Ascension: Strongest Fateless Mage

Chapter 40 Second Time I

Chapter 40 Second Time I


After Zevien gave everyone the spell formation, they went to train at the dojo of Dan's master.

Once the training was over, Zevien visited Skelly and then signed the contract that Raven prepared about the Bonecretto potion at the Umbra Alchemy House.

The next day, the academy started, and for the first time, Zevien went to the classes regularly since he wanted to spend more time with Vernisia. He acted normally despite saying those words the day before.

He stayed just like in his previous life, where both he and Vernisia were attracted to each other. Though in this case, Zevien was already clear about his feelings.

Vernisia was a bit reserved, but she wouldn't hesitate on certain things and would speak clearly. Zevien had a lively personality; he would make everyone laugh and create a good mood.

After the academy, their schedule was fixed; academy time was from 6:30 to 11:30. After the classes, the four of them would go to the orphanage and eat with the kids.

After eating, they would take a short nap for an hour before going to training at either the Water Stream Taijutsu dojo or the Flame Dance dojo of Erica's master.

Zevien would usually train with the seniors at Water Stream Taijutsu dojo because he had already learned many things before the time-rewind for six years.

They would train until seven in the noon. This training session included physical training and magic spells training to increase control and efficiency of their magic spells to master them. Especially their newly acquired awakening magic spells.

After 7, it was their free time.

In their free time, the four of them would go out to enjoy in the city, just doing random things for the sake of doing it since they have been either studying or training in the morning.

There were many enjoyable games to play of every type in the city, and they can be pretty helpful as well. For instance, Magic Dungeon VR game where they would fight in a dungeon with a set of spells they can choose before starting.

There were many types of magic-related games, but there were also normal games; bowling, which is always fun, racing games, and other fun sports activities. There are also some magic occupations programs if someone is interested in participating and many other places to enjoy in the city.

Zevien would go with them every evening, but he didn't attend the academy daily. He would only attend the academy every two days.

Naturally, there was a reason for this, and it was about building his own company. He approached some excellent individuals, offered them deals, and negotiated about some products that are not launched yet.

He knew what they were lacking, and with his knowledge of the future, he was securing products and tying them to his company.

Zevien needed a source of money because having a steady source of funds would make a lot of things easier in the future.

In the meantime, at Vernisia's house,

"It seems that Vernisia is getting too close to a boy at the academy. Yesterday, he even came here to drop her on his bike," Susan said with a slight frown, "let's tell her about the arrangements before it's too late." Susan was Vernisia's mother.

Amos, Vernisia's father, creased his brows and spoke, "the final decision will be up to her, got it? We are not going to force her."

"Fine, but that Zevien boy is not suitable for her. He got no background and power, which is a must. He might be able to rise high in the future, but that is uncertain, so I am not going to give Vernisia to him," Susan said with a stubborn face before she sighed, "Galen's family is one of the most prominent in the country, and Galen himself is very talented. Vernisia's future is set if she marries into that family."

Amos put the newspaper down and spoke plainly, "whatever. You and Hilary are friends, so you had decided this, but if Vernisia disagrees, then it's a no."

Hilary was an academy buddy of Susan, and she had married into the prominent Gio family. Her son was Galen and since both Hilary and Susan were friends and their kids were also the same age, they had decided on this arranged marriage.

"Anyway, it's been thirty days since she awakened her magic labyrinth," Amos spoke with a smile, "her fruit of training in meditation in the past thirty days will be shown today when she enters her magic labyrinth. Haha, I am sure she will stay way longer than her first-time entry. Ten minutes improvement would be best."

"Hope so," Susan nodded, "Galen had stayed for one hour and thirty-four minutes in his first attempt. That's more than Vernisia."

Amos glanced at Susan and spoke, "then do you know how long Zevien stayed for? You only searched about his background but not his academic performance?"

"Humph, all I know is that he has been skipping academy way too often. He's been absent more than he has attended."

"But his record of entering was one hour and forty-four minutes or so as far as I know," Amos said with a faint smile, "that's like one of the best if not the best."

It was 6:30 in the morning, and all the students had arrived at the class, including Zevien.

"It's been thirty days since you all last entered your magic labyrinth," Touma said with a smile, "and today, you will enter once again. Unlike the first time, you will likely encounter some magic beasts but remember not to falter against them. I also hope that you have practiced your awakening spell every day and mastered it already."

The students were excited and eager.

Touma and the students left the class and went to the ground except for Zevien. Touma told Zevien to wait in his office, but it was just an excuse because Zevien couldn't enter his magic labyrinth with the others.

After all, unlike the others, he enters inside with his physical body.

Vernisia and the others also didn't know about this because he was not allowed to tell anyone about the experiment he went through.

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