Ascension of the elder

Chapter 59

Chapter 59: Harem?

"Who is she?"

Kyle turned to the location the voice came from and saw Clara and Miranda standing there. Clara was the one who had spoken and was looking at Kyle like he had done something wrong while Miranda was pouting.

They can't be jealous we haven't been together long enough for that thought Kyle so he just deluded himself into thinking they were just suspicious of the new arrivals, so Kyle turned to Dylan.

"Can you take her to the infirmary, it's the largest room in the east corridor. Also can you take the men along and send them to the kitchen I had better explain what's going on. Hey kid go with your sister, I'll be along in a little bit okay."

Everyone followed their instructions and followed Dylan as he headed to the infirmary first. Kyle turned his attention back to Clara and Miranda.

"It's good to see you both getting along well. How has your day been did you do anything interesting?"

When Kyle asked them about their day they both wanted to tell him about the things they had done but Clara stopped Miranda before she could begin speaking and instead reiterated her question.

"Who are those new people?"

"Well I had a busy day thank you. The men are bandits who attempted to attack the restraint I was having lunch in after visiting the array guild. I'm an array master now by the way, after defeating them I had them made into slaves. I also made contact with what will become our intelligence arm and on my way back I encountered the kid who tried to pickpocket me. I managed to avoid having my wallet stolen and decided to help him by healing his sister. Are we all caught up now?"

Kyle decided it would be best to say everything as quickly as possible because he wanted to have a look at the girl's state. He didn't know how long she had been unconscious but she obviously hadn't eaten for a while before she collapsed so he was worried about how long she could last.

Clara and Miranda were just standing there with wide eyes on hearing what Kyle did during his day and just felt their day was much less eventful as all they had done was train, cultivate and help around the mansion.

"Would you like to come with me I want to check on the girl, with the lack of food her and her brother survived on she must be weak."

After dropping this on them Kyle began to head towards the infirmary while the girls followed while feeling guilty for holding him up when he was trying to help someone. When they entered the infirmary Kyle saw the girl laying on one of the beds with her brother sitting next to her. Dylan and the former bandits had already left for the kitchen.

Kyle approached the bed and spoke to the kid.

"It'll be alright, can you stand with the girls over there as I will need to concentrate."

Kyle indicated to Clara and Miranda. He didn't think the kid would be a problem but as he hadn't seen something like this before he wanted the kid to be controlled in case something happened. The kid didn't think much about it as his sister would still be in sight while he stood with the girls so he stood up and went to stand between them.

Once the kid was with the girls Kyle did his usual trick and extended his perception into the girl's spirit realm.

When his vision cleared Kyle was shocked by what he saw. The realm was devastated, but it wasn't like the damage he had seen in the guards and in others where they had trained low level techniques. No this was new the land was broken and still breaking while purple and blue energy pulsed out of her channels and nodes, the sky was blasted with lightning coming from the ground and was breaking and reforming at an insane rate.

This looked like the apocalypse, how was this girl even breathing while this was going on she should be dead no if, buts or maybes. It reminded Kyle of his realm when he first arrived in this universe and had to repair the damage caused by the overload of energy but this was far worse.

Kyle needed to find the source of this damage but also why she was still holding together so he extended his senses to locate anything untoward in this realm. He went further than he had ever gone before and narrowed his search gradually until he reached the source of her main channel.

The source is the point where the mana is extracted from the air and added to the channel making it a turbulent area within the spirit realm even at normal times. In this instance it resembled nothing less than a tornado as mana was being forcefully pulled in and blasted throughout the realm.

Kyle felt this tornado was the most likely culprit for the damage but he also felt this was also what was keeping her alive. The best way to fully heal her without disrupting the balance of destruction and regeneration was to slowly lower the mana turbulence allowing her body time to adjust and repair itself as she had more than enough mana now. Thinking about her mana levels Kyle quickly sensed her channel and was amazed to see that not even he first gate was open.

Given the amount of mana flowing through her the gate should be open but it was still sealed but it wasn't by some poison or array. This was another question that would require answers but for now he returned his attention to the mana tornado and exerted his soul force on it beginning to slow its force.

