Assassin Farmer

Chapter 133

Chapter 133

Chapter 133

Assassin Farmer Chapter 133: Settle Down (1)

Pure: Slightly not safe for work~

“I thought that you decided to settle down in the imperial city and you wouldn’t come back.” When Jiang Ying Yun heard that Su Shuilian had come home, she seized her free time to visit the latter in Fan Hua Town. Studying the young woman she hadn’t met for half a month, who looked even more beautiful, she couldn’t help but tease. “Hey, you had to spend time traveling all the way back here. It’s good that you weren’t tired, but why do I feel you become even more attractive and sexier? Tell me honestly, what did your husband feed?

“Really?” Su Shuilian rubbed her cheeks skeptically when Jiang Ying Yun said that. All of a sudden, she remembered the night they lodged in Shui Yue Town. A Yao had bullied her, making her come and groan continuously. At that time, he had muttered to her ear that it was the most effective way to keep the women from aging. Was it true? Was the hot fluid he had injected into her body the secret to maintaining her youth? 

“Hey, I’m just teasing you. What are you thinking about? Oh, are you blushing?” Jiang Ying Yun rolled her eyes, feeling speechless. She then ignored the woman who was still embarrassed to play with the twins that were crawling on the heated bed.

“Oh right, Shuilian, Yang Jing Zhi’s clinic is about to open. What should I give her as a gift?” Jiang Ying Yun held a pellet drum, trying to attract the twins to crawl toward her, asking. 

“Whatever you want to give them. Is there some taboo about this?” Su Shuilian pulled herself together, patting her red cheeks. She asked Jiang Ying Yun as she didn’t quite understand. 

“Nothing’s taboo. But from the style they have decorated their clinic, I have a feeling that whatever I give them, it would be useless.” Jiang Ying Yun was distressed. 

Within ten days after they had arrived in Fan Hua Town, Yang Jing Zhi and Qing Lan had bought a three-room house with a front shop to open their drugstore at the street on the West of Fan Luo City. They planned to open the store in the first week of the fourth lunar month. These days, they are rushing to prepare. 

Previously Jiang Ying Yun had followed Situ Yun, who came to notify her, to see the decoration of Qing Yang Medical Clinic. It was indescribably weird, but oddly harmonious. 

The walls were painted white. A narrow counter with drawers was placed near the entrance. Behind the counter was a massive closet with so many drawers reaching the ceiling, being placed next to the wall. Each drawer stored one kind of herbal medicine. They said that Qing Lan would sit there when they opened their business. She would carefully ask every patient who entered this store about their situation and signs of sickness and record the information into a small booklet. Then, the patients have to pay ten coins to receive a numbered wooden token. After that, they could wait for their turns on a long, wooden bench in the hall.

Yang Jing Zhi’s working office would be on the left. She would check the patients according to the number they had registered. After she diagnosed them, she would give them the prescription. Then, the patients would return to Qing Lan to pay and receive their medications. If the patients didn’t want to buy the medicines in their drugstores, they could bring the prescription to another drugstore to buy medicines. However, there would be several special herbal medicines that were only available in Qing Yang Medical Clinic since Yang Jing Zhi and Qing Lan had to go to the mountain to pick the herbs and process them personally.

And the room with the private bathroom, separated into two parts with a partition, would be Yang Jing Zhi and Qing Lan’s bedroom. In case someone would come at midnight for an emergency case, the two of them would stay in this clinic. They didn’t want to buy another house. They had planned to expand this house into a four-courtyard house when their business bloomed well. It was their dream for the next five years. 

Su Shuilian spared two rooms for them in Orchid Garden. When they came to Fan Hua Town, they would stay there. However, after the clinic opens, they won't have much free time. 

Suggested by Yang Jing Zhi, Lin Si Yao saved a room in the ancestral hall for her. On the fifth day of every month, Yang Jing Zhi and Qing Lan would come to Fan Hua Town’s ancestral room to do a health check and diagnose sickness for the villagers. It would be much more convenient for the people living in Fan Hua Town and the two adjacent towns. Su Shuilian thought there would be many people coming to visit the doctors. No matter what, it was much more convenient than going to the clinic in the west of the city. 

