Ascension of the elder

Chapter 78

Chapter 78: Everyone was kung fu fighting


Kyle boosted his voice with mana as he shouted this as he wanted all the attention from the enemies on him and away from the captured children. The men who were loitering around took a second to react to this dark cloaked figure shouting so loudly in a child's voice. Who wouldn't need a moment in this situation after all, when the man Kyle had kicked during his freefall crashed into the boxes behind it seemed to wake the men up and they started shouting and attacking.




These were all valid questions but Kyle wasn't interested in giving any answers and began an epic beat down. Kyle hadn't drawn his sword yet as he needed more noise and chaos to draw more enemies towards him.

Kyle was fully letting himself loose and was grabbing arms and legs as they were coming towards him and using them as leverage so he could get clean kicks to the heads and chests of the men who were approaching.

As he was outnumbered Kyle needed to use the enemies' numbers against them and the best way to do that was to turn them into weapons for his use. Kyle had begun to infuse a small amount of mana throughout his sub-nodes to give him an edge, so when one of the men tried to kick him from behind Kyle sensed his action and grabbed his foot before pirouetting while still holding his leg giving him some good momentum to throw him with force into a another group who were approaching from one of the aisles.

Another tried to punch him in the face so Kyle caught his fist pulled it around towards his waist before dropping an elbow to his forearm breaking it. The man dropped to the floor and Kyle used him like a puck and kicked him along the floor tripping up another few men. This was looking like a kung fu movie until men started appearing with weapons. When he saw the armed men Kyle kicked it up a notch and began using the boxes around to avoid the strikes.

One of the men rushed at Kyle with a great sword fully intending to split Kyle from head to groin, Kyle pulled over a middle sized box into the man's way halting him before Kyle sprung over the box successfully planting both feet solidly in his chest launching him into the day after tomorrow with a satisfying crunch.


Ash and his men were waiting for Kyle to start the party but it had been a while now. There was currently no noise so Ash didn't think they had been found yet but he couldn't help worrying for Kyle as he was still just a kid regardless of how smart and strong he was.

Ash looked at the men who were around him and saw his worry mirrored in their faces. One of the men spoke to Ash once he couldn't take the pressure anymore.

"Sir is the Lord okay? Should we go in now?"

"No Lord Kyle will be fine just trust in him okay."

While Ash reassured his men he couldn't help but look at the building again and said a silent prayer when suddenly "LET'S ROCK" echoed through the air.

Shocked at the sudden sound Ash took a moment to respond before a grin broke his face.

"I guess that's the sneaky part of the mission over LET'S GO."

With that they headed to their job's 'shadow hand' moved to the side entrance while the 'death watch' members rushed to the large doors. They didn't have to open these full doors as within one side was a smaller access door which was still big enough for all of them to get through.

Entering the building they could hear the sounds of fighting a little way away so Ash led the way towards the battle when all of a sudden they heard it.


This was the sound of an enemy being somehow launched through the air and hitting the wooden catwalk above before dropping unconsciously to the floor below. The catwalk was an impressive 4 meters above them and the man was fully grown so Ash couldn't help but exclaim.


Which was mirrored by the other men around. Shaking themselves from their stupor they made their way through the maze of boxes. As they got closer they started encountering more guards and a series of short brutal battles began.

Ash rushed up to one of the enemies who was moving cautiously towards the battle and just gave a large strike to his back killing him with no fuss. As Kyle said this wasn't a fair fight so they shout take any advantage they have. The others were also following this same line of thinking and felt no qualms attacking the enemy from the flank.

Gradually Ash and the 'death watch' managed to get to Kyle and saw an unknown man in a cloak blocking 3 large men who looked like they would be captains of this gang. While Ash didn't know who this man was for certain, the way he moved and attacked reminded him of Kyle's style so he moved in to help by slashing at one of the men's side.

