Atelier Tanaka

Book 4

Book 4: Chapter 4 (7)

Territory Pioneering 4

When we arrived at the baths we were met by Ester-chan who the Princess invited to bathe with her.

I wanted to offer to personally help clean every inch of the Princess’ body, but I held back as Sebastian was still watching me. Both Ester-chan and the Princess are members of high-ranking noble families and they’re close to the same age as well. It makes sense that they would be close.

Although, the lolibitch has been losing her mind recently, and I half-expected her to ask the Princess to allow me to come in with so that they could wash my body. Luckily, however, she didn’t say anything of that sort. The two of them left to the changing room while happily chatting.

Which left just Sebastian and me alone.

We were lined up in the empty corridor outside the two changing rooms.

“Umm, would you also like to get in the bath…?”

I’d also like it if this sullen faced ikemen could experience the joys of pessari grass.

“Baron Tanaka, I wish to ask you something.”

“Oh, sure, what is it?”

Obviously, he knows that I’m a baron. The way that he speaks makes me think that he might also be a nobleman. And, assuming he is, there’s no doubt that he’s of a higher rank than baron. Even if the Princess is no longer here, I need to be careful about how I speak to this man. I’m already growing tired of acting like a proper nobleman.

I miss the casual conversations I was able to have with the noble mage.

“Refrain from getting too close to the Royal Princess.”

“Of course, you don’t need to remind me of that.”

“No, you mistake my meaning.”


“I’m unable to say any more than this.”

What the hell is that supposed to mean, Sebastian?

Come to think of it, I keep calling this man Sebastian but I don’t even know his real name. Should I ask Ester-chan about it later? Knowing his name might make conversing with him a little easier, but I’m afraid his personality might match that stern face of his.

“What does that mean?”

“Your misunderstanding? That is for you to figure out.”

“It’s for me?”

“Correct. From hereafter I will refrain from interfering. You are free to choose whichever path you please.”

“…oh, of course. Thank you very much.”

I don’t know what he’s talking about but I guess so. The path I want to choose leads directly to the royal pussy, but I don’t think Sebastian would allow me to go down that path no matter what he says. So, I guess it’s time for me to go.

Anyway, the Princess is bathing with Ester-chan, so I’m sure she’s safe. The problem child of this city, Christina, still hasn’t returned so I don’t have to worry about her causing any chaos. The Twilight Company also knows that the Princess is visiting. With Sebastian watching so closely, I don’t think I have to worry about anything happening to her.

I still have to finish up the work I was originally doing this morning.

My destination is the southern district.

It’s also a good idea for me to experience each section of the city myself. I’m most curious to see how Sophie-chan’s stage has been doing. If she’s attracting a large number of customers we might have to renegotiate her contract for next month. If not, I’ll need to find new tenants to bring in more money.

I left the bathhouse and headed off to the South District.


A long row of people ran along the edge of the town square leading to the door of Sophie-chan’s hall.


Just by taking a quick glance I can tell that this is a roaring success.

And these people are not just queueing up out of curiosity.

Even though they’re standing outside, almost all of them are excited to see the show. Cyan-chan is so cute, I’d die happy if I got to meet Cyan-chan, Cyan-chan, Cyan-chan, Cyan-chan. All of them are in love with Sophie-chan.

I didn’t think she was this popular.

“Should I take a look inside…?”

I got in the back of the line behind a few dozen people.

If this becomes an everyday occurrence, I’ll need to increase the size of the hall. I just got in line and there are already several people behind me. The line behind me got progressively longer and I started imagining exactly how I’d redesign the hall as I waited.

After a few minutes, I was finally at the front of the line.

I handed fifty-five copper pieces to the man standing at the entrance and entered the hall.

And I was immediately greeted by Sophie-chan’s figure on stage.josei

Her stage outfit looked like a modified version of her Knight uniform. Her miniskirt was noticeably too short as well. It gently fluttered through the air each time she moved her body, offering numerous brief glimpses at her panties. This is an idol that knows exactly what she’s doing.

“I’ll be singing for everyone again today!”

Her movements were quick and powerful and she almost looked like a blur at times.

However, this wasn’t what caught my attention.

The most noticeable feature of her stage that she had given me precise instructions for was the fact that it was slightly higher than the floor where the audience was standing. And this girl was essentially standing on a pedestal wearing a miniskirt.

It would be hard to avoid seeing her panties from almost any position in the hall.


This is panmoro. [TN: TIL panmoro is when a girl knowingly shows her panties off.] 

I now know why there are so many customers.

If the cute Vice-Captain of the Magic Knights who also happens to be the daughter of a well-known noble family was knowingly flashing her panties to commoners, as a man I’d feel like I have to attend. Sophie-chan has taken the shortest path to success for an underground idol. 

Honestly, rather than an idol performing on stage, she makes me think of a girl having an orgy in the park with a bunch of homeless men. A dirty public bathroom is her stage. Good job, Sophie-chan. A cute girl that spreads her legs regardless of who the other party is.

I love you. Let’s get married.