“What were you initially going to give her?” Su Shuilian blinked, asking curiously. Actually, she herself hadn’t had an idea of what to give the others. She had planned to walk around Fan Luo City after visiting Qing Yu Pagoda on the first day of the fourth lunar month and see if she could buy something for them.

“A brand-board, a screen, a vase…” Jiang Ying Yun tilted her head, listing what she wanted to present to the others. In any normal circumstances, those were the top choices to give someone. However, Qing Yang Clinic didn’t need those things. 

“Well, isn’t it most suitable to give them screens? I remember Jing Zhi said that she wanted to buy a screen to place in her clinic room.” Su Shuilian thought then smiled. “Didn’t you notice it? In her examining room, there’s a simple bed under the north window. I think it’s for the patients to lay down when she checks them.” 

“Oh yeah, I forgot. Alright, I will give her a screen. Um, her clinic isn’t really big. I think a four-piece screen will do. I will choose one with refreshing colors. Ah, right, my embroidery house still has an embroidered picture of sky-blue sprinkle. It’s suitable to make a four-piece screen. Ha ha… I’ve solved my problem… Shuilian, you can’t copy my idea. Tell Jing Zhi for me. Do not let her waste her money on this item.” Jiang Ying Yun’s brows stretched. She smiled, patting Su Shuilian’s shoulder. 

“Now I know why you and Jing Zhi have become best friends.” Su Shuilian shook her head, bursting out laughing. They had just met each other once and now they had become the best of friends. Only the frank and generous girls like Yang Jing Zhi and Jiang Ying Yun could do so. 

The outermost room in the West of the Pine Garden. 

“Si Tuo sent the message. Everybody is fine. Don’t worry!” Xi Chong brushed his slightly-damp robe, which was due to the spring rain. He injected his internal Qi to dry his clothes. Then, he entered Si Luo’s room and said to Lin Si Yao who was sitting at the table, leisurely flipping pages of his book. 

“Yeah, I’ll stay home these days.” Lin Si Yao glanced at Si Chong and found the man looked thinner. He said with a low tone. 

“Then it’s good. Tomorrow, I’ll return to Guangci House. I wonder how those rascals have managed the house for half a month. I just hope there will be no trouble. Sign, now I just figured out it’s not really good to have many disciples. Always a headache!” Si Chong rubbed his forehead and sighed. 

“You only know now? I thought you learned your lesson five years ago.” Five years ago, Xi Chong’s oldest disciple had made trouble. It was a shameful situation at the Hundred Flower Pavilion. It made Si Chong so mad, he hated that he couldn’t just kill him right then and there. 

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“Hmph, if I got a pure girl who’s willing to walk with me for the rest of my life like you, and she even gives me children, why would I have to bring up so many kids like this! They just want to make my hair gray earlier than it should be! Xi Chong glanced at Lin Si Yao through the corner of his eye, nagging. 

They were assassins. Where came a pure and innocent girl that would want to pursue them? Even if she agreed, her parents would reject. Although now he had washed his hands and put his sword aside to leave the force of the assassins, he didn’t get used to retracting his murderous aura. Even when he took a walk on the street, the people around would automatically give way. He almost doubted that someone had stuck a note on him that read: ‘Assassin, stay away’.

However, what made people more doubtful was that Si Ling, an icy-cold assassin, had a girl chasing after him. Moreover, she was a noble lady from a Prince’s mansion. Sigh, there was no point in comparing himself with another, it would only make him more frustrated. 

Lin Si Yao accurately guessed what Si Chong was thinking. However, he was kind enough to not tell them that Su Shuilian was his life-savior. Otherwise, he wasn’t sure if those crazy guys would fight themselves to the brink of death and run into Mount Da Shi to see if some fairy-like woman like Shuilian would appear and save them so they could use their bodies to pay her back. 

“Then I’ll get going. When Si Tuo comes back, notify him.” Si Chong’s voice hadn’t faded and he had already jumped out of the Pine Garden, heading toward Guangci House in Fan Luo City. josei

“Notify me what?” Si Luo happened to walk into the room and asked skeptically. 

