Assassin Dad and His Genius Daughter

Chapter 85 An Unknown Enemy

Chapter 85 An Unknown Enemy

In the dark sinister cave, a figure could be seen lying down on his back as his eyes suddenly opened. He suddenly took in a deep breath as his body was aching in agony.

He felt pain from every direction in his body. Underneath his aching body was a pool of his own blood as he bled from the stab wound he had received.

The burning he felt came from the poison he had gotten from the human spider. The wound it left behind was in a deep purple as the protruding veins were black in color.

It left behind a hideous and unbearable image.

The suit he had been wearing was tattered from many directions. His face went pale as he sat up and laid his back against the rocky wall. Everything above him was completely dark except where he was standing.

The source of light that managed to give him vision came from the ground as a long route of bluish-glowing liquid swirled gently. The bluish-glowing liquid resembled an ethereal lake.

Ren Ye turned to look at his wounds and with a frown, the wounds were quickly covered in a layer of snowy flakes and the skin surrounding them became pale and blue.

The wound no longer gave him any pain. Instead, it felt more like a dead part of him.

Ren Ye slowly attempted to get up on shaking legs. He glanced toward the ethereal lake with bluish-glowing water that seemed to originate from nowhere.

The vision he was seeing was that he had been separated from one part as the lake divided the land into two parts. He had no idea where to go as he heaved a sigh.

"Where is this?"

He had asked ever so silently but to the dark and desolate zone, his silent words sounded like an echoing shout.

"We are in the Glitch."

Ren Ye's eyes suddenly dilated as he raised his head and looked in the direction of where the voice had come from.

In front of him was a man in dark robes and his face was covered in a black hood that hid away whatever features he had. He was holding a weapon of what seemed to be a pocket watch.

Ren Ye slightly shook as he recalled the information, "The Glitch? Isn't it the world where time stops?"

"You are correct," The hooded man nodded his head with a hidden smile, "To think I would find a human here after ten thousand years."

The hooded man chuckled deeply as he twirled the pocket watch in an amusing manner, "Someone from the Ice Element? Impressive."

Ren Ye frowned.

The hooded man seemed to shake from his muffled laughter, "You do not seem afraid of me?"

"I don't have a reason to. I don't see anything about you that is worthy to make me fear," Ren Ye responded with a cold expression.

"You are interesting," The hooded man chortled loudly, causing his laughter to echo for more than 10 minutes before stopping.josei

He slowly pulled the hood away and showed his face. A face that was not a face. It was a face with a patch of blackness on it. No expressions. No features.

Ren Ye's soul trembled slightly before he warned himself to be cautious and watchful.

"Who are you?" Ren Ye coldly asked.

"I am a glitch in time," The soothing voice that originated from the man who had no mouth, "A bringer of disasters."

"A time prophet."

"A time prophet?" Ren Ye was momentarily confused.

Time? Every word that came from his mouth seemed to be related to Time in some way. Could he perhaps be a Time cultivator?

Ren Ye was tense as he realized this but his face remained calm, "You are someone who cultivates the path of Time."

"Indeed. I like how confident you are just now. What you said wasn't a question but a statement that seemed to show your confidence in knowing where I am from," The man chuckled calmly.

"You can call me Tang Bo."

Ren Ye didn't understand what this man was and who he was but he had to be wary of him, "Qi Yun."

Tang Bo whose face had no features nodded his head as he raised his hand and pressed his fingers against each other, "Checkmate."


He snapped his fingers as the two of them were shrouded in a green light before they eventually appear at a strange place. Ren Ye was unable to act in time nor escape as Tang Bo unexpectedly used teleportation on him and teleported him to a place elsewhere.

Tang Bo chuckled bitterly as he walked to the front and greeted the man in white armor, "I have bought a special guest whom you would like to meet."

The white knight nodded his head and robotically walked to each of Ren Ye's sides. Ren Ye felt helpless as he tried to think of a way to escape this. He momentarily realized when it came to supernatural fighters, what he had was nothing compared to them.

Without the system, he couldn't even lift a finger against them.

In order for him to survive, he had to be led on by them and do their bidding. Ren Ye wasn't sure if he was able to make it out alive tomorrow as he sighed depressedly, recalling his promise to Ren Jia.

"I might not even get to see her again until two days or something," Ren Ye complained inside his head.

The white knights then kicked him slightly, urging him to walk forward onto the dark stairs leading to a mysterious door in the middle of nowhere. Ren Ye was helpless against them as he walked up the stairs on his own.

He subconsciously placed his hand on his knee, trying to take out the dagger he carried. Upon placing his hand on it, he felt his hand had touched nothing but clothes.

It wasn't there!

After which, a loud and amusing chuckle echoed into his ears as Tang Bo flipped the dagger in his hands like he was playing with a toy. It didn't appear to Ren Ye that his dagger had been stolen without him knowing.

"Time cultivators? It seems he lives up to the nature of a Time cultivator. Mischievous and a prankster!"

Ren Ye cussed Tang Bo inwardly.

Ren Ye walked up and placed his hands on the mysterious door with symbols engraved on its board, pushing it slightly as a bright red light shone onto his face.

In front of him was a dark and isolated world that seemed contrasted to the world above. Everything was black and red. The sky was painted red and the world was covered in black and ashes.

"A prophecy?" Ren Ye looked at Tang Bo furiously, realizing his intentions.


"You will be the cause of it," Tang Bo appeared beside him mysteriously as his face faced him, "I can help you avoid your fate."


Ren Ye refused inwardly as Tang Bo snapped his fingers and the image changed to something heart-breaking. A picture that broke his heart into pieces.

Ren Jia lay in his arms as she took her last breath. A pale and disfigured version of her lying in a much older version of him whose face was filled with desperate tears.

"Jia'er! Jia'er!"

"I am here! Wake up!"

"Don't leave! Don't leave me!"

"Papa is here…"

Ren Ye's soul shook as his eyes shrunk in pain, "What do you want from me?"

Ren Ye didn't know how he had gotten this and how he knew everything about him. He didn't care about now as he focused entirely on the heartbreaking image before him.

"Oh? You seem interested now?"

Tang Bo said jokingly as he turned to look at the image of him, "Quite warming, isn't it?"

"I will give you an offer."

Ren Ye exhaled anxiously, "What offer?"

"Eh? You really are interested?" Tang Bo exclaimed as he pressed both of his hands against the side of his face in an animated manner, "Don't you want to know how I know who you are?"

"It doesn't matter who you are. I don't have to consider your feelings," Ren Ye glared at Tang Bo coldly, "Tell me the offer."

"Hehe! It doesn't matter to me whether you want to know how I know who you are. I am somewhat considered a part of you," Tang Bo said sarcastically.

"You and I are partners."

"What do you mean?" Ren Ye was confused.

"I killed Old Yi," Tang Bo said in an almost plain tone.


Ren Ye was rendered speechless, "Why?"

His soul was shaken up to the point of he was on the urge of breaking down. His voice trembled alongside his hands. They had become so cold that he felt he had become a walking corpse.

"Why? He is my enemy."

Tang Bo made an animated gesture with his hands, "I wanted you."


"But he took you away from me."


"What kind of drama do you think we are in?" Ren Ye scolded Tang Bo furiously, "Do you take me for a joke?"

"Of course not, you are more than that. You have something that both of us desired the most."

"And that is…"

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