The reception can be under a bridge, illuminated by the blue streetlights. 

“You say one thing~~♪ But mean another~~♪ How am I supposed to understand~~♪”

The Vice-Captain’s stage performance was officially underway. There was a band performing behind her that was playing an upbeat song. They were also wearing the uniform of the Magic Knights but I can’t say for sure whether or not they were actual members. Each of these men was more handsome than the next.

The lyrics didn’t seem too important, so I just sat back and enjoyed the music. But her constant twirling that revealed her panties was what held my attention most.

This is bad. I feel like I could spend hours watching this.

Is this a cult?

The entire hall was standing room only and before the audience members even entered the room, they were already chanting their love for their goddess, Sophie-chan.

I almost involuntarily joined their chanting but I was able to hold myself back. I think if Sophie-chan had asked me to build a pole for her on stage, the chanting would reach its max. If she were to start taking off her clothing, the entire room would start rioting. 

A half an hour passed and Sophie-chan’s show was still ongoing. I positioned myself in the corner to avoid blocking any of the audience from viewing the show while still being able to appreciate Sophie-chan’s panmoro.

The only information I had about the show prior to attending was what Sophie-chan had told me herself.

She would only do one performance a day that lasted around half an hour. She didn’t possess either the stamina or desire to perform all day, and, likewise, the band wouldn’t be able to do so either.

Which is why I found myself backstage shortly after the show had ended.

I walked down the back hallway leading to the dressing room and knocked on the door.

“Excuse me, is Sophie-san available?”

Ah, I should’ve asked for Cyan-san.

I was beginning to doubt if there was anyone inside when I heard a voice from within.

“Oi, we aren’t taking in any random strangers off the street! Get lost!”

The door opened a crack and an intimidating voice greeted me.

It was one of the band members that was playing the flute on stage.

His face was more handsome than I expected after hearing his voice. He had short-cropped blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. There was a rough look about him but that just added to his charm. I wouldn’t be surprised to see someone that looks like him leading a party out of the Adventurers’ Guild.

His body fit this image as well. I may have been unsure if the band members were knights before, but his well-toned body lent credence to that being a real possibility. 

“Excuse me, I’d like to speak with Cyan-san for a moment….”

“Cyan-sama is resting! Now get going!”

I wasn’t expecting such a rude response, but I suppose it’s understandable. Sophie-chan is still the daughter of a noble family and allowing any random person to meet her could lead to disaster. However, the future will be troublesome if I can never speak with Sophie-chan.

“I’m sorry, but if you could just tell her Tanaka is here….”

“Shut up! Don’t you think Cyan-sama does enough for you performing each night on stage!? Asking for more of her time is just rude!”

“Ah, no, I think you’re misunderstanding….”

This is more annoying than I expected.

It’s obvious that he thinks I’m just another fan, and with Sophie-chan knowingly flashing her panties every day, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s already attracted several stalkers.

“You’re still not going, are you? You can’t blame anybody but yourself for what’s about to happen.”

The man reached out from the crack in the door and grabbed onto my collar.

The moment I thought things had escalated too far, a fist came flying at my face.


His fist connected with my right cheek.

And I was caught off-guard by how much it hurt.

I think it’s been since my first fight with Christina that I’ve felt any real pain.

“Do you get it now or do you want me to hit you again? The sight of you hanging around trying to get a few moments of Cyan-sama’s time is pathetic.”

As if the others inside finally noticed the commotion happening at the door, I heard the sound of heavy boots approaching us. 

“Schael-san, you needn’t be so rough with my fans.”

That voice almost certainly belongs to Sophie-chan.

I think I know what’s going on here.

I could be completely off-base here, but this could be one of those situations where an idol uses a situation to increase the love her fans hold for her. She has her bodyguard rough up a harmless-looking fan and just as he’s at his most scared, she swoops in like a benevolent angel to save the day and heal his wounds. But I’d rather not be in any pain at all, so it’s not making me like her more.

But I could see how it would work on her more rabid fans.

“I’m sorry for the way you were treated. I’ll be sure to speak with him –”

The door opened the rest of the way and Sophie-chan appeared.

She was still wearing the uniform she was in on stage but had removed a few of the top buttons to create a more erotic appearance. Her collar bone was revealed and I could see the top of her breasts just peeking out from her open blouse.

This is also a part of the trap they’ve set up. If I hadn’t studied at Kabukichō, I’d probably have fallen for it.


She stopped in her tracks when she saw me standing here.

It’s rare to see her surprised but her surprised face is cute in its own way.

It was worth taking that punch.

“Ah, Cyan-sama, what a kind heart you possess! For you to show mercy to this commoner proves that following you was the right decision! I will vow once more to follow you for as long as my body draws breath!”

Schael attempted to continue the charade.

But Sophie-chan remained silent.

“…Cyan-sama? What’s wrong?”

He seems to have noticed that something was up. 

Sophie-chan responded by muttering in a surprisingly subdued tone.

“The person you hit is…well, he’s Baron Tanaka. The ruler of this city.”


The astounded face that Schael made was cuter than I expected.


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