As the tornado began to inextricably slow the lightning and mana blasts began to decrease allowing the sky and land to begin healing. This would be a slow process unlike the healing the guards had undergone as that was just damage this was more akin to an auto immune response where the body was fighting itself.

There was visible improvement as Kyle maintained his concentration, suddenly something happened which almost made Kyle drop a brick. From within the tornado a voice sounded out. The scary thing was Kyle knew this voice. It followed him from the chaos realm.

"Hi big bro, I'm happy you found me. Can you help me fix this because I don't know what I'm doing?"

It was a childish voice that somehow echoed with an ancient feeling. It was the voice of one of the stooges that had followed behind him when he entered this universe.

"I'm going to help the girl but why are you in her? Also where are the other two I saw?"

"Oh when I saw what you did I thought it looked like fun so I found another shell. The others decided to look further afield so we could experience more variety."

"Well that sort of makes sense but what do you mean shell?"

"Oh when I found this meat suit the soul had already departed so I took it but I don't know how to fix it. I maintained its functions using my strength but I don't know how to make it work."

This was like speaking to a precocious child, they knew how to run a computer but if it broke they wouldn't know how to fix it. So for the next hour Kyle guided this outer god on the way to heal this body. It was happy as now it would have an experience it never had before.

As they were speaking Kyle managed to find out why they had followed him in the first place. It was simply boredom, these monsters have existed since before reality and as powerful as they are there wasn't anything to fill up the time. Also there was nothing strong enough to make them grow up so they were forever children.

Kyle was different than them as they had their strength since they came to exist while Kyle gained his through force of will. He also found out that he had taken in a tiny amount of chaos energy into his soul. This wasn't bad in fact it couldn't be better as this energy had removed all limits that shackled him.

This meant he would become more powerful than even these gods as he would strive to grow and become stronger, given enough time he would have no limit.

Kyle felt sorry for these beings as they had nothing to aim for or protect. They would occasionally enter a material universe and become a source of worship or fear but due to their strength they would distort reality around them driving people insane.

This time was different however as Kyle had shown them a way to interact with the material universe which had never occurred to them before, that being to take a body and truly experience life.

"I need to return to my people, if you continue as I showed you I think you'll recover pretty soon. When that happens would you like to stay with me so I can teach you how to be a human?"

Kyle was afraid what would happen if an outer god was let loose on this world without any limit.

"Oh that sounds perfect. Once I've fixed this I'll absorb the memories left behind but they are fragmented."

Kyle breathed a sigh of relief and bid the entity goodbye before exiting the spirit realm. Once Kyle moved away from the bed the other three in the room came over to him. The first to speak up was the kid.

"Is my sister going to be okay?"

He was really worried about his sister as she was his only family and the one who he loved the most. Kyle looked towards the kid and put his hand on his head.

"She'll be fine, it'll take a couple of days before she'll wake up but due to what she's gone through her mind may be a little messed up and she may have forgotten some things."

"Will she have forgotten me?"

The kid asked as his lip quivered and tears began to gather in his eyes. Seeing this Kyle felt his heart go out to this kid, he didn't deserve any of this.

"It'll be okay if she has forgotten anything you just need to be there to remind her and you are now one of us. We are a family and we look after our own."

Hearing what Kyle said the kid's tears finally burst and he rushed in and hugged a terrified Kyle who looked to the girls for help. For their part they also had tears in their eyes and when they saw Kyle seeking help they instead looked away leaving Kyle to deal with the kid.

"Okay, okay there's no need to cry. Why don't we go and have some dinner and then you can come back and look after you sister how does that sound?"

Kyle was trying his best to calm the kid down so he spoke in a soothing voice. When the kid heard dinner his stomach answered for him with a loud growl which made everyone laugh while the kid got a red face.

The four headed to the kitchen while Kyle was thinking if there was any way he could get some food the girl could ingest in her current state. Currently here body was being sustained by the mana in her system but this would only last for a little while, but hopefully the outer god would be able to come out of danger before it became a real issue.

As they entered the kitchen everyone greeted Kyle. The group was already sat around waiting for Kyle to arrive with the former bandits located with Dylan towards one end of the table with some guards mixed in. As they approached the table a coarse and loud voice unmistakably from Randall rang out.

"Ho boy I heard you got another member for the harem."josei

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