Assassin Farmer

Extra 3 (1)

Extra 3 (1)

Special 3: Brother’s League (Section End) 1

“Big Brother Xiao!” In the past four years, Cui Yu Zhai had kept a special room for the brothers when they had meals together. As soon as they got into the room, they were happy to see their big brother Lin Xiao, who they had been yearning for, standing with his back facing them as the young man was making the dining table.

“Don’t need to be so exaggerating? Oh right, Long-er, Xiang Ning is looking for you with some urgent matter. I think she’s in her room. Do you want to see her now?” Lin Xiao saw his twin sister in the group, raising his voice to call her.

“Big brother Xiao, that blockhead Xiang is still chasing after her?” Si Qi Yang rudely shoved a piece of jujube soft cupcake into his mouth, and rudely spoke while chewing.


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