Ascension of the elder

Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Arriving at the guild

"Well we start after you help cleaning up."

This was something new for Landon and Maria as they had always been nobles and had never had to do any domestic chores like this but under Kyle's insistence they joined in being directed by Lauren and Iris who Kyle had officially appointed as the head housekeepers.

Landon found that these domestic chores were quite calming for him as it took him away from the continual push to get stronger, Maria on the other hand was a disaster and like Ash and Bruno she was relegated to the table and told not to touch anything for fear she would hurt herself or someone else.

Once they were ready everyone headed to the training grounds, Kyle had everyone start with a run to warm up. Landon thought this was simple but followed Kyle's lead that gradually increased the speed forcing Landon to try and keep up. He lasted longer than the rest due to his higher cultivation but as he wasn't allowed to actively use his mana he eventually tapped out, leaving Kyle as the undisputed champion.

Once everyone was exhausted including Kyle they began to cultivate to regain stamina. As before Kyle was the first to recover so he began to check on the others. Even the new kids who had arrived yesterday became involved in the training so the whole household was present.

As Kyle was checking on Miranda and Bruno he found she was further along in clearing her level 0 nodes than Bruno was. Kyle felt this was likely due to the fact Bruno had already cracked his first gate so there was always a constant loss of mana flowing through the gate so he had less to concentrate on the earlier nodes. This should mean Miranda would be the first person to breakthrough so she would be the one Kyle used to see if she could make a perfect breakthrough like him.

The training continued with Landon and Kyle competing, this became a game and bonding experience to them and Kyle could feel the paternal care coming from Landon. On one of the breaks they were speaking about what had been happening.

"You know Kyle you shouldn't push yourself so hard, try having a little fun. The city is large so you should spend a little time out there and try to unwind.

"I'm planning on visiting the city later today to register with the array masters guild, I was also going to have a look at some of the shops as well. But I have been thinking do we have any intelligence gathering going on in the city to let us know of internal threats?"

Kyle had been thinking of this as he had only seen guards but he wasn't aware of any spies or other agents their family employed to maintain their security and warn them of incoming troubles. Landon looked at Kyle with a slightly confused expression before he spoke.

"Well we have the guards what else do you mean?"

"Guards can't check everything, do we have people who can investigate suspicions for us or who can search enemy territory without being discovered."

When Landon heard what Kyle said he could immediately see the advantage in having something like this but it wasn't something that was done as most would attack directly while attacks in the shadows like the poisoning of Kyle were considered dishonourable.

"No we have nothing like this. Do you have any ideas?"

Kyle thought for a moment before asking Ash who had been standing with them listening to their discussions.

"Ash there must be gangs in the slums you know robbers, prostitutes and beggars. Are there any who are reasonable and defend the people?"

"Sorry sir I don't know much about the gangs just that all the nobles try to put them down if they find them."

Hearing Ash, Kyle thought he had hit a wall until he could make contact somehow but before he dismissed this idea Dylan came up to them.

"Sir I heard what you were speaking about and I think I know someone who could help. She manages the whores in the area of the slums nearest to your territory and her enforcers protect and keep order in her patch. She also has contacts with the beggars and thieves as they will avail themselves of her services."

"Excellent Dylan when I go to the city I would like you to come along to introduce me to your contact is that okay?"

"No problem sir."

With a plan in place everyone continued their activities. Once training was over Kyle went to the forges and created the new arrays and explained their uses and limitations to the men present including a new 'separation' array which would breakdown alloys to their constituent components minimising the waste while they practised.

Kyle cleaned himself up once he was ready and headed out with Dylan as his guide and guard. They headed to the stables as the city was so large without any kind of transport it would take them hours to reach the central portion of the city where the guild branches were located. josei

When they arrived they found there were three steeds waiting for them with Maria standing beside hers. Kyle was surprised to see her but realising she must have learnt he was going to the array guild it made sense.

"Are you coming with me today mum?"

"Yes dear plus I had some work to speak with over at the guild. I hope you don't mind me coming along."

Maria didn't really ask and Kyle knew even if he said something she would still follow along so he chose not to worry about it and just checked the harness on his stead while Dylan was checking his.

These steeds weren't horses like what is present in our world. Rather they were demonic beasts called prism runners. They were four legged equine looking animals but they had scale like armour on their heads, necks and sides and their legs appeared to be coated in some kind of crystal. They had good strength and endurance but they weren't capable of fighting without assistance. Kyle thought the name was due to their speed and also to the varying hues of their scales which changed as the light hit them. Once they had finished they headed out of the gate while being bowed to by the gate guards.

As they rode along the city streets Kyle was impressed by the cleanliness of this area of the city. There was almost no visible rubbish or manure on the streets and the road they were on was a major throughway so it was as wide as an 8 lane motorway with a large pavement on either side for the pedestrian traffic.

New grange city had four main territories which came under the sphere of influence of each of the four noble families. The Powell family had the largest and most profitable territory second was the Black family who had commercial ties with other cities and mostly dealt with trade, they also had a friendly relationship with the Powell's. The third family was the Miles family who were suspected to have many illicit businesses and were involved in human trafficking. Finally was the Tor family who dealt mostly with the pleasure industry so they operated a lot of restaurants and casinos. The central area was controlled in conjunction between the imperial overseer and the three great guilds. While the array and blacksmith guilds fielded a full presence in the city the alchemist guild only had a branch here to help distribute pills and potions, they also provided services for those alchemists who had left the capital or who hadn't accepted residence there in the first place. Kyle and his entourage's first destination was the array guild so spurring their steeds they arrived as quickly as possible.

Arriving at the central zone Kyle inspected the buildings. The imperial overseer's mansion was in the centre and was surrounded on three sides by the guild buildings with the auction house taking the remaining side. Looking at this layout with the guild entrances facing the mansion and all of them being larger than the mansion including the branch of the alchemists, Kyle felt they were trying to intimidate or remind the imperial representative of their power and prestige.

Tying up their steeds they approached the array masters guild and entered through the castle like entrance. The inside was large and well lit dismissing the outside impression of a dark castle with burning torches providing light. There were expensive carpets and painting improving the atmosphere and people were walking around discussing things quietly with each other. Looking for where he should go his mother took his arm and led him to a quiet desk where a man was sitting looking through some papers.

"Hello Draken I have someone who would like to be tested as an array master."

His mother took the lead and spoke to the man. He took his eyes away from the paper and looked at Maria before turning his attention to Kyle.

"So you want to be an array master, sorry you're too young."

Hearing the man's response Maria began giggling while a corner of Kyle's mouth twitched.

"Why don't you try me old man."

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