Ascension of the elder

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Maid outfits are hard to design

"Hey guys what's up?"

Everyone looked at Kyle while Kyle looked back with a confused expression on his face. The awkwardness continued to grow when suddenly Dylan returned. That big dumb beautiful dingbat managed to break the strange atmosphere as soon as he came in.

"Hey guys what are we doing? Oh boss I've got the details you were after."

"Thank you Dylan, what took you so long by the way? Did you happen to stop off and see Mavis?" Kyle wanted to tease Dylan a little after all he wanted him to know he wasn't really angry that he dropped him in it with his mother earlier.

"What do you mean boss it just took a little longer to get the info than I thought." Dylan became flustered with Kyle's accusation and began flapping his hands around in a panic before everyone began laughing at him.

"Hey that's not fair why are you all laughing at me?" With the atmosphere back to where it should be everyone sat down to have lunch. Kyle spoke with Nettie and Randall during the lunch time about clothing and arms.

Everyone would have general wear produced by Nettie. The men would wear similar styles to what Kyle wore while the women could come up with some specifics they chose themselves. With regards to combat gear the 'shadow hand' would have a similar armour to that which Kyle had ordered earlier but with more plates and dyed black.

It was similar to a bullet proof vest made with flexible plates so it would allow a full range of movement. For the 'death watch' Kyle came up with a design which was similar in look to a sci-fi power armour with the head fully enclosed. This would take time to produce plus he was planning to place a mana crystal as a power source to aid in its movement.

In the short term they would produce a prototype of this form to mess around and experiment with so for now the 'death watch' would have plate chest armour with armoured hard leather armour on the arms and legs with plating at key points. As they were doing the designs and batting ideas back and forth a few of the 'death watch' came up and put in their ideas and opinions so before long they had a plan in place.

Next came the plans for 'steel lotus', now this was going to be hard. These were his secret troops so he didn't want them visible. For combat he decided on a full black armoured body suit with an incorporated mask and hood. There would also be loops and points for weapons and tools to be placed. This armour was very figure hugging and when the girls saw it they blushed.josei

Kyle didn't think much about morality or shame when he came up with this design. Instead this design was meant to allow free movement and not having loose fabrics or extras that could get accidentally caught up while they are on mission.

The hard thing to design was the maid's duty outfits. Apparently there is no standard for this attire and it can vary from outfits that would make a prostitute blush up to the full old English maid outfit which brushed the ground and no skin was visible. There was also everything in between which made Kyle struggle as to how he should design it.

Clara and Miranda saw how much he was struggling so they came over and began to give their opinions and before long Lauren and Iris had become involved as well. As more and more ideas were put in and thrown out more of 'steel lotus' became involved until Kyle was surrounded.

The men had gradually worked their way up the table until it was only Kyle. Randall had abandoned him as soon as the ladies became involved as his instincts had warned him not to get involved so as a man of action he valiantly threw his lord under the bus and ran for cover.

After almost an hour they had come up with an acceptable design it was a straight black dress with a white blouse with red highlights on the collar and cuffs. Kyle was surprised with some of the designs the ladies had come up with which ranged from armour to almost underwear.

Once he had made the decision he told Nettie and Randall that Zak would arrange a schedule so everyone could get measured up for a few outfits before they started producing their armour. Finally Kyle placed his attention on Dylan.

"Okay Dylan what did you manage to gather about the ruin?"

"Well sir the land that that portion of the slum rests on is still technically under the ownership of the Powell family. Because a lot of people have taken the surrounding lands your family signed that land over to them as they didn't have the means to repair it in the short term, but as no one wanted the ruins you can buy them from your father for a pittance."

Hearing Dylan Kyle was pleased as with this he could try what his mansion had shown him without fear of someone trying to seize the property. So once they had finished and everyone was heading out Kyle wanted to at first see his father to get a figure for the land and to go and see Zak and Mike about the shop.

Dylan stood up when he saw Kyle was leaving as he thought he would go with him. Kyle seeing this stopped him.

"Dylan you missed out on your training so you need to make up for it this afternoon. Ash make sure he makes up for being late. One you will follow as my guard for now, Faye do you want to accompany me as we'll be close to your sister's place when we finish."

Everyone jumped to follow his orders when Kyle shouted out to them. Ash was looking at Dylan like he was a chicken wing which made Dylan a little nervous. One approached Kyle and stood 2 steps behind him as he had seen Dylan doing yesterday. Faye happily came over and stood next to Kyle. She was still a head taller than he was so she felt like an older sister when they stood together.

As they were preparing to leave Miranda, Bruno and Clara approached them. Bruno spoke to Kyle while Miranda and Clara looked at him with expectant eyes.

"Hey bro is it okay if we come along as well?"

Bruno wanted to see his folks while Miranda and Clara just wanted to go out for a bit. Kyle couldn't see any reason to reject them.

"Yup no problem but like I said I want to speak to my dad first."

Everyone agreed and so they headed to them main hall to speak with Landon. When they approached the main hall Kyle indicated the rest should wait while he dealt with his father. Upon entering the main hall Kyle saw his father was in discussion with the elders again. His uncle Harris was the first one to notice him entering the room and sneered at him.

"What are you doing here brat we are speaking about things you don't need to know."

Harris decided to belittle Kyle but when the elders saw who it was they didn't back up Harris as they had seen his acumen during the last meeting he had intruded in. Landon upon seeing that his brother was speaking to his son with such disrespect became angry.

"Harris remember who you are speaking to so shut up or will I need to make you."

Kyle seeing his father's reaction thought this was very reminiscent of Zak and Randall. There was some serious sibling rivalry going on here and with Kyle still not telling anyone about his cultivation progress was making Harris arrogant. Landon dismissed Harris from his mind once he saw he didn't respond and looked at Kyle.

"What can I do for you son?"

"I wanted to speak to you about the ruins that are still our property in the slums. How much would it take to have them signed over to me personally?"

Kyle wanted these ruins out of the hands of the family and for them to be his personal property like his crystal mansion as what they could do would become one of his trump cards. Landon was surprised by this but still indicated that Isaiah should speak.

Isaiah flipped through a ledger he had in front of him and began to check the land value and how much they sold the land in the area for. Finally Isaiah had a figure for the ruins and some of the surrounding land included.

"Well sir to buy the entire plot would cost 30 silvers."

Hearing this value Kyle was happy as the funds his father had dedicated to his household was 200 gold and with the way things had been going Kyle had only spent 3 gold to get setup so far and before long they would have money coming in. Kyle made the payment using his guild card and received the deed for the property before leaving.

When the group outside had heard Kyle had brought more land they were confused as to what he was planning to do with it before Clara asked.

"Um Kyle what are you planning on doing with the ruins. Everyone says they're haunted or cursed."

"Well Clara I'm going to make my super villain base."

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