Ascension: Strongest Fateless Mage

Chapter 57 Profiles

Chapter 57 Profiles

After an hour, Dan and Erica left the academy on Zevien's bike while Vernisia took her car.

Vernisia, Erica, and Dan arrived in the Zenith Corp's office and asked Yowen about Zevien's condition.

Yowen had already found where Zevien was kept for treatment and displayed his current status on his monitors.

They saw Zevien inside a large glass tube with his body covered in blue jelly liquid, small pipes attached to his body, and one even going inside his body through his mouth.

"Is he still unconscious?" Vernisia asked worriedly as her eyebrows creased together into a frown.

"Don't worry, he woke up a day ago while you three were sleeping in Vernisia's house," Yowen said with a smile, "he also woke up four hours ago and talked with Touma-sir, a person named Merax, and a woman named Blondina. Both of them are government officials."

Yowen pressed some buttons, and two of his monitors displayed information about Blondina and Merax.

"Blondina, the chief of secret police and vice-leader of Witch Doctor organization. She is a powerful 2nd class magician," Yowen said as he pointed at the woman with blond hair.

"Merax, the intelligence & information department chief, is also a powerful 2nd class magician."

After saying that, Yowen removed Merax and Blondina before showing Touma."

"Interesting fact, your Touma-sir is not a 3rd class magician but a peak 2nd class magician. He was a war veteran and one of the people titled War Hero seven years ago in the war for a big magic eruption spot between Lopax country and Pernol country. Right now, he is the leader of some top-secret government research and also teaches at the fourth national magic academy."

Vernisia, Dan, and Erica were surprised to see the true information about Touma-sir.

"Wait, is Zevien a part of that secret research thing?" Vernisia asked as she connected dots.

"Yes, most likely," Yowen nodded as he pointed at Zevien, "I couldn't hear their talks, but he seemed pretty close to those big shots the way he made expressions."

"I feel like the thing that Zevien said about him coming from the future or knowing about the future seems more and more true," Dan said with a wry smile, "the products, the people behind those things that he secured and even that magic potion. I think he knew all of this beforehand."

"Sounds like some sort of protagonist from a novel, but yeah, the thing he said about knowing the future of six years seems right," Erica nodded.

"I…I actually saw a vision about an alternate future. You remember when I was dazed yesterday morning?" Vernisia spoke as she rubbed his temples, "I convinced myself that I saw illusions, but it felt too real when I saw those visions. Anyway, since Zevien was willing to trust us with this, and it's most likely true, we shall not disclose this to anyone."

"That is given."

Yowen, Dan, and Erica nodded.

"He said there is another part, so we can ask him about this whole thing when he returns here after getting treated," Vernisia said before she walked towards the table of cards, "let's get back to work now. We can't pause the progress just because he is not here."

"On it," Yowen said as he continued working on the codes, "I have sent seventy-eight cards' data. Need to create the gems by carving magic formations on them for respective cards."

"Let's go, Erica," Dan said as he and Erica had to participate in the Spell Gauntlet's research as well.

Erica nodded as both of them went to the research lab of Spell gauntlet on Zevien's bike.

Time passed as minutes turned into hours and hours into days…

After ten days….

Lucas and Hilary were doing everything to find the culprit, but they felt they were constantly being blocked from getting essential information.

In the last ten days, they only got frustration and nothing else.

Vernisia, Dan, and Erica continued working in the company while attending the academy and training at the dojo.

As usual, the three of them gathered at the office after the academy.josei

"Did he wake up today?" Vernisia asked Yowen.

"Nope," Yowen shook his head, "he didn't open his eyes even once in the past ten days."

Vernisia frowned in worry, "should we ask Touma-sir about Zevien's condition? Why he didn't open his eyes in the past ten days?"

'Open your eyes, damn it. I am dying of worry here,' Vernisia cursed in her mind while looking worriedly at the screen displaying Zevien.

As if to grant her wish, Zevien indeed opened his eyes.

"Oh, he finally woke up after ten days," Dan said as he and Erica sighed a relief.

In the past ten days, Zevien was in the deep meditation aside from necessary sleep and put all of his focus on comprehending the magic intent of Ethereal-type containment. That's why he never opened his eyes.

He was actually done comprehending this magic intent in seven days and wanted to work on creating its magic formation and then infusing it in the magic formation of the fairy summoning spell.

However, his magic eidos body pulsed with intense pain when he used mana.

Tarto told him it would still take seven to eight days before he could use mana again after checking his magic eidos body.

But today was the day he needed to answer some questions, and he was ready.

Vernisia and others also returned to work while hoping quick recovery for Zevien.

On the other hand, Touma, Merax, Blondina, Raven, and even Cargil arrived at the glass chamber.

Yowen had just opened an energy drink can and was drinking it when he almost spat the drink after looking at this scene, "what is this line-up? Even City Lord and Umbra Lady Raven also came to meet Zevien?"

Vernisia turned her head to monitor after hearing that and was startled as well.

But after hearing no sound, she shook her head disappointingly, "wish we could hear what they are saying."

Suddenly, the feed they were getting from Zevien's chamber room disappeared, and the monitors turned blank.

Electra appeared from the monitor and said with a weak smile, "that black-haired woman is sharp. She deactivated all cameras of the lab."

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