Lin Si Yao stood in front of the window, watching Si Chong leaving. He didn’t turn his head around as he answered, “Si Chong’s returned to Guangci House.”

“Does he really need to tell me this? Since when did he also become a naggy mother?” Si Luo was lying on the bed, lifting his head. Although his wounds had recovered, half of his internal force hadn't been restored yet. However, after this experience between death and life, he was not worried. It would be great if he could recover his internal force completely. However, if he couldn’t, it wasn’t bad to stay here and become a genuine farmer. No matter what, as Si Ling, the God of Slaughter, was here to protect him, there was nothing else he needed to worry about. 

“Also? Who else?” Lin Si Yao didn’t look further. He closed the windows, turning around to look at Si Luo. 

“Eh? You don’t know?” Si Luo glanced at Lin Si Yao. All of a sudden, he beamed faintly, which was really rare. “Someone has become as soft as a strand of noodles. Everyone in town knows.”

Hearing that, Lin Si Yao’s ears seemed to get hotter. Immediately, he used his Qi to reduce his embarrassed expression. 

“Do you have any plans for the future?” He sat by the edge of the table and poured himself a cup of tea. He turned around and asked Si Luo, who closed his eyes, resting on the bed. 

“I’ll stay here and be a farmer. What? You don’t welcome me? Don’t worry. I won’t hold you back. What you can do, I can do too.” Si Luo answered. 

“Are you sure?” Lin Si Yao arched his brows. Among the four of them, Si Luo was the most active and out-going. If Si Chong said that he wanted to settle down in Fan Hua Town, he would buy it. But Si Luo…

“What not to be sure, at least, right now I don’t have any other plan.” Si Luo lazily stretched his body. He sat up and leaned against the headboard. He retreated to the fatigue expression, talking in a solemn voice. “Si Ling, you’re also an orphan, of course you know it’s not nice at all when you feel lonely. Now we don’t need to think about the missions every day and prepare to kill someone. We don’t even need to force ourselves to train days and nights for the sake of revenge. After we’re free, living alone is much more forlorn than I’ve ever imagined. So… For now, I don’t want to leave here.”

“Then stay. This house was originally prepared for the three of you. It’s not a problem, no matter how long you want to stay.” Lin Si Yao finished his cup of tea, and replied indifferently. 

“Ha… And you denied it when people called you a naggy mother like Si Chong.” Si Luo mumbled. Then, he put his arms behind his head, closing his eyes, and spoke. “I heard that next month is the harvest time? Count me in.”

“Rest assured! As long as you’re healthy, you need to go to the field.” Lin Si Yao couldn't look more serious, but a smile flashed in his eyes, revealing his true, happy mood. 

Assassin Farmer Chapter 133: Settle Down (1)

Pure: Slightly not safe for work~

“I thought that you decided to settle down in the imperial city and you wouldn’t come back.” When Jiang Ying Yun heard that Su Shuilian had come home, she seized her free time to visit the latter in Fan Hua Town. Studying the young woman she hadn’t met for half a month, who looked even more beautiful, she couldn’t help but tease. “Hey, you had to spend time traveling all the way back here. It’s good that you weren’t tired, but why do I feel you become even more attractive and sexier? Tell me honestly, what did your husband feed?

“Really?” Su Shuilian rubbed her cheeks skeptically when Jiang Ying Yun said that. All of a sudden, she remembered the night they lodged in Shui Yue Town. A Yao had bullied her, making her come and groan continuously. At that time, he had muttered to her ear that it was the most effective way to keep the women from aging. Was it true? Was the hot fluid he had injected into her body the secret to maintaining her youth? 

“Hey, I’m just teasing you. What are you thinking about? Oh, are you blushing?” Jiang Ying Yun rolled her eyes, feeling speechless. She then ignored the woman who was still embarrassed to play with the twins that were crawling on the heated bed.

“Oh right, Shuilian, Yang Jing Zhi’s clinic is about to open. What should I give her as a gift?” Jiang Ying Yun held a pellet drum, trying to attract the twins to crawl toward her, asking. 

