Ascension of the elder

Chapter 70

Chapter 70: Literally literal face slapping

"Hey maggot why are you bothering these store owners you little ***** ****** ****** why don't you go back to daddy and *********** ***** ***** **** **** **** with a banana and cream."

*Clink, clink* that was the sound of a pin dropping. Everyone was looking at Kyle open mouthed. How could a child of only 8 swear with such vulgarity and inventiveness? The child of the Miles family and his guards were just looking between each other unsure of what to do.

It was unknown who started it but suddenly someone in the crowd began laughing before they were joined by the whole surroundings who were laughing uproariously. Bruno was laughing and One was trying to stifle his laughing as he was supposed to be a guard right now. Clara was red from embarrassment while Miranda was confused as she didn't know most of the words Kyle used.

As they were being laughed at the people from the Miles family gradually became angry before the kid who was leading them moved to confront Kyle.

"How dare you speak to me like that do you have no idea who I am!?"

Hearing the Miles spawn Kyle grinned even more widely before he responded.

"Nope haven't got a clue, you can't be very important in that case so you'd better get back to daddy before something bad happens to you."

Hearing Kyle's taunt the spawn couldn't take it anymore and in a burst of hubris he attacked.


The spawn shouted out his move before his leg had begun to glow and he did a spinning kick towards Kyle's head. Most of the surrounding drew in a breath as when they heard the name of this move they realised it was one of the central skills of the Miles family.

It was different for the people on Kyle's side, Miranda, Bruno and Clara on seeing this skill could only think 'weak' while One had the thought 'well you're screwed now'. Kyle was watching as this skill was getting closer to him in slow motion.

Due to his enhanced reflexes and sense of time displacement Kyle had enough time to have a monologue with himself.

'Why would you shout out the name of the skill? Is this meant to be strong or is he just stupid? Why is the mana use so unstable? I wonder what's for dinner tonight. Oh look there's a sparrow in the window I wonder if it's an African or European? What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?'

While Kyle was thinking this the spawn's leg was approaching and the spawn had a vicious smile on his face. How dare this peasant disrespect him like this he would teach him his place and take the girls he came with to torture and break them like he had seen the older members of his family do previously.

The Miles family really had nothing to commend them as they even taught their youngest members how to abuse and torture people. How could such a family produce anyone worthwhile and honourable?

As the leg was about to hit him Kyle came out of his daze and immediately used the 'tyrant fist' skill as this was currently the only skill he knew. Although this skill was only a foundational skill in the hands of others and the 'tornado kick' was a higher rated skill this was only due to people being unable to fully use the 'tyrant fist' to its full capacity.

Kyle didn't strike but only defended but the rebound force made the spawn spin around like a top before collapsing on the ground. He wasn't injured just a little disoriented from the fall. Returning to his feet he faced Kyle who moved in closer to him.

"You dare my family will destroy you and your moth*SMACK*."

Just as he was about to threaten Kyle's mother Kyle gave him a good open palmed slap across the face. Ahh that's better. The spawn could only put his hand on the side of his face in disbelief; he didn't even see Kyle move.

"Did you just slap me?"

"I don't know did it fell like this?" *SMACK*.

Kyle had backhanded him this time on the other cheek; the spawn couldn't even react before being face slapped. Kyle was enjoying himself now, he wouldn't normally hit a child but this one was a bit far gone and if he wanted to teach him anything it would take a good shock to get him to listen.

Now the guards of the spawn were angry and began to move in on Kyle with the intent of severely injuring or killing him. One on seeing the guards moving also stepped in.

"Why don't we let the young ones finish their game?" One said to the guards using an impressive sense of decorum and understanding Kyle was doing something.

"Get out of the way or you will die as well." The older of the guards shouted at One before attacking him.

It has to be understood One was a well known fighter even if he lost to an abnormality like Kyle he was rather strong in his own right. Seeing the attacks of the guards One realised how slow they were in comparison to Kyle's move and he was grateful for the training he had earlier as these moves seemed to be travelling at a snail's pace by comparison.

*BANG, BANG, THUMP, RIP, and CRACK* within five moves One had taken both guards down and returned to his position behind Kyle. On seeing One's understanding Kyle smiled at him before looking at the spawn again.

"So now that little mulligan is out the way where were we? Oh yes you were going to explain to me about my mother. Please carry on I'm all ears."

Kyle was looking at the spawn with a look of anticipation on his face.

"How dare you I'm going*Smack* who do you think you are I'll get*Smack* stop slapping me I*Smack*."

Now the spawn had both cheeks red and he had begun to tear up from being abused like this. What had he done to deserve this he was only doing as he had seen the others in his family doing?

Kyle could see the spawn's confusion and he decided this would be the best time to try and correct this kid's course. If he still became someone like the elders in his family Kyle would destroy him but he truly believed no child is beyond saving.

"Well spawn think about what has just happened to you and how you feel. Now remember the people you've stepped over or on using your family's name. No one deserves to be treated like this if they don't deserve it. Now get out of here and take those guards with you."

The spawn headed out while his guards hobbled along helping each other. While the guards were thinking of revenge and telling their family head about what happened, the spawn was instead running through what Kyle had said to him. It wasn't an auspicious start but the fact he was questioning his actions means he wasn't a totally lost cause.

With all the hassle out of the way Kyle could finally speak to Mike and Kelly. He headed through the dispersing crowd and approached them with Zak to his left.

"He Uncle Mike, Aunt Kelly. Hope you don't mind me taking out the trash?"

"No I'm happy for the help; he's a noble so we couldn't do anything to him. Zak told us what you wanted for the mansion, do you need anything else?" Mike responded to Kyle while Kelly was giving him a grateful look.

"Nope I don't need anything else but I do need to check the rest of the rooms to finalise the plan for your protection arrays. Do you also have a mana crystal on site?"josei

"Yes we have in the basement store. Do you want to head down there first?"

"No I'll inspect up here then go to the basement before leaving."

With this Mike showed Kyle through the rest of the rooms with Zak and One while Kelly took the others to their private rooms for some tea.

Once Kyle had finished checking the third floor he went through the first 2 floors again to make sure he hadn't missed anything before proceeding down to the basement. The mana crystal was located in the centre of the basement.

It wasn't even a third of the size of the crystal in his mansion and rather than floating freely it was instead suspended by metal rods which were attached to a control ring embedded in the floor. The craftsmanship and quality of this ring was awful as well.

Kyle decided to revamp the whole thing mimicking the control ring from his mansion when he was redoing all of the arrays. Luckily he could use array projection and 'shaping' arrays to complete this he just needed some time to draw out a rough plan. While Kyle, Zak and One were waiting on the first floor while Mike headed up to get the others Kyle heard a shout from the entrance.

"Kyle you little bugger when did you decide to get a life?"

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