Ascension of the elder

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: The death watch

"Welcome to my home."

In front of Kyle stood precisely 50 men plus Ash who was leading them. The men were a mismatch of people with some carry carious injuries while some looked like they'd come from the slums. One thing they all had in common was a bearing that others didn't have, it was a trust in the man next to them. Kyle associated this impression with them being with others who had gone through the same training and this immediately gave them a sense of companionship and belonging which they'd probably missed in their personal lives since leaving the military.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, I'm assuming Ash has given you a rundown of why you're here but let me restate it in my own words. I need guards and I'm willing to offer you gentlemen this opportunity to join me."

At his words the candidates in front of him stood a little straighter as this was a good opportunity for them as they had struggled since they had returned to civilian life. Some of their friends and colleagues had been taken on as guards and escorts but for the most part these positions were taken by local thugs and gangs as they would do as told without questioning the morality while the large families would mostly draw from their outer family with only a few, like Ash having the opportunity to join.

While most of them were digesting this information one of them raised his hand. Seeing this Kyle nodded in his direction indicating he could ask his questions.

"Um well some of us are injured why are you willing to take us all in."

When he said this it woke the others up and they became slightly suspicious. This was a very strange decision as an injured guard would be next to useless and looking around at the crowd a good number had injuries which would severely hamper their combat effectiveness. There was even one who had lost an arm and others who couldn't use their arm or had damaged their legs.

"That's a good question but before I can answer this, those who are willing would have to have a servant seal placed on them. This is a seal of my own devising which is different than a slave seal. A slave seal prevents the holder from disobeying the owner while the servant seal will prevent them from divulging the secrets of their master. Who is willing to take this chance?"

Suddenly hearing that they would have a seal placed upon them the crowd became nervous as they had only heard of the slave seal, this new one was outside of what they knew and hence they were scared of it. Finally one of the men with a bad limp came up and said.

"No one else was willing to gimme a shot and Ash vouched for you so I'm in."

When he said this the others thought of what they knew of Ash, he had a good reputation within their circle and in the city as a whole as he was a righteous man who stood up to the evils the Miles family had committed. Another of the men who was a good friend of Ash decided to ask something that was bugging him.

"If you can use this seal why is Ash still a slave?"

"Quite simple really, I can offer Ash more protection as my property than as a servant. If a servant is killed by a noble family as a free man they would be taken to court and the nobles could buy their way out but if a noble were to damage my property I could directly call them to task and demand a duel. If the noble were to refuse the duel their reputation would be sullied and they could even be taken to a noble's tribunal which is incredibly difficult to manipulate."

You've got to love this medieval mentality a slave has more worth than a freed man but it meant Ash would be able to go outside with a measure of protection. As the rest of the staff wouldn't be going out regularly Kyle would be able to organise a protection detail to them once he'd trained these guys.

Hearing Kyle's reasoning they realised why he was doing things the way he was and realised Ash had made the right decision in serving this young man. Gradually the possible guards came forward and Kyle projected the servant seal upon them. This would prevent them from being able to tell others about the cultivation technique he was going to give them. Out of the 50 45 of them had the seal placed on them, the other 5 were still milling around.

"What's wrong guys don't you trust me?"

Seeing the men still there undecided Ash called out to them. On hearing his call they looked up and one of them men responded.josei

"I trust you Ash but you know I have a family, if I join here I won't be able to see them for a while and living in the slums I'm worried about them."

The other 4 were in the same situation as they had wives and children and they couldn't leave them alone for fear of what may happen. Ash and the others looked at them in sympathy as they knew they wanted the work but couldn't bear to leave their families. Kyle just smiled and then spoke.

"Well that may not be a problem. First question do your families have jobs or anything that would hold them in the slums?"

"Ha no people from the slums can only get day work and are abused while doing it. We can only rely on the others who are in the same situation but the gangs cause problems for us as well."

One of the men responded while the others nodded. This was the truth and shame of the slum, once you get in it's almost impossible to get out of because they'll always be someone willing to step on you to push you back down again. Kyle's smile grew wider when he heard this, it may have been troublesome if there were more men with families but it looked like Ash had selected these men with this in mind.

"Nothing simpler then currently we currently have a shortage of maids, footmen and grooms in my mansion as I'm training my people from the ground up so your families can join with my new household as well. They'll need to take the seal as well because I won't have time in the short term to meet with them."

On hearing Kyle the remaining men could breathe a sigh of relief as they wanted to work and this was the best opportunity they've had and once they are trained they may be allowed to help in the slums as well. Kyle turned to Ash and asked him.

"Ash can you get the details from these gents and collect their families so they can be at ease, thank you."

Ash nodded his head and got the details from the 5 and then headed out without forgetting to grab his helmet as it wasn't worth getting seen at the moment and causing problems. Once Ash had jogged away Kyle completed placing the seal on the remaining guards.

"Okay gents I can now tell you the reason for the secrecy and security. I have developed a completely new cultivation technique. It is still in development but even in the nascent form it is still more powerful than anything I have yet to see. This technique will theoretically allow you to wield all three paths warrior, mage and sorcerer. Also while I was training Ash I found that the techniques that you were training in while you were in the army damaged your bodies and limited your potential. Before you go on a rampage I can't tell if this was intentional or accidental as cultivation is still a largely unknown factor."

On hearing what Kyle was telling them they were at first shocked that a child could be this smart but then became angry when they heard that their reward for their loyalty was to be injured by using the techniques they were given. Once Kyle finished he could see a myriad of emotions on their faces and couldn't help but pity them and upon using his empathy he could feel the same emotion from all and that was betrayal, they had been betrayed by those they served.

"Don't worry gents the technique that I developed was originally created to heal me. I was poisoned by someone and I used this to cure the poison and breakthrough so I should be able to heal at least some of your injuries and regardless of success or failure I give you my vow that you will be part of this household for the faith you've already shown me."

Hearing Kyle they all became elated and decided then and there they would do whatever they could for this young man who had saved them from the abyss. No one knew but this was the core of a group who would give up their lives for Kyle and all they demanded in return was the lives of as many of his enemies as possible.

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