The man seemed to sense the attack and so he disengaged from Kyle to defend himself. This took the pressure off Kyle who may be OP but was still struggling with these 3 as their cultivation was much higher and they were using everything they had.

Kyle was able to defend himself using his martial arts but gradually they were able to push him back and pressure him. With Ash distracting one of them Kyle had more room to manoeuvre, so with a quick back step he allowed the enemy to over extend themselves and using a box behind him as a kicking off point he managed to land a flying spin kick to one of the men's chin shaking his brain effectively knocking him out.

This left the other man who seemed to have gone nuts with red eyes and bulging veins. This man looked like he was in a full roid rage(don't do drugs) and was wheezing and huffing like he was going to have a heart attack at any moment.

Before Kyle or the man could act however a sword took his head from behind. It was Dylan who was with the rescue team. Kyle was glad his men were with him and thought to himself 'who wants to fight alone all the time?'

Dylan gave Kyle a big smile while looking around, there were bodies everywhere some alive more not so much. Ash was still fighting but the enemy was losing handily and with a quick strike to his stomach he was done.

Ash looked at Kyle with a question in his eyes before asking one word.


"Yup how do I look? Good right."

Kyle decided that they should finish this up so he, Dylan and Ash ranged out helping the out finish up the other fights. Kyle moved towards the side entrance and saw that 'shadow hand' were all still standing but as they weren't as strong as 'death watch' yet they were a bit more roughed up but nothing a little cultivation won't cure.

Kyle's next stop was the cage and he saw several enemies on the ground with crossbow bolts sticking out of various places before *thunk* a bolt was lodged just a little away from his head. Looking to the source he saw a shame faced Five waiving nervously saying.

"Sorry I couldn't see you properly."

"Don't worry about it, we're almost done so grab the kids and head for the side door they don't need to see what happens next."

One had appeared on hearing Kyle's voice so he began ushering the kids along with Five and Chad's help. Kyle headed towards the office he had seen previously with 'death watch' gradually emerging to join with him.

When they reached the office they found four men standing with weapons at the ready. One of these men was obviously the boss of the gang as he was covered in tattoos and was wearing clothing which bespoke a complete lack of taste. Two of the others appeared to be guards of the last man due to standing slightly in front of him and wearing heavy armour. The last man appeared to be from a prominent family due to his clothing and jewellery and aura.

"How dare you interrupt my business?" The boss spat at them while looking at his client from the corner of his eye hoping he would help him. The noble was looking at Kyle and his entourage before he spoke to them with a lisp.

"Why are you here do you wish to go against my family." He was obviously looking down on Kyle and his men so he dragged his family out without even saying their name so Kyle decided to screw with him. He spoke while trying to make his voice sound gravelly and with the 'concealment' array active it made his voice sound like a crotchety old man.

"So who is your family?"

"I'm an elder of the noble Peridot family so leave before I destroy you." He spoke as if everything was in his hands and had total belief they would follow his words.

"Really gotta say I've never heard of you and you ain't from this city but you wanted to buy illegal slaves from here so time to pay the tax."

"What tax are you talking about?"

"Quite simple really you wanted to hurt kids so now you die." With this Kyle finally lashed out with his sword. Before the man's guards could even react they had already been bisected. Dropping to the ground the guards only left there master standing behind them with a shocked look on his face.josei

"You can't, you can't I refuse to believe you can hurt me." But this was short lived as Ash was the one to take his head leaving only the boss standing but he was now shaking as he knew he was next on the chopping block.

"Wait I can give you money, women anything you want just do..." before he could finish Dylan had finished him. Kyle looked around before giving his orders.

"Search this place top to bottom, for this scum to work openly like this they have to have some backing so grab anything you find. I'm going to arrange a warning for anyone else doing this. Saying this Kyle grabbed the bosses' corpse and headed out of the room while the rest watched his lonely figure heading into the dark warehouse. Dylan spoke to himself as he saw him walk out of sight.

"Remind me never to get on his bad side....again."

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