my daughter from anymore of this but please I have to know why and what will happen to us now?"

When she mentioned her daughter she indicated Lilith who was jogging with them as they moved between the trees to an unknown destination. Kyle looked quickly at Lilith then back to Rose before he whispered something to her which made her eyes go wide.

"Really why did he do that?" josei

Kyle merely shrugged his shoulders, it was at this moment that there was a sudden gust of wind blowing directly against them which was followed by a *BOOOOOOM*. Kyle quickly looked back and could see a massive detonation going on behind him and smirking could only say.

"Who says cool guys don't look at explosions."

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