Ascension of the elder

Chapter 44

Chapter 44: I couldn't resist

"I seem to be missing one assassin maid."

Ash looked at Kyle and remembering what he'd told him about the attack earlier put 2 and 2 together.

"I take it this is from the attack last night."

"Yes he's had enough time to relax now so let's head over to the station. Get suited up and we'll head out. We'll stop on the way to see Isaiah to get a sit rep."

Ash was confused what sit rep meant but decided not to worry about it as he was sure he would find the meaning later, instead he went and took a great sword from one of the new armoury's before donning his helmet once again, he was already wearing armour so he was ready to go. Kyle didn't bother with armour and he hadn't taken his sword from his side at all.

Heading out they at first headed towards the main compound to see Isaiah as he would usually be somewhere near Landon.

"So Ash tell me what do you think of our little community so far?"

Kyle was curious as to how Ash felt being part of his household, as Ash was the guard captain Kyle wanted him to have a sense of belonging which would increase his loyalty beyond it just being a place to survive and protect his wife and daughter.

"Well everyone seems to be happy and loyal so far, but I have to ask why did you only place the seal on the guards why not on everyone?"

"Quite simple really the guards will have unlimited access to my technique as it develops and they strengthen they will be able to access the higher levels. Currently those working as servants will have access to the first level of this technique but if they wish for the higher levels they would need to have the seal placed on them. This isn't some form of control or punishment, we are currently too weak and I can't risk someone else getting stronger with our means. Do you understand?"

Ash thought of Kyle's words and realised the truth in them, why would you arm your enemies and the weaker members were currently an easy target. Ash nodded to Kyle indicating his understanding letting them continue on in their own thoughts.

Eventually they reached the main compound and headed for the reception room. Landon could usually be found there at this time of day. As they approached they could hear raised voices although they were muffled by the closed doors.

Kyle approached the door and after seeing the guards waiting at attention weren't going to block him or Ash, Kyle entered the chamber. There was a square table in the centre of the room with multiple elders sat around it. Currently two elders were having a standing shouting match at each other.



Kyle got the gist of what was happening. They were talking about the response to the attack on him and whether they should just attack the Miles family as a serious suspect or wait for more information.

On seeing Kyle enter many elders looked at him with different expressions, some were pleased to see him while others were annoyed by his presence. It was obvious which elders supported his father and him while he couldn't tell if the others were annoyed by him or his age.

Landon on seeing Kyle leaned forward in his ornate seat and looked at him with his hands clasped under his chin.

"Hello father I was hoping to speak to steward Isaiah."

Hearing Kyle and the fact he specifically spoke Isaiah's new title Landon smiled, it looked as though his son would help prop up Isaiah and his new authority when needed.

"Kyle you are aware of what we are discussing. As the victim of the attack do you have any opinion as to how we should proceed?"

On hearing Landon's question most of the elders sneered, even if they were loyal they couldn't help but look down on Kyle due to his age and didn't think he would have anything productive to say.

Kyle thought for a moment and remembered some of the books he had read previously and took a page from Machiavelli.

"Rather than directly confronting them we should issue a statement and let the staff know about the attack and who we suspect. Give them the idea that we have solid evidence without giving details. Let them stew for a week then we put pressure on their interests located in our sphere of influence. Push them to respond in a small and easily controlled way while we still look altruistic to the general populace."

Landon and the elders were surprised by this as they had limited themselves to either a direct confrontation of martial might or taking a wait and see approach. These would both have pros and cons one showing them as being overly aggressive which may lead to others in the city rallying against them or appearing too weak to defend. Kyle's suggestion gave them the option of responding without appearing to be the aggressor.

"Excellent Kyle this is by far the best idea I've heard so far, who do you think would be best to spread these rumours?"

Landon had someone in mind but as Kyle now had the momentum and the attention of the elders he chose to let him take the lead to give him some prestige.

"Of course it can only be steward Isaiah, I wouldn't trust anybody else to be able to spread this information in the correct way. If we sell the information to hard no one will believe it and if don't expose enough no one will care."

Once again Kyle was pushing Isaiah to the front and showed faith in the old man as he was completely loyal and was above reproach. On remembering his past service and intelligence the other elders voted that they should follow this course and Landon called in Isaiah to confirm he knew what to do.

"Old friend do you have any questions about what is required?"

"Of course not master I will have the information in the general conscious before the end of the week."

Isaiah responded with confidence as he could easily spread this information through the commoner staff who came in from the city daily all it would take would be a few overheard conversations. It has to be said Isaiah was an excellent aide to Landon.

"Very well Kyle also wanted to speak to you so you are dismissed."

After Landon released them Kyle and Isaiah headed out with Ash following. He hadn't spoken in the meeting as it wasn't his place but he was impressed by Kyle's political acumen.

"Well Kyle what can I do for you."

Once they were away from prying eyes Isaiah dropped some of the formality he had and instead spoke to him in a grandfatherly way.

"Well gramps I want to see that guard captain from last night. The maid and her men weren't delivered so it's time to rattle some cages. Would you like to come along, it could be interesting."

"Of course I would love to see you work."

So the trio carried onto the guards barracks to see the soon to be screwed guard captain. In the barracks there are captains who command units of usually 8 men with a major commanding several captains, so when they arrived Isaiah went up and asked one of the nearby guards were the major was that was in charge of said captain. If a superior officer was with them it may offset some trouble with the other guards and those that the captain commanded.

After receiving the directions from the guard Isaiah led the way while Kyle looked around to see how things operated here. Seeing Kyle looking around Isaiah decided to give him some details.

"Kyle you should be careful while we are doing this as not all of these guards are from our family. Some of these men were hired from the army and others from subordinate families. They may stand against us if they are not made fully aware of the situation."

Kyle was aware of how the guards were hired hence why he brought Ash along, but he didn't think there would be a problem as even the guards who were there last night didn't seem to be involved in the attack.

Reaching the dorm of the major Isaiah knocked on the door and after speaking quietly to the major he lead them to a larger dorm a few doors down. When he arrived the major opened the door with a bang making everyone jump and when they saw who was there they all scrambled to stand at attention in the centre of the room.

"Captain A'hole why wasn't the prisoner delivered as ordered last night!"

Kyle froze when he heard this did he just call him A-hole?

"Wait wait did you just say the captain's family name was A-hole?"

Kyle questioned the major with a red face as he was trying not to laugh.

"Yes sir this is my family dorm he's my cousin."

"So you're major A-hole?"josei

"Yes sir."

The major responded while being confused with Kyle's questions. Why was he questioning his name? Kyle looked at the rest of the guards and couldn't resist.

"Just how many A-holes do we have here?"


With a resounding shout all the guards present stepped forward.

"I knew it I'm surrounded by A-holes."

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