“Whatever you want to give them. Is there some taboo about this?” Su Shuilian pulled herself together, patting her red cheeks. She asked Jiang Ying Yun as she didn’t quite understand. 

“Nothing’s taboo. But from the style they have decorated their clinic, I have a feeling that whatever I give them, it would be useless.” Jiang Ying Yun was distressed. 

Within ten days after they had arrived in Fan Hua Town, Yang Jing Zhi and Qing Lan had bought a three-room house with a front shop to open their drugstore at the street on the West of Fan Luo City. They planned to open the store in the first week of the fourth lunar month. These days, they are rushing to prepare. 

Previously Jiang Ying Yun had followed Situ Yun, who came to notify her, to see the decoration of Qing Yang Medical Clinic. It was indescribably weird, but oddly harmonious. 

The walls were painted white. A narrow counter with drawers was placed near the entrance. Behind the counter was a massive closet with so many drawers reaching the ceiling, being placed next to the wall. Each drawer stored one kind of herbal medicine. They said that Qing Lan would sit there when they opened their business. She would carefully ask every patient who entered this store about their situation and signs of sickness and record the information into a small booklet. Then, the patients have to pay ten coins to receive a numbered wooden token. After that, they could wait for their turns on a long, wooden bench in the hall.

Yang Jing Zhi’s working office would be on the left. She would check the patients according to the number they had registered. After she diagnosed them, she would give them the prescription. Then, the patients would return to Qing Lan to pay and receive their medications. If the patients didn’t want to buy the medicines in their drugstores, they could bring the prescription to another drugstore to buy medicines. However, there would be several special herbal medicines that were only available in Qing Yang Medical Clinic since Yang Jing Zhi and Qing Lan had to go to the mountain to pick the herbs and process them personally.

And the room with the private bathroom, separated into two parts with a partition, would be Yang Jing Zhi and Qing Lan’s bedroom. In case someone would come at midnight for an emergency case, the two of them would stay in this clinic. They didn’t want to buy another house. They had planned to expand this house into a four-courtyard house when their business bloomed well. It was their dream for the next five years. 

Su Shuilian spared two rooms for them in Orchid Garden. When they came to Fan Hua Town, they would stay there. However, after the clinic opens, they won't have much free time. 

Suggested by Yang Jing Zhi, Lin Si Yao saved a room in the ancestral hall for her. On the fifth day of every month, Yang Jing Zhi and Qing Lan would come to Fan Hua Town’s ancestral room to do a health check and diagnose sickness for the villagers. It would be much more convenient for the people living in Fan Hua Town and the two adjacent towns. Su Shuilian thought there would be many people coming to visit the doctors. No matter what, it was much more convenient than going to the clinic in the west of the city. 

“What were you initially going to give her?” Su Shuilian blinked, asking curiously. Actually, she herself hadn’t had an idea of what to give the others. She had planned to walk around Fan Luo City after visiting Qing Yu Pagoda on the first day of the fourth lunar month and see if she could buy something for them.

“A brand-board, a screen, a vase…” Jiang Ying Yun tilted her head, listing what she wanted to present to the others. In any normal circumstances, those were the top choices to give someone. However, Qing Yang Clinic didn’t need those things. 

“Well, isn’t it most suitable to give them screens? I remember Jing Zhi said that she wanted to buy a screen to place in her clinic room.” Su Shuilian thought then smiled. “Didn’t you notice it? In her examining room, there’s a simple bed under the north window. I think it’s for the patients to lay down when she checks them.” 

“Oh yeah, I forgot. Alright, I will give her a screen. Um, her clinic isn’t really big. I think a four-piece screen will do. I will choose one with refreshing colors. Ah, right, my embroidery house still has an embroidered picture of sky-blue sprinkle. It’s suitable to make a four-piece screen. Ha ha… I’ve solved my problem… Shuilian, you can’t copy my idea. Tell Jing Zhi for me. Do not let her waste her money on this item.” Jiang Ying Yun’s brows stretched. She smiled, patting Su Shuilian’s shoulder. 

