Ascension of the elder

Chapter 66

Chapter 66: Express elevator to hell


Kyle looked at his mother with an aggrieved expression, what did he do to deserve that? Landon was looking between them and he could see what his wife was doing. Kyle seemed to get too caught up in his thoughts so he needed someone to bring him back sometimes. Landon could see this as this was something he did himself, he would chase a line of thought until it became a knotted mess.

Maria was his light and would show him the way when he couldn't see a way out. This was usually by forcing him to step back, take a breath and look at whatever was playing on his mind with a fresh outlook.

"Anyway I've thought of something I could do with your help with mom. With the projection training you've been doing could you switch to producing shapes or images and let me know if your soul force still increases."

"I don't have a problem doing that for you dear but can I ask why?"

"Well you know a lot of what I can do is related to my strong soul force, I think this will help my guys to become stronger as well but they don't have the time to become array masters. But if they can train in image projection rather than arrays with the same strengthening effect, it will solve the problem."

Maria could see the advantage in doing it this way as when you produce arrays you have to hold a clear intent and understanding of what you're doing. But if you can produce a static image without inputting the intent it would be much easier. You could even produce an image using what you are directly looking at.

With image training on the table Maria readily agreed because if this worked it would make her own training much easier and if she could avoid the mental drain when she was so focused she should be able to train for longer. She thought she would need help to check against her results to make sure it wasn't a fluke and she had just the person in mind.

"Kyle I know you want to cross check your results like how you trained Miranda and Ash so I'm assuming you'll want someone else to partake in this experiment."

"Yes but I don't know any other array masters who I can trust and my strength isn't going to be useful to check the progress as it's my mana which is to low not my soul force."

"Well I think I know someone who would be interested in helping. It's my master I sent a letter when I received my master's certification and I would imagine she'll be coming before long."

Kyle thought this was a good idea as he knew that experiments require multiple results to check against. While Kyle could begin training his people in this form straight away the initial stages would be slow going. If an accomplished array master used it instead the results would be more readily apparent.

Landon however was sweating when he hear his wife's teacher was to return to his city. He really didn't know how to deal with her and when he and Maria had told her they were getting married she threatened that if he played away she would remove Mr Happy in the most brutal way possible. Even thinking about it now Landon's legs drew closer together and his face became pale.

Kyle saw his father's condition and was worried something dangerous was on the horizon.

"Dad are you okay you look pale and sweaty. You haven't come down with an illness have you?"

"I'm fine Kyle just remember never get on the bad side of your mother's master. Can you promise me that, please promise me?"

Kyle was shocked by his father. What had this woman done to instil such a palpable dread? Maria remembered how her master scared Landon since they were young so she was used to him acting like this whenever her master was mentioned.

"Kyle don't worry about your father he's just being silly. For now we'll take our leave, when do you think you'll be able to help with our breakthrough?"

Landon came out of his funk when he heard his wife speak about training again. This was something he wanted desperately as he had sensed the spike in strength from Ash when he had his secondary breakthrough.

"Oh if you haven't got time now we can do it during tomorrow's training."

Kyle had checked his parents when they had been training and found their nodes were cleared so they could have their secondary breakthrough at any time.

Hearing Kyle's response they were both happy before the family of three hugged and Maria and Landon took their leave while saying goodbye.

As they were leaving Kyle noticed something which made him grin. Isaiah and Nettie were chatting quietly in a corner of the grounds. They were the oldest members present and neither were married so it was natural they began to chat amongst themselves. As he watched on Isaiah said goodbye and gave Nettie a smart salute before following Landon.

Nettie watched him until he was fully out of sight before turning back with a soft blush on her cheeks. It wasn't known what they had spoken about but Nettie obviously enjoyed the attention. As she turned back she saw Kyle watching her with a grin on his face. Deciding not to say anything she just rushed away while being trailed by her trainees.

Randall headed out with his men next so they could continue their training to become true weapon smiths. Zak had been speaking to Randall to see if he needed any equipment, Nettie was all set for the minute but as Randall was refurbishing existing equipment he may need smaller items like belts and latches which would be better sourced from outside so they didn't lose anytime while they were producing their new products.

Once Zak got a list of the consumables he needed from Randall he approached Kyle to see if he needed him for anything else.

"My Lord I'm going to be heading to Mike's (Bruno's Dad) store with Kelly. Do you need me to pick up anything for you while I'm over there?"

Kyle couldn't think of anything he needed for a minute but he did want to head over there later and with Zak there he could take notes of what he needed to upgrade the stores protection.

"I don't need anything but once I've trained the 'shadow hand' I'll come over as I want to check the array's I need to install or upgrade so could you wait for me there?"

"Of course sir no problem."

With this Zak walked away with Kelly so they could see about the requirements Randall needed. When they were out of sight Kyle clapped his hands gaining everyone who remained attention.

"Well now starts the real training, Bruno you'll be training with the guards as your style best matches them. Clara, Miranda you can train with the new maid crew along with Iris and Lauren. Liam you and me will be training with 'shadow hand' any questions?"

No one spoke for a minute before Lauren spoke up.

"Kyle you've got a name for the group who are going to be working in the slums but what about us and the guards?"

Kyle stopped for a minute, he had already come up with a name for the guards a long time ago but for the girls he was struggling. Suddenly a flash of inspiration came to him from what must have been some higher being.

"Well the guards already have a name they are my 'death watch' but the maids shall be known as the 'steel lotus' any other questions?"

Nobody had anything else to say so the groups began to speak amongst themselves before Kyle began to direct them.

"Okay for now you guys need to reach a minimum level so 'steel lotus' and 'death watch' will both train and cultivate with Ash in charge 'shadow hand' come with me we will be cultivating in the large pressure chamber."

Before he left to begin training Lady Sparrow came over to see him. josei

"I'm sorry sir but I must return to the business. We can't be away for too long but if it's okay Faye will stay and train today while I will stay tomorrow."

"Yes that's sensible so you can leave. Faye can you train with 'steel lotus' please."

Faye who was behind her sister nodded while Lady Sparrow said her goodbyes before she left. Kyle took his men and headed to their training room. After they entered Kyle sealed the room before he looked at them with a sadistic smile which made these hardened criminals shake.

"Welcome to hell."

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