Assassin Dad and His Genius Daughter

Chapter 34 Longing

Chapter 34 Longing

Ren Ye solemnly glanced at the three cars behind his car before gripping the wheel and driving around in a circle, trying to distract the three cars. The three cars eventually lost their grip on the wheels as they followed him too closely.

In his head, Ren Ye had drawn out a plan to have the three cars follow him behind to the outskirts of the city and onto a cliff before eventually pushing all of them off together.

Beikang wasn't a simple city as it was a city surrounded by woods and mountains if one journeys further and further outside the skirts of the city. It was believed that the past Emperor had chosen Beikang to be the capital due to its natural defenses against enemies.

The city as it is now was built on plain grounds while the outer areas were inhabited by mountains and cliffs.

The mountains and cliffs served as a watchtower for the soldiers to spy on their enemies and citizens. Although it wasn't initially as inhabited as it is now, it was one of the few cities along the Tang River which served as a food resource and pathway for ships and cargo.

Ren Ye raised his calm eyes and drove further away from the city, gradually circling around the woods of the city. He didn't panic as he drove around the large trees, slightly causing the three cars to lose track of them.

"Papa, I have an idea," Ren Jia exclaimed with beaming eyes as she raised her head in an attempt to look in the direction her Papa was driving.


"Why don't Papa drive and push them off a cliff?"


Ma Meifan lowered her ashen face, she pursed her lips before glancing at the little girl with a shaken expression. She then turned toward Ren Ye and stared daggers at his face.

What kind of father teaches his daughter to think this way? Did he install a kill-to-kill mindset in this adorable innocent child?

If that is the case, I would have to report him for child manipulation…

Ren Ye felt the burning sensation from her eyes and coughed awkwardly, "Don't worry, we won't do that for now."

"If the worse comes, that would be the action we would have to take," He mumbled quietly, silently informing Ma Meifan about his plans.

Sigh, it seems impossible to escape as they appear to be determined to get this lady back.

Ma Meifan stared at his face with unmoving eyes, her lips moved constantly before closing. She narrowed her eyes and seemed to be deep in her thoughts. It was as though she was considering his plans.


Ren Ye clenched his jaw and his eyes darted to the front mirror, discovering two men had come out of the car and sat on the windows with guns in each of their hands. It appeared he would resort to pushing them off a cliff.josei

"Duck down."

Ma Meifan and Ren Jia ducked down as he had ordered and Ren Ye began to drive around multiple trees, entering the deeper ends of the woods. The two men had both of their faces covered in black masks as they shot their bullets crazily throughout the woods.

All of them followed his car and drove around like playing tag with one another, Ren Ye was slightly struggling because the three cars were enveloping his car slowly.

"Haha, wherever you go, we will find and exterminate you," The man shot out countless bullets, hitting countless trees and landing a few on Ren Ye's car, as he cried out with a sadistic smirk on his face.

He proceeded to aim at the wheels but due to his incapability and inexperience, he had only been able to hit the lower part of the car, not touching the wheels.

He was smacked in the face by one of the men in the car, who grabbed the gun and began aiming straight for the driver's seat.

'Kill one to end all' was what the man was thinking of.

But they needed to break apart the windows first as the glasses began to crack from the intensity of the bullets.

Ren Ye shook his head with a dismissive expression and continued to drive around the trees, his expression remained calm and steady. With his stamina, it was impossible for him to get tired from this exercise as he swung the wheel from right to left and left to right.

"A1, we should block their path. This is getting tiring."

One of them spat out and cried out loudly with annoyance, the savage smirk on their faces remained. The driver who only wore a black mask on the lower part of their face nodded his head with a cruel glint in their eyes as he drove the car in a completely different direction.

"If we capture that b*tch, we will be rewarded with many women to play with hehe."

They were staring intensely at the car with vicious and lustful eyes as though they were trying to catch a fish for food, Ma Meifan was the woman they needed to have in order to achieve their goal.

It didn't escape Ren Ye's eyes as the cars drove in a completely different direction, the little girl noticed this as well as she exclaimed loudly with a frightened expression.

"Papa, they are trying to block our path!"

To say she was observant was an understatement, it was as though she was able to see through the others' intentions from the beginning. Ma Meifan couldn't help but praise her for her eyes as it was indeed the truth as the three cars drove in a circle around his car.

