Ascension of the elder

Chapter 81

Chapter 81: A little history

"I no good at this."

Kyle lamented what he had done and now there was little chance that he would be able to sleep. He had too many thoughts rattling around in his mind and he was fearful that all that awaited him on returning to the fields of dreams would be more horror and trauma. He would need to find a way to settle his mind but for now he needed a distraction.

Looking around his room he noticed the journal he found in the mansions library. When he came back from the library he had brought the journal with him and left it on his bedside table but hadn't looked at it any further.

Kyle leaned over and picked up the journal and looked at the first page. He could understand a fair amount of the words as they appeared to be the same as those which were currently in use or were close enough he could interpret their meaning, some however were completely foreign to him.

The book didn't have the name of the author in it and there didn't appear to be any kind of date system in place. It appeared to be a personal journal and as such it didn't need anything like that instead it would be intended for reminding the owner of events that had happened in his life during time of interest or strife.

Kyle glad of the distraction propped himself up and began reading from the first page. It was obvious this wasn't the first journal the person had written so maybe there were others in the library somewhere unless the owner had taken them when they had left the mansion.

'What a bad day it was today, the supervisor was picking on *****. I don't know what his problem was we've been working on the [connection/network] for months now and suddenly he's pushing for results when we already told him we are months or years away from it being complete but there's no reasoning with him. All the [hubs/links] have already been completed but we don't have the ***** to make it function properly, unless we find some kind of solution to this problem we will never complete it.

We lost contact with one of the western zones today, it's probably due to a lack of [care/attention] of the *****. I'm sure they'll be in touch before long asking for help, I bet they'll send a [technician/sage] to fix it from ***** but who cares as long as I don't get called up. I've heard the western zones are nothing but beasts and birds with nothing else of interest. Stupid westerners don't even know how to maintain their *****. I've also got a date today with ***** I was surprised when [they/it] said yes, I've got to put up my A game or ***** may slip in there and I don't want to get there second.'

Kyle was surprised by the similarity between this person and people of nowadays. It seemed the hate for your boss and the hope to get a date were universal. Kyle struggled a bit with this and some words could mean different things but he managed to get an overall feel for the context and content so he was able to discern the majority of the meaning.

'We still haven't got in contact with ***** and the [technician/sage] who was dispatched hasn't reported in yet. A [legion/gang] has been dispatched from ***** with a portable ***** and has been ordered to make contact once they are nearby. ***** thinks there is something going on over there but I bet him that it was just a ***** with the *****, when I win I'll take ***** to dinner. I wonder if I should make a booking now or wait until the money comes in.

Supervisor ***** has been coming up more frequently since the word came back from ***** the situation over there is bad. They've seen a lot more of the ***** since the fall but we're holding them up at the line. Word on the [line/vine] is we're going to be reinforcing ***** with ***** but I think that is going too far, the damage from a single use of ***** would be devastating.'

As Kyle was reading he began to get more interested in what was being said as it appeared as though whatever the ancients fought wasn't some invincible enemy and they had successfully held it at bay for an unknown period of time.

'We are still holding but we need more and more [warriors/soldiers] but we have no time to train them. Word from on high is to find other [opportunities/means] of creating them, there are a few ideas amongst the ***** but I don't know how they would work. With all this going on I bit the [leather/crop] and asked ***** to [marry/join] me. We need to set some time aside but I don't know when we can but the [ceremony/ritual] will be done soon.

We've lost 3 more [villages/towns] and we have rebuilt the front at the next [checkpoint/border]. I've been assigned to ***** and we are getting somewhere, the ***** has shown great results. They aren't as powerful as our [warriors/soldiers] but they are far more numerous. We need a more effective means to fight the ***** or they'll just keep pushing us back.'josei

It appeared that at this point the ancients had begun to lose ground to their enemy but they still had some tricks up their sleeves but Kyle wanted to know what had shown great results. It must have been some kind of mass produced weapon but what it was and how it even functioned wasn't described so Kyle could only speculate.

'I'm going to the front tomorrow with the loss of *****, *****, ***** and ***** we have no choice the [mortals/civilians] have already been evacuated further south but without the [shield/protection] of the ***** I don't know what will happen to them. ***** is going with them hopefully my ***** will be safe. I've been assigned to ***** of ***** and I've heard they have the highest [success/victory] rate of any others.

The front was terrible we have little choice now. The ***** are slowing them but they are to weak so the word from above is to prepare the [cleansing/purge]. I hope they know what they are doing because if they don't we'll all pay the price. ***** didn't come back from the front and we held a [ceremony/ritual] for him but we didn't even have a [body/soul] to mourn. This [battle/massacre] is going to be the end of us.

We've had our first victory in *****, we were going about it all wrong by striking with ***** we hurt them it must mean they aren't ***** and if we use any other ***** means they can just shrug it. I fear this is too little to late however as we've lost too much. I can only hope ***** still survives.

They still want to use ***** the fools if they do this we are only playing into their hands. We know that ***** is the only true way to hurt them. I've been speaking to ***** and we think we have a way but it means our deaths. We have to move on this soon as the ***** now have gained some kind of [cult/religion] among some of the ***** and they're starting to act against the [lords/rulers].'

While Kyle was reading this he lamented the foolishness of people as they couldn't defeat their enemy some must have taken them as being some kind of apostle or religious icons. Kyle had felt that there were greater beings in this universe when he first arrived but the fact the ancients successfully managed to fight their enemy showed they weren't all powerful but instead were something just different.

'Damn, damn, damn those ***** [cultists/believers] breached the ***** they opened the ***** of ***** and let the three times damned things in. It was a [massacre/battle] with no survivors; the only positive that has come from this is the [cultists/believers] have been removed. ***** and I have almost completed **** and we only need a little more time before we can [engage/activate] the *****.

It's in place finally we just need to let it [grow/strengthen] and we'll be clear. I just hope the others managed to get away. If this works they will at least have a chance I just wish I could have seen ***** one more time.

The [lords/rulers] have activated the [cleansing/purge], it'll take several days for it to completely charge but ours should complete before so if the ***** is successful they will have time to cancel it.

They've breached the front, we'll be leaving soon good luck to whoever finds this.'

With this last sentence the journal was finished. Kyle didn't know if the writer had been successful or if the "purge" had been completed but whatever the case was Kyle felt a trickle of sweat roll down his face as he had seen how powerful his mansion was and if he was right and all the ruins were mansions like his what was strong enough to destroy them all?

"God I hope their enemies are long dead."

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