Atelier Tanaka

Book 4

Book 4: Chapter 4 (4)

Territory Pioneering 4

After a brief consultation with Sophie-chan, it was decided that the place for her stage would be built along the perimeter of the town square. There were plenty of buildings already there since this area had been completed days ago, but I did my best using Stone Wall to create a hall that could fit in between the other buildings like a puzzle piece.

If I were to make the hall too large at the beginning when attendance should be at its lowest, the large gaps would be noticeable. I decided to go with a smaller venue that was around 100 square metres. I told Sophie-chan that if she draws in large crowds on a regular basis that I could expand the venue as needed. For now, she’ll be closer to an underground idol.

It only took an hour to finish this rather simple building.

I followed her specifications as I built the place. She specifically requested a round stage in the centre of the hall with a ramp wrapping around it so she could descend from any side. I guess she wants to be seen from every possible angle.

It was a short project that I was able to complete efficiently using everything I’ve learned over the past few weeks.

The fact that I didn’t have to worry about plumbing also made the task significantly easier. There are public restrooms available to use all around the square because, after all, if there’s going to be any sex in the restrooms, everyone should be able to enjoy the view.

“What do you think?”

“It’s sufficient. Your magic is wonderful as always.”

Sophie-chan looked around the hall from the centre stage.

“That’s good to hear.”

“I didn’t think you could create buildings using Stone Wall.”

“It should be fine. I’ve already confirmed that these buildings should last for the foreseeable future.”

“I see. I was concerned, but if you’re confident, there should be no problem.”

We should be safe as long as what the loligon said was true. Sophie-chan probably knows the limitations of Stone Wall as its a common spell among the wizard community, so I’m sure she’s relieved that I’ve confirmed the structural integrity of, essentially, my entire town.

Again her eyes swept across the empty hall.

“Thank you for your cooperation. This is more than I imagined.”

“I hope we can continue to have a good relationship in the future, Sophie-san.”

“I would like that as well.”

With her being in idol bitch mode, she suddenly extended her hand out to me.

A handshake?

When it comes to interacting with the opposite gender, the mind of a busamen virgin like my own becomes hyper-aware of the precious thing that exists between their legs.

“I hope we can get along well.”

I’ll just respond with my honest feelings.

And I extended my hand out toward her’s.

She held it as soon as I got close and the warmth from her hand gradually flowed into my own. I thought that I was getting used to woman thanks to the unsolicited skinship provided by Ester-chan on a regular basis, but this created a different sensation entirely. This loli’s skinship feels great.

I could feel a slight sensation as Sophie-chan gently moved her fingers across the back of my hand.

But this is fine.

As a virgin whose cram school was in Kabukichou (TN: Red-light district), I’ve trained my mind to not respond to the flirtations of sluts.

The only thing that matters is love.

“S-Stop, why do you need to hold each other’s hands for this long!?”

“There’s no hidden meaning behind it.”

“I don’t believe anything you say!”

“I’m sure the day that you understand will come someday, Ester.”

“He’s the only one I want; I’m not interested in large groups like you!”

“Is that so?”

“It is!”

“You’ve never imagined being taken by a group of strange men? The unimaginable pleasures that a single man would never be able to emulate.”

“Wha…. A-A-Are you saying just anyone is fine!?”

“I’m just joking. My body is worth more than that.”

“What…you…. This damn brat….”

Ester-chan was flying into a rage while Sophie-chan was as calm as ever. Two people that exist to contrast one another. This is what happens when you deprive yourself of what you really want, lolibitch. If you just allowed yourself to be with Allen, you’d probably be a lot calmer.

I’ve heard that these two had a student-teacher relationship when it came to magic. It’s possible that this is actually how their relationship has always been. Before Allen was stolen from Ester-chan and Sophie-chan won a victory in love (or in her case, lust), Ester-chan had probably become used to being on the losing end of any confrontations with Sophie-chan.

“Are you trying to make me angry, Sophie?”

“I’m deeply sorry, Ester-sama.”


With this awkward atmosphere filling the hall, Sophie-chan and I pulled our hands back.josei

Service time has now ended. (TN: Reference to handshaking events and the like that idol groups do in Japan.)

“I’ll be ready for my first show tomorrow.”

“I understand. Then, I should get straight to the point. We’re going to need to come up with a contract for the duration of the time you’ll be performing.”

“Of course.”

The Idol Bitch rocked back and forth on her feet as she thought about it for a moment.

With one last glance around the hall, she began to speak,

“How about five gold pieces for the first week?”

“Eh, five?”

Is she really going to bring in that much revenue?

“Is that insufficient? We can make it ten if you like.”

She raised both of her hands out in front of her.

Her skin looked so smooth and her nails had been meticulously cleaned and manicured. How can such a pretty hand exist? But those same ten fingers have been wrapped around Allen’s penis multiple times. That flawless skin would’ve been stained by Allen night after night.

