Atelier Tanaka

Book 4

Book 4: Chapter 4 (2)

Territory Pioneering 4

“I apologize. Let’s return to the matters you wished to discuss.”

There’s no point dancing around the subject, so let’s get straight to it.

“Of course. The group we represent were hoping you’d give them the opportunity to setup a business in your town.”

“That’s great.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“This is exactly the opportunity I was looking for as well.”

The Twilight Company won’t be enough manpower if we wish to continue growing our town.

We’ll need more and more people to bring in materials and this will also require more horses and carriages. That 100 gold cost will soon increase dramatically. If I can work with a few companies to bring in additional funds, it would help greatly to put the finances of the town on track.

I can’t allow the town to fall into a deficit even once.

“Really? Then this is a very fortuitous meeting indeed.”

“It’s unfortunate, but we’re already beginning to run short on many of the goods we need. So this meeting stands to benefit me as much as it does the group you represent.”

The way this ikemen speaks and the calm, never changing atmosphere he gives off is unsettling.

I became a noble somewhat against my will and this is the first time anyone has really treated me as a member of the nobility. I’m just beginning to get used to it and reminding myself to reply in a more respectable manner than I ordinarily would. But there is no doubt that this ikemen merchant is used to working with high-ranking people. He’s most likely the right-hand man of the person he represents.

“If that’s the case, I would like to propose a resolution that would surely solve any and all issues you’ve been having with your supplies. If you would allow us to take control of the trade within your town, we would be more than capable of supplying your city with all of the goods you may need via our base in Tricklis.”

“I see.”

So they’re aiming to monopolize the trade in my town.

If the group they represent is as large as they make it seem, this sort of business proposition must be common practice for them.

“It’s a very attractive proposal, and I’m sure you’d be able to supply us with everything we need from your base in Tricklis, however, that is a decision I am unable to make without first discussing it with Viscount FitzClarence.”

“Of course, we wouldn’t wish to put you in an uncomfortable position.”

“Yes, I am nothing more than a fledgling baron relying on the generosity of my benefactor to protect me from making too many mistakes.”

I’m not lying.

I really am using the lolibitch to protect me. No matter how big this corporation may be, they wouldn’t be willing to pick a fight with a family as powerful as the FitzClarences. It’s a well known fact that I’m being backed by Ester-chan, so I’d like to involve her in negotiations of this scale.

“I see….”

Hegel’s expression changed for the first time.

A pensive look crept across his face.

“Is there some truth to the rumours about your close relationship with Viscount FitzClarence?”

“I don’t know exactly what rumours you have heard, but they are nothing more than that. Just gossip and hearsay spread by those that would wish to damage the FitzClarence name. To put it simply, the Viscount saw value in my abilities and invested in me in the expectation that she will receive something greater in return. I have just been doing my best to meet those expectations.”

Even though we’ve recently bathed together, but I wouldn’t tell them that under any circumstances.

Putting aside how Ester-chan may behave in her private life, what’s most important is maintaining her image in public.

“Of course. I apologize for ever bringing it up.”

“I’m very grateful that you see our town as a place worth investing in. However, even though you call me ‘Baron’ and this is my territory, this entire area is more so an extension of Viscount FitzClarence’s lands.”

Things should work out if it stays like this.

“I understand. We will set up an appointment with the Viscount to discuss the full details of our proposal.”

“That would be for the best.”

It won’t hurt having Ester-chan take over the discussions. I witnessed her skills first hand when she was negotiating with Drill-chan. It would be best to leave it in the hands of someone talented like her.

“But that leaves little for us to discuss.”

“I’m sorry your trip here was a waste of time.”

A broad smile spread across the ikemen’s face.

His eyes were already small to begin with, but when he smiled like this they turned into straight lines. When a person with those eyes suddenly opens them wide it can intimidate even the most macho of men.

“Baron Tanaka, you do not need to lower yourself and apologize to a commoner like me.”

“No, I’m in a trial period and could be stripped of my title any day. I’m more of a commoner than you.”

“It was due to Viscount FitzClarence inserting herself into your life that you were put into this position, correct?”

“Eh, well, I suppose that’s true….”

He wouldn’t just casually bring up Ester-chan’s name again unless he was aiming for something. Perhaps he’s trying to determine if I hold any animosity towards her or it could be that he’s just trying to learn more about her. I’m sure he’d like to learn more about someone he’ll potentially be entering a business partnership with. She is the new lord of Tricklis too.

This could be a good opportunity.

Just like me, she’s new to her position as viscount. It would be good to help her get off to a friendly start with major players in the local area. Tricklis will be key to bringing in all of the materials we need and to have good relations with not only the lord but one of the biggest traders there would be invaluable.

“Viscount FitzClarence is an incredibly talented individual. In this world, there are numerous examples of people using the power and money their parents earned to boost their own position. However, Viscount FitzClarence does not fall into this category. She works hard on her own in an attempt to distance herself from her family name. I can tell she possesses both the skill and determination she needs to become a successful viscount.”

“You seem quite infatuated with her.”

“I suppose you could say I am.”

She’s close to perfect except for her lack of hymen. Why does her hymen matter so much? The easiest way to describe it would be to compare her vagina to a pen. The hymen is like a pen’s cap, and without the cap, the pen will eventually dry up and become useless.

“And when you consider her age, she still has so much time left to grow. A relationship with the Manson Group would provide her with invaluable knowledge to being a successful ruler and also provide her with insight into the inner workings of Tricklis. I would be forever grateful to you if you were to provide her a guiding hand.”

“Excuse me if this is rude of me to say, but are you a sort of father figure to her?”