“Now I know why you and Jing Zhi have become best friends.” Su Shuilian shook her head, bursting out laughing. They had just met each other once and now they had become the best of friends. Only the frank and generous girls like Yang Jing Zhi and Jiang Ying Yun could do so. 

The outermost room in the West of the Pine Garden. 

“Si Tuo sent the message. Everybody is fine. Don’t worry!” Xi Chong brushed his slightly-damp robe, which was due to the spring rain. He injected his internal Qi to dry his clothes. Then, he entered Si Luo’s room and said to Lin Si Yao who was sitting at the table, leisurely flipping pages of his book. 

“Yeah, I’ll stay home these days.” Lin Si Yao glanced at Si Chong and found the man looked thinner. He said with a low tone. 

“Then it’s good. Tomorrow, I’ll return to Guangci House. I wonder how those rascals have managed the house for half a month. I just hope there will be no trouble. Sign, now I just figured out it’s not really good to have many disciples. Always a headache!” Si Chong rubbed his forehead and sighed. 

“You only know now? I thought you learned your lesson five years ago.” Five years ago, Xi Chong’s oldest disciple had made trouble. It was a shameful situation at the Hundred Flower Pavilion. It made Si Chong so mad, he hated that he couldn’t just kill him right then and there. 

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“Hmph, if I got a pure girl who’s willing to walk with me for the rest of my life like you, and she even gives me children, why would I have to bring up so many kids like this! They just want to make my hair gray earlier than it should be! Xi Chong glanced at Lin Si Yao through the corner of his eye, nagging. 

They were assassins. Where came a pure and innocent girl that would want to pursue them? Even if she agreed, her parents would reject. Although now he had washed his hands and put his sword aside to leave the force of the assassins, he didn’t get used to retracting his murderous aura. Even when he took a walk on the street, the people around would automatically give way. He almost doubted that someone had stuck a note on him that read: ‘Assassin, stay away’.

However, what made people more doubtful was that Si Ling, an icy-cold assassin, had a girl chasing after him. Moreover, she was a noble lady from a Prince’s mansion. Sigh, there was no point in comparing himself with another, it would only make him more frustrated. 

Lin Si Yao accurately guessed what Si Chong was thinking. However, he was kind enough to not tell them that Su Shuilian was his life-savior. Otherwise, he wasn’t sure if those crazy guys would fight themselves to the brink of death and run into Mount Da Shi to see if some fairy-like woman like Shuilian would appear and save them so they could use their bodies to pay her back. 

“Then I’ll get going. When Si Tuo comes back, notify him.” Si Chong’s voice hadn’t faded and he had already jumped out of the Pine Garden, heading toward Guangci House in Fan Luo City. 

“Notify me what?” Si Luo happened to walk into the room and asked skeptically. 

Lin Si Yao stood in front of the window, watching Si Chong leaving. He didn’t turn his head around as he answered, “Si Chong’s returned to Guangci House.”

“Does he really need to tell me this? Since when did he also become a naggy mother?” Si Luo was lying on the bed, lifting his head. Although his wounds had recovered, half of his internal force hadn't been restored yet. However, after this experience between death and life, he was not worried. It would be great if he could recover his internal force completely. However, if he couldn’t, it wasn’t bad to stay here and become a genuine farmer. No matter what, as Si Ling, the God of Slaughter, was here to protect him, there was nothing else he needed to worry about. 

“Also? Who else?” Lin Si Yao didn’t look further. He closed the windows, turning around to look at Si Luo. 

“Eh? You don’t know?” Si Luo glanced at Lin Si Yao. All of a sudden, he beamed faintly, which was really rare. “Someone has become as soft as a strand of noodles. Everyone in town knows.”

Hearing that, Lin Si Yao’s ears seemed to get hotter. Immediately, he used his Qi to reduce his embarrassed expression. 

“Do you have any plans for the future?” He sat by the edge of the table and poured himself a cup of tea. He turned around and asked Si Luo, who closed his eyes, resting on the bed. 