This thought struck a sharp blow to my virgin mind.

This world is full of danger.

“No, five gold is fine. After all, we were adventurer’s together.”

“Are you sure?”

“I don’t think I’d be comfortable with ten gold.”

“I see.”

“But if you continue to wish to perform here after I have developed the town further, and we continue to draw large crowds into both the town and the hall, there will be room to renegotiate our current contract. And I will, of course, expand your facilities as needed.”

“Please do.”

It’s likely that her name alone will draw in enough numbers to fill the current hall.

If we fill the hall every day with 200 to 300 people that will be around 1,000 people every week. That’s about fifty copper per person or around 5,000 yen.

Sophia-chan prepares a meal set every day available for purchase to anyone for eight copper. So the price of fifty copper for this show seems reasonable enough.

“Feel free to use the facility as you see fit as there are no other performers currently. If anything needs to be repaired or if you need help with anything else, please, contact me at any time.”

“Can I bring in my luggage?”

“Yes, that’s fine.”

“Thank you.”

I’m still trying to mentally recover from discovering an unlikely source of a large amount of income.

Five gold is significant.

Who knew having an idol acquaintance could be so profitable?

Considering her relationship with the FitzClarence family, I held back from charging her more to rent out the hall. If for any reason she were to begin losing money, she at least can’t run to the FitzClarence family and claim I’ve been gouging her rent. Five gold already seems like too much.

But it’s too late to change it now.

I hope the government doesn’t perform some form of external auditing. I have no basis for what to charge in rent and I’m not sure if overcharging is something I can be punished for.

“Are you finished!? Then, we’re leaving!”

Ester-chan grabbed onto the hem of my shirt and began marching toward the exit.

The lolibitch was on the verge of going insane, but this just increased her cuteness level by thirty percent.

“I guess you’re going.”

“That’s right!”

Sophie-chan watched us leave with a smile on her face.


Ester-chan stopped pulling on me just outside of the hall.

“Umm…d-do you have a moment?”

“What is it?”

She suddenly just stopped in the middle of the road and seems to be thinking about something. Considering how this lolibitch can act, I was worried she might say something incriminating in public.

“I’d like to ask you something.”

“That’s rare. I’ll do anything if it’s within my power.”

It’s unusual for the lolibitch to ask me for something directly.

This may even be the first time.

She’ll usually just act on whatever desire comes to her mind without any concern for what I actually want.


“Yes, as long as it’s something I can do.”

This is just making me worried about what she’ll ask.

“Then, u-u-umm, I-I want to take a bath!”

“A bath? I thought you were visiting Sophia-san every night to do just that. Were you doing something else?”

“That’s not what I meant! I want to take one with you! I want us to bathe together!”


Oh, so that’s what she wants.

There are plenty of mixed baths around.

I may have been the one to make them, but I’ve only used one once and that was with the noble mage. I’d be lying if I didn’t want to do it. I can’t help that that’s how I feel. I tossed the idea around in my mind for a little while but there was one main obstacle. There’s no place where we can go.

Dragon City is filled with members of the Twilight Company. I spoke with Gon-chan recently and he told me that in addition to the hundreds of macho men that are normally here, there are also now women from the company in addition to many children.

And the lord of this town is none other than this busamen.

Even if I weren’t to recognize the members of the Twilight Company, they would certainly know of me.

Even if they’re only temporarily my knights, I don’t like the idea of them seeing their lord enter a mixed bath to ogle the women. A lord’s dignity is directly tied to the survival of his town.

I didn’t even think about this until after we had opened.

It’s so disappointing.

I’ve only been able to endure it by masturbating every night.

So how can Ester-chan and I bathe together?

I can’t think of any way of making it work.

“Is it…no good?”

Ester-chan’s body had gone rigid and she looked genuinely scared about what my answer might be.

I don’t have a choice but to do what this lolibitch wants.

As long as I have her with me, I can go into one of the mixed baths with confidence.

“Ever since the meeting with His Majesty, I’ve grown more indebted to you with each passing day. If this is your request, I am in no place to refuse. That is, of course, as long as you are okay with me seeing your body, Ester-san.”

“Really!? And, of course, I’ll permit it! You can see it all! All the from the walls of my vagina to the entrance of my womb!”

“I-I see.”

Calm down, please. People are starting to stare.

But I love seeing a cute girl use erotic words like vagina and womb.

I would pay to hear her say pussy or creampie.

“T–Then, let’s get going! We’re going to bathe together!”

“If that’s what you want.”

“You’ll need help washing your body! I-I can wash every inch of it for you!”

With Ester-chan pulling on me excitedly, we headed off to the nearest mixed bath.

I had to half-jog to keep up with her pace.


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