“That’s not the case at all. She’s a Viscount while I am little more than a child in comparison.” (TN: This works better in Japanese, but the Kanji for child is a part of the kanji for viscount. It’s somewhat of a play on words.)

I would expect a merchant to be less understanding than this.

Or is he just trying to get information from me now?

“There are some things that I won’t be willing to tell you without first getting the Viscount’s blessing, but I am willing to listen to any questions you may have if it will help secure a future arrangement with the business you represent, Hegel-san.

“…I see.”

Hegel looked perplexed after hearing my offer.

Then, for the first time in a while, Eliza spoke.

“I’m truly sorry for interrupting, but I have a question for you, Baron Tanaka. I think a woman should remain silent when men are discussing business, but, in this case, I would like you to answer if possible.”

“What kind of question is it?”

“Rumours of what happened with you in court even reached us out here in Tricklis. My husband has been hearing other interesting rumours recently. Specifically, about a baron that built an entire city in the matter of only a few days. If these rumours were proven to be true, I’m sure the chances of us reaching a favorable business arrangement would be vastly increased.”

“Is that so?”

“I could see us investing quite heavily into this town.”

His wife is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

She’s a perfect match for him.

A strong wife to match her powerful husband, how nice. It makes me excited to get married. I think if I were to marry Ester-chan our relationship would be similar to this.

Either way, I want to be with someone that only wants to be with me. 


“Let me think….”

The main problem is deciding what exactly their ‘investments’ are truly worth to the town.

They’re asking for a permanent place in our town where they will admittedly bring in a good amount of trade. However, they will undoubtedly create a monopoly for themselves that will have a major impact on the economy of my town in the future. Considering the fact that I need all of my resources dedicated to earning money as quickly as possible, a long-term investment like that doesn’t seem worthwhile. I doubt I’ll even be able to make the payments for next month as things currently stand.

“To be completely honest with you, I’m not sure about it.”

“Is that so? Weren’t you the one that built this town? I had heard that this was nothing more than an empty meadow just a matter of days ago. I’m not sure exactly how you went about building everything here, but I’m sure there are only a few that could replicate it.”

A wife that can hold her own in place of her husband is remarkable.

“Still, I don’t feel as if I can make you any guarantees.”

“I see….”

“If this town were to fail, I’d fall into slavery. I’ve already made preparations in case this were to happen by selecting a mayor that would be able to manage the city on her own and…protect it if necessary. The Viscount has been made aware of this as well and the only one that I answer to is Viscount FitzClarence.”

“…of course.”

The wife’s dynamite body shook as she nodded.

“If you’d like, you can check with the Viscount to see if I’m telling the truth.”

This should at least prevent them for trying to sabotage my efforts here or for trying to take control of my town if I fail.

I wouldn’t expect them to have any chance of taking control of the town from the current mayor.

“Would you like to ask the Viscount herself?”

“I don’t believe that will be necessary. We weren’t planning on making any agreement that would be disadvantageous to either party, so it won’t matter who the ruler of this land is.”

“That’s good to hear.”

I don’t know if it’s worth believing them, but I don’t see many other options.

“Is your offer still on the table? A large investment in this town.”

“Where did this sudden change in attitude come from? You’re awfully confident for someone that claims to be in such an unfortunate position.”

“You can tell?”

“You claim that you’ll become a slave if you fail. After holding the position of baron, I’d expect such a drastic change to frighten most people.”

“Not even slightly.”

If I become a slave, I’ll be bought by Ester-chan immediately.

Even if I’m unable to have a more traditional romance and obtain the ultimate goal of having sex with a virgin, my punishment would be having endless gangbangs with a beautiful blonde loli. I’ll be subjected to endless pleasure every night.

“…I have a great deal of confidence. I don’t know why I was so hesitant earlier.”

“You are free to feel however you wish, but the only thing that concerns us is reaching a deal that will benefit our company.”


I think if I do my best, I can accept their proposal and avoid them establishing a monopoly in the town. The wife stared at me silently for a moment before turning to her husband who nodded in response.

“Baron Tanaka, do you have a dream you wish to achieve?”

“A dream?”

Here comes the changeup pitch.

This reminds me of the parent-teacher meetings during school. The teacher asking abstract questions about a child to a parent that wishes they weren’t there.

There’s no third party in this case but the feeling is the same.

“I don’t believe there is anything.”

“Surely there has to be. If you think your dream is to grand for me to comprehend, then you can explain it to me in detail.”

“There is one small thing, I guess. Something that a friend of mine has already accomplished. It seems like a far-off dream right now, but this town is the first step towards reaching that dream.”

And that is, of course, a harem.

I want to wake up in the morning and be greeted by a sea of exposed flesh laid out before me.

Pussy to the left of me, pussy to the right of me.

Esther-chan on my right hand and Christina on my left.

My mouth will be occupied by Edita Sensei while my crotch is reserved only for Sophia-chan.

I want to be the Swiss army knife of pleasure.

“I’m sure you, Hegel-san, have already reached my dream.”

“I have? What makes you think that?”

“It’s just a guess.”

An ikemen like him must’ve had two or even three girls at once.



I think I said too much. Saying that has caused the two of them to think about what my dream might be. They’re just sitting across the table from me, silently staring back. I wonder if right now I look like the old man at the company party that drinks too much then starts ranting about his failed dreams and yells at the younger employees.

“Anyway, should we get back to business?”


Hegel nodded after a moment of hesitation.

“I believe the Manson Group would be a welcome addition to this town. We would first like to discuss the exact size of the base you’d wish to establish here. When you’re prepared to make your proposal, you may set up a meeting with the Viscount.”

“Of course, thank you, Baron Tanaka.”

“I should be the one thanking you, Hegel-san.”

And this concluded the business negotiations with the Manson Group.


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