“I’ll stay here and be a farmer. What? You don’t welcome me? Don’t worry. I won’t hold you back. What you can do, I can do too.” Si Luo answered. 

“Are you sure?” Lin Si Yao arched his brows. Among the four of them, Si Luo was the most active and out-going. If Si Chong said that he wanted to settle down in Fan Hua Town, he would buy it. But Si Luo…

“What not to be sure, at least, right now I don’t have any other plan.” Si Luo lazily stretched his body. He sat up and leaned against the headboard. He retreated to the fatigue expression, talking in a solemn voice. “Si Ling, you’re also an orphan, of course you know it’s not nice at all when you feel lonely. Now we don’t need to think about the missions every day and prepare to kill someone. We don’t even need to force ourselves to train days and nights for the sake of revenge. After we’re free, living alone is much more forlorn than I’ve ever imagined. So… For now, I don’t want to leave here.”

“Then stay. This house was originally prepared for the three of you. It’s not a problem, no matter how long you want to stay.” Lin Si Yao finished his cup of tea, and replied indifferently. 

“Ha… And you denied it when people called you a naggy mother like Si Chong.” Si Luo mumbled. Then, he put his arms behind his head, closing his eyes, and spoke. “I heard that next month is the harvest time? Count me in.”

“Rest assured! As long as you’re healthy, you need to go to the field.” Lin Si Yao couldn't look more serious, but a smile flashed in his eyes, revealing his true, happy mood. 

Assassin Farmer Chapter 133: Settle Down (1)

Pure: Slightly not safe for work~

“I thought that you decided to settle down in the imperial city and you wouldn’t come back.” When Jiang Ying Yun heard that Su Shuilian had come home, she seized her free time to visit the latter in Fan Hua Town. Studying the young woman she hadn’t met for half a month, who looked even more beautiful, she couldn’t help but tease. “Hey, you had to spend time traveling all the way back here. It’s good that you weren’t tired, but why do I feel you become even more attractive and sexier? Tell me honestly, what did your husband feed?

“Really?” Su Shuilian rubbed her cheeks skeptically when Jiang Ying Yun said that. All of a sudden, she remembered the night they lodged in Shui Yue Town. A Yao had bullied her, making her come and groan continuously. At that time, he had muttered to her ear that it was the most effective way to keep the women from aging. Was it true? Was the hot fluid he had injected into her body the secret to maintaining her youth? 

“Hey, I’m just teasing you. What are you thinking about? Oh, are you blushing?” Jiang Ying Yun rolled her eyes, feeling speechless. She then ignored the woman who was still embarrassed to play with the twins that were crawling on the heated bed.

“Oh right, Shuilian, Yang Jing Zhi’s clinic is about to open. What should I give her as a gift?” Jiang Ying Yun held a pellet drum, trying to attract the twins to crawl toward her, asking. 

“Whatever you want to give them. Is there some taboo about this?” Su Shuilian pulled herself together, patting her red cheeks. She asked Jiang Ying Yun as she didn’t quite understand. 

“Nothing’s taboo. But from the style they have decorated their clinic, I have a feeling that whatever I give them, it would be useless.” Jiang Ying Yun was distressed. 

Within ten days after they had arrived in Fan Hua Town, Yang Jing Zhi and Qing Lan had bought a three-room house with a front shop to open their drugstore at the street on the West of Fan Luo City. They planned to open the store in the first week of the fourth lunar month. These days, they are rushing to prepare. 

Previously Jiang Ying Yun had followed Situ Yun, who came to notify her, to see the decoration of Qing Yang Medical Clinic. It was indescribably weird, but oddly harmonious. 

The walls were painted white. A narrow counter with drawers was placed near the entrance. Behind the counter was a massive closet with so many drawers reaching the ceiling, being placed next to the wall. Each drawer stored one kind of herbal medicine. They said that Qing Lan would sit there when they opened their business. She would carefully ask every patient who entered this store about their situation and signs of sickness and record the information into a small booklet. Then, the patients have to pay ten coins to receive a numbered wooden token. After that, they could wait for their turns on a long, wooden bench in the hall.

