Ascension of the elder

Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Part of the family

"Ash we'd better get back it's almost time for dinner."

When Ash heard Kyle he began to shake and looking out of the window he could tell by the sun it was getting close to that time.

"My lord we'd better hurry back."

Sensing Ash's strange condition Kyle motioned for the guards to carry on while he led Isaiah and Ash out from the barracks. As they left the barracks Isaiah spoke up.

"Well Kyle I'll need to inform Lord Landon as to what has transpired. When do you wish to interrogate the prisoner?"josei

Isaiah had decided to inform Landon about what was going on and also to warn him about possible corruption or collusion within the guards. If this was allowed to spread it would mean a loss of trust in the guards and may also invite trouble from outside. The guards of the Powell family didn't just run security within the estate they also provided security in their sphere of influence so if they could be easily swayed this would prove to be disastrous.

"I don't believe there is any rush yet, if he could corrupt the others easily he should have started with his own men or his superior officer. We'll schedule the interrogation for 3 days time, this should give him time to gnaw at his own panic, so it'll be easier to break him then."

Hearing Kyle Isaiah felt this was a good interpretation of the situation and allowing the former captain to stew was a good idea as his own imagination would cause him to exhaust himself. Isaiah then excused himself as he needed to report all of this to Landon and he also wished to tell him how well his son had handled everything.

Kyle began walking to his mansion followed closely by a twitchy Ash. Deciding he'd had enough of this he spoke to Ash.

"Ash what is wrong you aren't acting in your usual manner?"

"Well I promised my wife I would be back for dinner whatever happened and I don't want to let her down."

Ash said this while lowering his head, he truly wished to keep his promises to his family as he felt he owed them so much already and now they could be somewhat safe he didn't want to let them down again.

When Kyle heard this he was amused by Ash's thoughts, this was a good man and he didn't deserve the lot he had been dealt. Kyle carried on walking for a moment before he decided to ease Ash's torment.

"Well we don't want to be late so let's run."

Saying this Kyle took off at a sprint leaving Ash eating his dust before Ash laughed aloud and chased this crazy kid. With the training they had begun even if it was only for a little while, it was already beginning to show some changes due to the immediate effect the mana had on their bodies. People around could see 2 figures moving at a ridiculous speed with the larger figure laughing aloud. People gave these strange beings space so Kyle and Ash ran through the estate unimpeded and shortly left the populated regions on the way to Kyle's mansion.

Once they were clear of the populace Kyle began to accelerate further while Ash tried to keep up. Kyle was enjoying this, he hadn't had a chance to just run for the joy of it since he had come here and with his speed it let him feel free. He looked back and saw Ash struggling so he decided to wind him up a bit.

"Hey old man it looks as though age is catching up with you."

"Why you wait, I'll catch you eventually."

A red faced and puffing Ash was really struggling to keep up. How could a kid with such short legs be so damn fast? The victor was by now a foregone conclusion and when Ash arrived at the front door he found Kyle sitting on a step with a grin on his face.

"Looks like I won old man."

Kyle grinned at Ash before he headed in while Ash followed him while grumbling to himself. They walked towards the kitchen and as they approached they began to see the other members of the household. People were talking to each other while laughing and making introductions, this was facilitated by Nettie, Iris and Lauren who spoke to everyone freely making them all feel welcome.

When Nettie saw Kyle heading towards them she greeted him with her usual calm smile.

"Hello Lord Kyle welcome home."

"Hello Nettie how was your day?"

"Oh it's been excellent thank you. Also thank you for helping Zak he's been grumpy for ages this is the first time in a long time I've seen him smile like that."

She looked over to a corner of the dinner table where Zak and Randall were huddled together talking before they both burst into laughter. Seeing Kyle followed her line of sight she continued.

"He used to be like this all the time and he idolized his brother but something happened but now here we are. I do have to ask did he really pledge himself to you?"

A few people nearby heard their conversation and were surprised when she said Zak had pledged his life to Kyle. They looked at Kyle and Zak with respect as the holder of this pledge must have something to them for someone to commit at this level while the one who pledged showed honour but if they broke this pledge they would be cursed wherever they went.

"Yes he did, I'm not sure why but it would have stained his honour not to accept so even though I don't think I'm worthy I will ensure his future prospects."

This is how a pledge holder should act, the surrounding people believed this with their whole being and now they wanted to know how this would play out. Whoever that was something for the future, for now it was time to eat drink and relax. Kyle clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.

"Okay everyone it's been a hell of a first day so everyone will help however they can in making dinner and then you are released for the night. We'll organise guard patrols as of tomorrow and plan out duties and schedules but for today we'll relax."

Hearing what Kyle said everyone cheered and then got to work preparing dinner. People in this world didn't really get time to relax as they usually worked from sunup to sundown and there were only a couple of national holidays and festivals which would give them a day off.

As the food was being prepared people were chatting and Kyle grinned when he saw some of the younger blacksmiths and guards trying to chat up a few of the apprentice tailors. Nettie was also watching this with a glint in her eye, she was known as a matchmaker and seeing these youngsters she was raring to go.

Once dinner was ready everyone sat at the table and began to help themselves to the food and drink. Kyle was sitting midway down the table between Bruno and Miranda whose parents were sat next to her in turn Ash was sat opposite with his family next to him. Nettie was sat further down the table with Randall and Zak. Everyone was laughing and just enjoying themselves.

This was really just like a big family Kyle thought to himself and sighed while listening to the drone of conversation around him. Suddenly he knew someone was at the door and sensing who was there Kyle turned to Bruno and said to him.

"Bruno your parents are here you'd better guide them here."

Bruno didn't think about it he just put down his utensils and jogged out of the hall to meet his folks. Clara seeing this felt curious as was her nature and asked.

"Kyle how do you do that?"

Hearing how she spoke to Kyle her mother began to reprimand her.

"Clara remember its Lord Kyle."

"Don't worry about that Lauren when we are here we are family so just call me Kyle at the table. To answer you Clara, when I repaired the arrays in the mansion my mana connected me to them so when something is approaching the mansion tells me."

Hearing his response those around them didn't know what to think, but they just decided sorcerers and array masters are weird so no point worrying about it. Now someone had broken the ice and spoken to Kyle a few others began to speak to him.

They were surprised by how approachable and calm he was and a sense of pressure a few who hadn't interacted with him felt had now been lifted.

"Oh I have a question why don't you want us to breakthrough?"

One of the younger guards had this in his mind since earlier. If you could breakthrough why wouldn't you do this as soon as possible, the others who heard this were interested as well because this went against convention. Kyle put down his knife and fork before clasping his hands in front of him and he began to explain.

"I have discovered several previously unknown things about cultivation, this can be shown from the new technique we are developing. There is however more to this, currently when we breakthrough this isn't a clean progression and stifles your future prospects. Currently I'm waiting on another new cultivator to get enough mana to breakthrough so I can guide them in having a clear breakthrough. Once I can confirm it's possible I'll begin looking at ways of letting those at later level to clear their old breakthroughs. I know it's possible because I've done it but I need to know if others can do it as well. Hopefully that answers your question."

The man was thinking through this and found it was logical and he was more than happy with the fact Kyle was looking after his future as were the others at the table. Bruno and his parents had arrived when Kyle began explaining and they listened without wishing to interrupt. Once he had finished they came through and sat next to Bruno who began eating again immediately.

"Aunt Kelly Uncle Mike welcome to my home."

"Hello Kyle thank you for looking after our son."

Bruno's father greeted Kyle while his mother sat beside Bruno and began to fill plates for her husband and herself.

"No problem and welcome to the family."

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