He lowered his face and curled his lips into a cruel grin, "Do they seriously think that would work?"

"I'm afraid we have arrived on the cliff."

In his vision, he had foreseen everything and he only needed them to circle him first in order to push them off all in one go. The only he was able to do this was to have them gather in one place and drive into them at full speed.

"Miss Meifan."

Ren Ye raised his arm to the back seat and stretched out his palm, he gently nodded at her and spoke softly, "Hold my hand."

He turned toward Ren Jia and informed her calmly, "Do what I told you, Jia'er."

Ren Jia was obedient to her Papa's wishes but she felt somewhat disgruntled by his words of choice with Ma Meifan, she pouted her lips and nodded her head.

Ren Ye accelerated his speed and as soon he found an opening, he would press on the speed as much as possible.

Ma Meifan placed her soft icy palm in his as she bit her lips and listened to what he said, much to the surprise of Ren Ye.

What a shame if I somehow fail, a gentlewoman like her would have to die…

Ren Ye's eyes grew increasing colder and suddenly gripped her palm tightly, Ma Meifan involuntarily whimpered from the pain of having her palm crushed. Ren Ye lowered his head and continued to drive without being bothered.

The windows immediately shattered and the shards exploded in front of Ren Ye's face, the shards swung fiercely against his face. Ren Ye's face began to start bleeding as thin cuts appeared on his cheek and below his eyes.

Thankfully, Ren Ye used his other arm to cover his face, limiting the damage from reaching his eyes. To the horror of Ma Meifan and Ren Jia, a bullet shot through the side of his head, his arm was unable to cover the extension of his head.


Ren Jia cried out with tears streaming down her face, she raised both of her legs to cover her Papa's face from being hit by more bullets. Ren Ye gritted his teeth and shouted loudly at her,

"Stay down!"

Blood gushed out from the side of his face and streamed down onto his neck, his eyes began to turn blurry and his pupils became ghastly white. His face became increasingly pale but his vitality remained.

It was simply due to the effect Ice Body had on him!

Ren Ye opened his mouth slightly before closing them, his eyes began to widen. He immediately shouted at the both of them, "Immediately do it!"

In his eyes, the cars appeared at the same place he had desired, and even with his growing tiredness, he was able to identify them at one glance before they appeared. Ren Ye pressed his feet and drove them at full speed.


He cried out with a savage expression as he curled his lips into a sadistic grin, he laughed maniacally.


His car hit the cars in one go and with the sturdiness of his car, he was able to push the last one off the cliff whereas the second and the one he hit directly remained except the second one was edging on the cliff.

The damage from his car wasn't large as he had hoped but it wasn't as small as well, the direct hit from his car had the car severely damaged and deformed. The passengers weren't lucky as their faces became deformed and mauled from the damage.

As Ren Ye had planned, he was able to achieve it.

Ren Jia placed the charm in front of her mouth as she whispered silently to her, her tears remained but Ren Ye gave her a reassuring smile and let her teleport first.


She mumbled gloomily while rubbing the tears off her face as she was suddenly enveloped by white light and disappeared from his view.

It didn't take long after she left, Ren Ye gripped Ma Meifan's hands tightly and used the last bit of energy to summon his own ability.

Before Old Yi left, he specifically informed him the abilities and techniques he had acquired from the system will remain within his body no matter the condition he was in. The remnants of Ice Body saved him in a crisis from him being caught by surprise but the damage was too tiring for him to remain calm and steady.

As he let go of the steering wheel, he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes tightly.

After seven seconds, a bright light began to envelop his and Ma Meifan's body before they eventually disappeared from plain view.

The last thing he saw before closing his eyes was Ren Jia running toward him with tears streaming down her face as she tried to grab her Papa and hug him. Ren Ye didn't know what was happening but he overheard Ma Meifan's gentle whispering into his ears.

"Don't close your eyes, Papa!"

"The ambulance is coming."

Ren Ye couldn't help but sigh with gloominess and his consciousness swayed hopelessly, his heart began to beat uncontrollably. The last thing he visualized and thought of before losing his consciousness was a woman.

A woman who remained in the softest part of his heart emerged at the moment.

He was unable to mutter her name even in times of despair. The longing in his heart became increasingly uncontrollable and burst out in waves of emotions.

At that moment, he wanted to break down into tears and call for her.

Jing Xue, I miss you so much...

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