Yang Jing Zhi’s working office would be on the left. She would check the patients according to the number they had registered. After she diagnosed them, she would give them the prescription. Then, the patients would return to Qing Lan to pay and receive their medications. If the patients didn’t want to buy the medicines in their drugstores, they could bring the prescription to another drugstore to buy medicines. However, there would be several special herbal medicines that were only available in Qing Yang Medical Clinic since Yang Jing Zhi and Qing Lan had to go to the mountain to pick the herbs and process them personally.

And the room with the private bathroom, separated into two parts with a partition, would be Yang Jing Zhi and Qing Lan’s bedroom. In case someone would come at midnight for an emergency case, the two of them would stay in this clinic. They didn’t want to buy another house. They had planned to expand this house into a four-courtyard house when their business bloomed well. It was their dream for the next five years. 

Su Shuilian spared two rooms for them in Orchid Garden. When they came to Fan Hua Town, they would stay there. However, after the clinic opens, they won't have much free time. 

Suggested by Yang Jing Zhi, Lin Si Yao saved a room in the ancestral hall for her. On the fifth day of every month, Yang Jing Zhi and Qing Lan would come to Fan Hua Town’s ancestral room to do a health check and diagnose sickness for the villagers. It would be much more convenient for the people living in Fan Hua Town and the two adjacent towns. Su Shuilian thought there would be many people coming to visit the doctors. No matter what, it was much more convenient than going to the clinic in the west of the city. 

“What were you initially going to give her?” Su Shuilian blinked, asking curiously. Actually, she herself hadn’t had an idea of what to give the others. She had planned to walk around Fan Luo City after visiting Qing Yu Pagoda on the first day of the fourth lunar month and see if she could buy something for them.

“A brand-board, a screen, a vase…” Jiang Ying Yun tilted her head, listing what she wanted to present to the others. In any normal circumstances, those were the top choices to give someone. However, Qing Yang Clinic didn’t need those things. 

“Well, isn’t it most suitable to give them screens? I remember Jing Zhi said that she wanted to buy a screen to place in her clinic room.” Su Shuilian thought then smiled. “Didn’t you notice it? In her examining room, there’s a simple bed under the north window. I think it’s for the patients to lay down when she checks them.” 

“Oh yeah, I forgot. Alright, I will give her a screen. Um, her clinic isn’t really big. I think a four-piece screen will do. I will choose one with refreshing colors. Ah, right, my embroidery house still has an embroidered picture of sky-blue sprinkle. It’s suitable to make a four-piece screen. Ha ha… I’ve solved my problem… Shuilian, you can’t copy my idea. Tell Jing Zhi for me. Do not let her waste her money on this item.” Jiang Ying Yun’s brows stretched. She smiled, patting Su Shuilian’s shoulder. 

“Now I know why you and Jing Zhi have become best friends.” Su Shuilian shook her head, bursting out laughing. They had just met each other once and now they had become the best of friends. Only the frank and generous girls like Yang Jing Zhi and Jiang Ying Yun could do so. 

The outermost room in the West of the Pine Garden. 

“Si Tuo sent the message. Everybody is fine. Don’t worry!” Xi Chong brushed his slightly-damp robe, which was due to the spring rain. He injected his internal Qi to dry his clothes. Then, he entered Si Luo’s room and said to Lin Si Yao who was sitting at the table, leisurely flipping pages of his book. 

“Yeah, I’ll stay home these days.” Lin Si Yao glanced at Si Chong and found the man looked thinner. He said with a low tone. 

“Then it’s good. Tomorrow, I’ll return to Guangci House. I wonder how those rascals have managed the house for half a month. I just hope there will be no trouble. Sign, now I just figured out it’s not really good to have many disciples. Always a headache!” Si Chong rubbed his forehead and sighed. 

“You only know now? I thought you learned your lesson five years ago.” Five years ago, Xi Chong’s oldest disciple had made trouble. It was a shameful situation at the Hundred Flower Pavilion. It made Si Chong so mad, he hated that he couldn’t just kill him right then and there. 

