Ascension of the elder

Chapter 62

Chapter 62: Dylan strikes again

"Man I'm gonna need a holiday before the weeks over."

Kyle went and had a shower before going to bed, if he had time he might go and see the Black family. He was curious to see what this tool they had found was about and why they were so desperate to have someone fix it, to the point they had even put a general advert in the array guild rather than contracting someone privately. But this could wait and finally Kyle let sleep take him.

The following morning dragged himself out of bed at first light and jumped in the shower to give him a wake up before he brushed his teeth and finished dressing. This morning was different as Miranda wasn't waiting for him instead Clara was standing outside his door.

"Hi Clara were you waiting for me?" Kyle asked curiously.

"Yes sir, Miranda was practicing through the night and isn't ready yet so I said I would serve you while she gets ready."

Kyle didn't worry about this as Miranda was just doing as he had instructed so he headed to the entrance to await his new arrivals. He wanted to make a good impression on his slaves as they didn't appear to be in the best of condition regardless of how Lady Sparrow had treated them.

Kyle barely had a chance to sit down before his slaves arrived, they were accompanied by two people one was Faye and the other was wearing a brown robe which fully covered them and hid their face.

Kyle just used the mansions senses and was able to discern who this new arrival was. It was no none other than Lady Sparrow herself. Kyle smiled at this as it appeared he'd made more of an impression than he first thought and she had taken him up on his offer to visit him.

As before the doors opened at Kyle's will with no one near them which made the girls fearful of this strange place. Faye and Lady Sparrow were unperturbed however as they knew Kyle was special so of course his home would be different as well.

When the group had all entered the doors closed quietly behind them which made most of the girls huddle together. Kyle approached them and greeted the sisters with a mischievous grin.

"Good morning Faye and good morning Lady Sparrow."

Bowing slightly Kyle was happy to see the surprised and concerned look on Faye's face while Lady Sparrow dropped the hood of her robe while she was pouting slightly.

"How did you know it was me?" It appeared she wanted to shock or surprise Kyle with her sudden appearance but he had ruined the surprise.

"You really shouldn't underestimate me."

Kyle spoke simply but it was the truth, currently he had several cards he could pull and as time went on his advantages would only increase. Lady Sparrow took his words to heart and promised herself never to underestimate this young man.

"Well ladies welcome to your new home. I'm Kyle and will be your owner from now on, if you would follow me well get some breakfast in you and then you'll be joining the rest of the household in our training. Faye, Lady Sparrow you'll be joining us as well of course. I do need to introduce you to the others."

Kyle wasn't really asking so they none of them had any way to refuse even the sisters, not that they would have refused anyway as this was why they had come in the first place. They wanted to see what Kyle could bring which would help them if they needed it.

As they made their way through the mansion Kyle acted like a tour guide, pointing out certain facilities and interesting points around the mansion. This shocked everyone as the facilities here were beyond anything they had seen before.

Kyle was happy to show them around as this was the first time he had been able to show off his home since he had unlocked some of its secrets. Kyle took a roundabout route to show off more and also so he could stop at the infirmary to check on Chad and Elena.

When Kyle entered he saw Chad was up and dressed. He appeared to have only been up for a little while but when he saw Kyle he ran over to him and hugged him.

"Hi big brother did you come to see me?"

Chad had got attached to Kyle really quickly. He must have been starved for attention since his parents passed and after having to try and save his sister he had been pushed to the brink. Suddenly Kyle had appeared and pulled him out of the mire so he had taken him as part of his family. Particularly with the way Kyle spoke of everyone in the household as extended family.

"Yep just wanted to check up on you and see if you wanted to get breakfast together."

Chad nodded quickly before rushing back to his sister and whispered something in her ear before coming back over to Kyle. When Chad returned the group left the infirmary and headed to the kitchen.

Clara was stood near the slave and was answering questions as the girls had them, mostly this was related to what their duties may be and what would be expected of them. However when they saw Kyle speaking to this kid who looked like a street urchin just a freshly washed one they asked Clara what was happening.

"Um excuse me miss but who is that child hanging onto the master?"

"Oh his name is Chad, master Kyle picked him up from the street yesterday. He's curing the boy's sister and has kind of adopted him."

The girls were surprised hearing this and began whispering to themselves. Faye heard this as well and was also shocked, she looked to her sister but couldn't glean anything from her expression so instead she looked to Kyle and Chad who was now swinging of Kyle's arm like a little monkey which drew a giggle from her.

When they finally arrived at the kitchen the preparation was in full swing with the full crew there even Landon and Maria with Shauna and Isaiah. This looked like it would be a daily thing now with everyone working together.

When they walked in everyone greeted Kyle and Clara. Kyle introduced everyone to their new arrivals before he rolled up his sleeves and jumped in with everyone else. The slaves joined in as well as they could but some of them had no experience doing things like this.

Everyone was very forgiving and soon they began to relax, the strangest view however was the elegant lady sparrow mixing eggs and dunking bread in the mixture with a happy face. She had never had a chance to do things like this while being surrounded by such a happy crowd, she could finally let her mask slip if only a little.

The 'shadow hand' was also present, they were a bit weirded out by the whole situation. Weren't they going to be fodder, why were they included? Kyle could see they were confused so after he gave them the stick last night he decided it was time for the carrot. Kyle called them over as someone took over from him for a minute.

"Look none of my people are expendable. Regardless of how it happened you are mine now and that means you are part of the family so grad some plates and start laying the table."

Finished with what he wanted to say he returned to his job while the 'shadow hand' began to carry out their task while hoping that maybe this wouldn't be a bad situation.

A few of the new slaves heard what Kyle had said and also had the same hope growing within them. Out of everyone here there was one who wasn't moved or maybe it was more accurate to say she didn't care. This was the burned girl, she had built up walls around her heart and mind since her injury and betrayal by her master.

Miranda arrived shortly after Kyle and rushed over to him.

"I'm sorry I'm late sir." She spoke while hanging her head down which made a couple of people giggle to the side, including her parents.

"Its fine Miranda you were only doing as I asked. Can I check your progress?"

Miranda nodded and Kyle inspected her cultivation. The new arrivals were confused but they would learn shortly. Kyle was pleased as Miranda was ready, her nodes were clear and had begun their strengthening and her mana was brimming.

"Miranda did you feel anything during your training, I've spoken to you about the nodes and I need to know if there is a sign when they clear and also how does your mana feel?"

Kyle needed to know if there were indications of when the nodes were clear and also how the mana in her body felt now that there should be enough for a full breakthrough.

"Well last night I did feel something. Really late I suddenly felt a rush of warmth flow through the points you get me to circulate on, once I felt it, it didn't fully leave. My mana has a tingle to it I haven't felt before it's like the air before lightning strikes you know?"

Kyle nodded at what Miranda had said. Even though he didn't feel the tingle this was probably due to the way he broke through but the flow of warmth did ring true so these were probably good indicators but he would still need a larger sample of people to confirm.josei

"Okay that's good it looks like we are ready for you to breakthrough but first we should have breakfast and do one more training session before you breakthrough so you're in top form."

Miranda nodded and was happy she would be able to progress this quickly. Everyone gave her some early congratulations before everyone sat down to eat.

While everyone was eating Maria spoke to Lady Sparrow as she was at a similar age and had a refined air to her which was making it hard for others to talk to her.

"So how do you know my son?"

Dylan was sat a few chairs down and on hearing Maria's question piped up as Lady Sparrow seemed to be struggling on how to respond.

"Oh she's the owner of the brothel we went to yesterday."

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