Ascension of the elder

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: A quiet lunch

"Well in that case show us to a good commoner's restaurant."

Dylan was surprised by Kyle's suggestion but thought that if he was adamant that Dylan should eat with them he could at least take him somewhere which he knew wouldn't look down on people. So with Dylan in the lead the three returned to the Powell's territory and headed to one of the commercial districts within the area.

Kyle was looking around as he hadn't been out and about in the city before and as far as he was aware the previous Kyle had only been out occasionally and only to get some resource or another so he never stopped to smell the roses so to say.

The commercial district they were riding through was a mid-sized one for New Grange city and there was a wide variety of things for sale within. Kyle saw armourers, weapon smiths, doctors, apothecaries and a large number of small stalls and shops selling various items.

The whole area was brimming with a vibrancy Kyle hadn't seen in a long time as people had moved away from markets like this and instead things were ordered online with almost no human interaction. This shouting and screaming to sell and buy carried an energy which was infectious and even Maria was infected as she was looking around for things to buy.

The three were moving slowly through the district as the road was much smaller than the throughway they had ridden on to reach central zone and unlike some people they didn't want to hurt or cause anyone problems plus as a bonus they could see things they wouldn't have otherwise seen.

Kyle decided this may be a good place to pick up the seeds he wanted for the third floor basement he had in his mansion, so he decided to return here once lunch was over. Dylan carried on leading the way and within a short time they arrived at a tidy little inn just off of the main route through the district.

Dylan directed them through a large stable door to the side of the inn and explained that they could leave their steeds here if they wanted to explore the market. If they ate this would be a free service but if they weren't eating they would have to pay a fee. josei

The majority of payments in the district were made with copper and silver as gold was generally used for larger transactions or people would use their debit cards to make payments. Dylan lead the way to the inn's entrance and opened the door showing several worn but clean tables on a stone floor which was being swept by a barmaid at the moment.

When the barmaid looked up and saw Dylan entering she smiled before she spoke to him while blushing slightly.

"Hi Dylan are you doing well I heard you got a job with the Powell heir has he been good to you why haven't you been to see me recently?"

All this was said in one breath leaving the three arrivals looking at the girl with wide eyes before Kyle elbowed Dylan in the gut before saying.

"It's alright Dylan we'll go find a table you speak to your girlfriend."

Maria and Kyle left a spluttering Dylan while they giggled to each other and found a table in a nice quiet corner and watched Dylan try to regain some composure or dignity.

"Um hi Mavis I've been working at the estate and it's only been a day or two since I last saw you."

"I know but I still missed you. But tell me how is your new master and how's he treating you?"

Hearing Mavis's question Dylan smiled and looked towards Kyle and Maria who were inspecting the cutlery on the tables which was a combination of chopsticks, knives and forks. Kyle was trying to work out why they had the different types available on the table and just decided it was so you could use what you wanted. Dylan looked back to Mavis with a larger smile on his face.

"He's treating me really well he's even managed to heal me. I can train again so I've decided to work for him until he asks me to leave or I die in his service."

"Dylan you shouldn't make that kind of oath. You haven't even known him for more than a couple of days, plus I heard he's trash if you hitch your wagon to him won't you be in trouble later?"

Mavis spoke out the rumours that had been circulating around the market about the heir of the Powell family and that he would soon be removed from his position as heir and one of his cousins would be place instead. Dylan on hearing what Mavis said took on a cold look before saying.

"We'll take three specials, bring them over when you're ready."

Mavis was shocked by Dylan's sudden coldness and before she could say anything he turned away and went to the table with Kyle and Maria. Mavis realised she had said something she shouldn't and ran into the bag room while covering her mouth so she wouldn't cry out. She had been infatuated with Dylan for a few years now and was hoping he would propose to her. She didn't care that he couldn't cultivate and only wanted to be with him but her words had poked a previously sore spot for him and insulted his saviour.

When Kyle saw Dylan returning with a cold expression and Mavis running away with tears running down her cheeks, he looked at Dylan while cupping his hand under his chin and used his empathic sense to get an Idea of Dylan's mood. He could sense pain, regret but also anger. Deciding this wasn't a good thing for Dylan Kyle would have to intervene.

"So Dylan talk to me."

Maria hadn't noticed the interaction between Dylan and Mavis as she had been busy looking around the inn as she hadn't ever been to a place like this before. She thought it would be best to keep quiet and learn what Kyle was talking about. Kyle continued to look at Dylan while waiting for him to proceed.

"We had a fight, she insulted you and by extension me. I didn't think she would consider those who can't cultivate as trash."

Dylan looked even more depressed when he said this as it brought up all the fear and insecurity he felt when he was broken. Kyle continued watching him before he spoke again.

"Do you love her?"

"Yes I do."

Dylan didn't even pause before he responded but went red after he said this.

"Well do you think these words were directed at you or were her own or instead was she just repeating something she heard without thinking more about it? Context is important not just content."

Hearing what Kyle said Dylan began thinking about this and realised he was probably right. Mavis had never belittled him for being unable to cultivate and instead gradually got closer to him. What she said was about Kyle but he took that as a dig at him but it wasn't what was intended. Feeling better about this Dylan decided to speak to Mavis and sort out the misunderstanding.

They waited for about five minutes exchanging some small talk which was mostly Maria questioning Dylan about various things in the inn, before Mavis brought over their order while having red eyes. She placed their meals down while she looked away and avoided eye contact with everyone. Before she could run away Dylan caught her wrist and spoke to her.

"Mavis I'm sorry I overreacted I know you didn't mean to insult me when you said those things. Will you accept my apology?"

Mavis looked at Dylan with hope in her eyes. Over time she had found out what happened to Dylan in the army so she gained a great respect for him which eventually became love.

"Of course I accept your apology, also I need to apologise for saying those things about your master."

"Well no time like the present he's right there."

Pointing at Kyle Dylan smirked while Mavis turned to Kyle with a scared look on her face. Kyle just grinned.


Kyle simply said the first thing that came to his head while Mavis was afraid of retribution. Maria was looking at the interaction between these people like it was a soap opera. She knew Mavis had insulted her baby boy but she also knew it was due to ignorance so she would give her a chance.

"I'm sorry my lord I never meant to insult you. It was just what I heard in the market I didn't ever think I would meet you here."

Mavis was in a fluster as she had never been close to a noble before and she didn't know if he would take vengeance on her. Kyle was going to make fun of her but seeing her panic he felt it would be better to calm the situation and seeing she was Dylan's woman he didn't want her to worry for him.

"Don't worry about it I'm used to it, but you should take any rumours or second hand information with a pinch of salt. Looks like you've got some customers by the way."

Looking over Mavis's shoulder Kyle saw a group of rough looking men coming into the inn. Mavis bowed to him before hustling over to the new arrivals. As Kyle was watching these men he had a bad feeling and this feeling proved true when the leader of these men grabbed Mavis by the neck and shouted in her face.

"Where's the money."

Kyle remembered seeing something like this in a movie once, so like the movie he picked up one of the chopsticks charged it with mana before throwing it at the man's hand. The chopstick penetrated at the base of the palm where the hand joins the arm and passed through getting lodged in the bone. The man dropped Mavis who began coughing while being slumped on the ground.

"Ahhhhh who the hell did that, I will rip out your spine."

Kyle was as surprised as anyone that what he did worked as he was just messing around. Standing up he looked at Dylan who was pulling his sword and his mother who was summoning the surrounding mana ready for battle before he spoke in a voice only these two could hear.

"Awesome time to be a badass."

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