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“Hmph, if I got a pure girl who’s willing to walk with me for the rest of my life like you, and she even gives me children, why would I have to bring up so many kids like this! They just want to make my hair gray earlier than it should be! Xi Chong glanced at Lin Si Yao through the corner of his eye, nagging. 

They were assassins. Where came a pure and innocent girl that would want to pursue them? Even if she agreed, her parents would reject. Although now he had washed his hands and put his sword aside to leave the force of the assassins, he didn’t get used to retracting his murderous aura. Even when he took a walk on the street, the people around would automatically give way. He almost doubted that someone had stuck a note on him that read: ‘Assassin, stay away’.

However, what made people more doubtful was that Si Ling, an icy-cold assassin, had a girl chasing after him. Moreover, she was a noble lady from a Prince’s mansion. Sigh, there was no point in comparing himself with another, it would only make him more frustrated. 

Lin Si Yao accurately guessed what Si Chong was thinking. However, he was kind enough to not tell them that Su Shuilian was his life-savior. Otherwise, he wasn’t sure if those crazy guys would fight themselves to the brink of death and run into Mount Da Shi to see if some fairy-like woman like Shuilian would appear and save them so they could use their bodies to pay her back. 

“Then I’ll get going. When Si Tuo comes back, notify him.” Si Chong’s voice hadn’t faded and he had already jumped out of the Pine Garden, heading toward Guangci House in Fan Luo City. 

“Notify me what?” Si Luo happened to walk into the room and asked skeptically. 

Lin Si Yao stood in front of the window, watching Si Chong leaving. He didn’t turn his head around as he answered, “Si Chong’s returned to Guangci House.”

“Does he really need to tell me this? Since when did he also become a naggy mother?” Si Luo was lying on the bed, lifting his head. Although his wounds had recovered, half of his internal force hadn't been restored yet. However, after this experience between death and life, he was not worried. It would be great if he could recover his internal force completely. However, if he couldn’t, it wasn’t bad to stay here and become a genuine farmer. No matter what, as Si Ling, the God of Slaughter, was here to protect him, there was nothing else he needed to worry about. 

“Also? Who else?” Lin Si Yao didn’t look further. He closed the windows, turning around to look at Si Luo. 

“Eh? You don’t know?” Si Luo glanced at Lin Si Yao. All of a sudden, he beamed faintly, which was really rare. “Someone has become as soft as a strand of noodles. Everyone in town knows.”

Hearing that, Lin Si Yao’s ears seemed to get hotter. Immediately, he used his Qi to reduce his embarrassed expression. 

“Do you have any plans for the future?” He sat by the edge of the table and poured himself a cup of tea. He turned around and asked Si Luo, who closed his eyes, resting on the bed. 

“I’ll stay here and be a farmer. What? You don’t welcome me? Don’t worry. I won’t hold you back. What you can do, I can do too.” Si Luo answered. 

“Are you sure?” Lin Si Yao arched his brows. Among the four of them, Si Luo was the most active and out-going. If Si Chong said that he wanted to settle down in Fan Hua Town, he would buy it. But Si Luo…

“What not to be sure, at least, right now I don’t have any other plan.” Si Luo lazily stretched his body. He sat up and leaned against the headboard. He retreated to the fatigue expression, talking in a solemn voice. “Si Ling, you’re also an orphan, of course you know it’s not nice at all when you feel lonely. Now we don’t need to think about the missions every day and prepare to kill someone. We don’t even need to force ourselves to train days and nights for the sake of revenge. After we’re free, living alone is much more forlorn than I’ve ever imagined. So… For now, I don’t want to leave here.”

“Then stay. This house was originally prepared for the three of you. It’s not a problem, no matter how long you want to stay.” Lin Si Yao finished his cup of tea, and replied indifferently. 

“Ha… And you denied it when people called you a naggy mother like Si Chong.” Si Luo mumbled. Then, he put his arms behind his head, closing his eyes, and spoke. “I heard that next month is the harvest time? Count me in.”

“Rest assured! As long as you’re healthy, you need to go to the field.” Lin Si Yao couldn't look more serious, but a smile flashed in his eyes, revealing his true, happy mood. 

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