Ascension of the elder

Chapter 118

Chapter 118: Helping hand from a bro

"My name is Edith."

Well now everything was beginning to make sense, Edith must have got some issues due to his name and became a sociopath. At least that was what Kyle came up with in his head but he could see no else seemed concerned with his name.

"Um can I just ask is there a reason you are called Edith?"

Kyle decided to ask as he wanted to know if there was a story behind his name because as far as he was concerned this was a ladies name and an old ladies name at that.

Edith was annoyed by Kyle but after being intimidated by Maria he decided it would just be easier to answer the question while avoiding a direct clash before the allotted time.

"It's a family name, sometimes the name will be given to a child but we usually have a generational gap before it is uses again."

"Okay so who was the first holder of the name if I may ask?"

"It was my great, great, great grand....mother."

Everyone was curious about the story behind the name but when they heard it was from his grandmother everyone began tittering to themselves. Maria who had been full of righteous vengeance and furious anger a moment ago could only let this feeling go when she heard this and began giggling to herself.

Gemma also began laughing and put her hand in front of her face to stifle the noise. How could the dangerous and ferocious Miles family turn out to be such a bunch of coconuts? In the face of the Powell's and Kyle in particular they were a laughing stock.

Edith had a vein popping out on his forehead when he saw everyone laughing and turned a venomous look towards Kyle. For his part Kyle approached him and placed a hand on his shoulder before saying to him.

"It'll be okay I won't laugh."

Edith merely huffed and walked away with Willem in tow, they headed to the medical bay to have Willem's arm looked at. Kyle didn't say but all he had done was shock a few nerves in Willem's arm making it lose feeling without doing any real damage so he would be free from any blame.

Returning to his bench he noticed everyone was looking at him with fear now as they saw how he dealt with Willem and they didn't know if they stood a chance now. Even the older competitors including Raith, Willem's older brother were looking at him with caution.

Clyde was looking at Kyle with stars in his eyes after seeing how he dispatched Willem so easily. Even though they had been training together it was hard to gauge everyone's respective strengths in particular Kyle because he always limited himself to train them properly.

Bruno was up again before long and the tournament continued, Bruno won again and this match was far less exciting than Kyle's so he progressed easily again. After Bruno's battle Willem and Edith reappeared with Willem's arm being in a sling.

Kyle could hear them talking with Raith who had gradually got closer to the bench he was sitting on. It looked as though they had Willem checked over and couldn't find any problems with his arm but he still couldn't move it which made Edith look towards Kyle again with anger as he had been thoroughly humiliated this day.

He wanted nothing less than to rip out Kyle's spine and drink wine from his skull but he would have to wait till this farce was over. Thinking along these lines his mood improved and he left his sons together and returned to his seat at the high table.

Watching the tournament Kyle began to become bored but he noticed that as the other competitors left to enter the arena the Miles brothers were gradually working their way around to his side, probably to look for trouble so Kyle was grinning a little as he couldn't wait to mess with these 2 again.

Eventually Kyle was up again so he entered the ring to fight against a mid class noble from the city. This noble took one look at Kyle and thought he was some kind of smiling sadist so he noped right out of there and before the match even began he had quit.

Kyle was nonplussed by this and stood there for a moment before sighing and returned to his seat, before he got there he noticed the brothers had made their way around to his seat and were talking to Bruno and his cousins while Archie was sat next to them with a helpless look on his face.

Kyle approached and could hear them talking in loud voices Neil appeared to be totally incensed while Raith had a shit eating grin on his face. Kyle knew they were trying to anger Neil into doing something so Kyle would step in if necessary.

"You know I think after I win this tournament I'll have my father arrange an engagement with the young lady of the Tor family, you like her don't you Neil can you tell me how she likes to be touched?"

Raith was antagonising Neil by saying things about the girl he liked. Willem was standing beside him but didn't say anything and was instead looking around with a bored look, it looks like this is something Raith does regularly and for Willem it held no interest.

"What are you saying you animal, how could you imply something like that she isn't some loose woman!"

Neil responded with anger while Raith looked to him like he had just found a tasty prey. These 2 were not a good matchup as Neil was hot headed and direct while Raith was cold and manipulative.

"Well isn't she from a merchant family I'm sure her daddy will tell her to spread her legs for anyone if the benefits are good enough."josei

Raith was saying this with no concern for the Tor family. The youngsters who were around were angry but couldn't do anything as they knew Raith was stronger than them and the family head couldn't react without it becoming an issue between the leadership of the families.

"Your boy has got a very foul mouth hasn't he?"

The Tor family head said to Edith, who simply glanced his way before looking away without even bothering to respond to him. While he may not be able to stand against the Powell or Black families one on one he didn't have any fear of the Tor family.

Kyle reached the verbal battleground just as Neil was reaching the end of his tether and was about to attack Raith without regard to the consequences. Kyle put his hand on his Cousins bicep which was fully strained as his anger was boiling.

Looking to who was holding his arm he saw it was Kyle, while Neil may not be the smartest he understood that Kyle was far more intelligent than he was and it would be best if he let Kyle deal with this while puddle of offal.

"Yo Raith looks like you're spouting more manure from that face of yours at least look away when you talk we don't all want to stink like your breath."

Kyle fired the opening salvo and it was a good hit.

"Really a brat like you shouldn't be getting involved in matters of the heart I was simply telling your cousin my intentions for his beloved."

Raith shot back but he lacked any truly strong ammo in this engagement and he was also cautious of Kyle as he didn't know much about him.

"Really matters of the heart, well I haven't had to pay any of the girls I like to spend time with me as they do that of their own volition so if you need guidance just ask V-man."

Kyle responded with a proper pimp slap which left Raith red faced, Kyle's girls were all a little embarrassed when they heard him talking about them but couldn't refute what he had said even if there was a little innuendo slotted in there.

"What do you mean by V-man, I'll have you know I've had many women. More than a kid like you can imagine."

"Well I suppose if you pay for it, it still counts but are you sure you should be comparing sexual experiences with an eleven year old that just comes off as pathetic. I just have to check you aren't compensating for something are you, can't get it up or maybe it's a little on the small side."

As Kyle said this he held up his little finger and looked at it with a sad expression. Raith was beginning to lose his cool as he listened to Kyle's words. He couldn't help but let Kyle finish his sentences before he tried to counter but he could feel he was losing.

"Come on Willem let's go we don't need to speak to the likes of them."

"Careful Raith, Willem can't use his dominant hand to help you out."

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