Atelier Tanaka

Book 4

Book 4: Chapter 5 (3)

FitzClarence Family

Allen and I made our way to my room in the dormitory.

We needed somewhere we could speak openly without worrying about anyone else overhearing us. The topic of discussion is a sensitive matter that only the two of us should know about for the time being. I’m not even sure I’d want Sophia-chan hearing about this so I’m glad she stayed behind in Dragon City.

“Now then, about what was said back in the manor….”

We were seated on sofas opposite each other.

I purchased a delicious tea from the cafe in the school before we returned to my room and this tea now sat on the table between us.

“First, I feel I should offer you my thanks. Thank you, Tanaka.”

“Even if you say that, I’m not exactly sure what you’d be thanking me for. Would it be possible for you to tell me what’s been going on between you and the Earl? I feel like I don’t need to say this but I won’t force you to tell me if you don’t want to.”

“No, I’ll tell you everything.”

I thought he might be hesitant to tell me, but Allen simply nodded and spoke about everything at length.

“This goes all the way back to when Ester and I first started dating….”

The story the ikemen told me was only slightly different than what I had already put together myself.

When Allen first began seeing Sophie-chan, his relationship with Ester-chan became exposed to Sophie-chan’s father. Seeing this as an incredible opportunity, Sophie-chan’s father decided to take the yarichin in and became his benefactor; not unlike how Ester-chan has become my own.

I’m not sure if Sophie-chan’s virginity was part of this deal and Allen wasn’t forthcoming with that particular detail, but I don’t want to think about what her father would do if he found out they were sleeping together and that wasn’t part of their arrangement.

With Sophie-chan’s father being Allen’s patron, if Allen had gone on to receive a rank among the nobility by being with Ester-chan, he would have done so while remaining loyal to Earl Bitch.

It’s no secret that Ester-chan’s father dotes on his daughter and it isn’t hard to believe that an accomplished knight like Allen could be given an aristocratic title if he had the support of her father. Earl Bitch was planning on using Allen to cement his position at the top of his faction alongside Ester-chan’s father.

I remember hearing that Sophie-chan also tutored Ester-chan in magic. It’s likely that Sophie-chan’s father encouraged her to do this to strengthen her relationship with Ester-chan. 

“So that’s how it is….”

“I know. It’s an ugly story that paints me in a miserable light.”

Basically, the appearance of Baron Tanaka completely ruined Earl Bitch’s plans and Allen’s future. The Earl placed all of his faith in the future of the ikemen when the true promise lay within this busamen.

It makes me feel a little guilty.

“I feel like I owe you an apology.”

“No, you have nothing to apologize for. Everything that happened was due to my own shortcomings, and you even ended up saving me. It would be ridiculous for me to ask for you to apologize.”

“But you were the one that was originally supposed to become a baron.”

“Nothing was guaranteed.”

“Then all of your efforts so far were….”

“Efforts are meaningless. All that matters is the outcome.”

I’m worried how this might affect him mentally, but I’m not sure if there’s anything I can say or do that would help him. I know if our positions were switched, I wouldn’t be able to hold back my anger. Not only did he lose Ester-chan, but his position amongst the nobility was also ripped away from him.

And this just made me feel even more guilty.

I think he should be rewarded for his efforts.

“I just want to confirm that you’ll be fine, Allen.”

“Based on how things ended with Earl Bitch, I believe I should be fine.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear that.”josei

I wonder how close he has become with Earl Bitch.

Was he ever invited over for a dinner party or was today the first time he had ever set foot in the manor?

“The Earl is a strange man. Do you know what type of person he is?”

“It’s rude for a commoner like me to speak about him behind his back, but I noted he is a very cautious man. I can say that he never showed any signs of violence or arrogance towards me.”

“I see.”

“He’s one of the top names in the FitzClarence faction. I haven’t heard of him having a desire to form his own faction but maybe all of this is out of his fear that someone may try to take his position.”


That doesn’t make him inherently evil.

I can respect that too, but it does make him a dangerous enemy if we end up going down that route.

I’ll be sure to steer more towards a cooperative route in our future dealings.

“I suspect the reason he sent us away today was due to the fact that you are an unknown factor to him, Tanaka. This is only a guess, but I assume he’s using all of his resources to gather any and all information he can about you.”

I was completely deceived by that intimidating face of his.

He made me believe that he already knew everything about me.

“That would also be why he’s focusing more on Ester rather than strengthening his relationship with Richard-sama. He made Sophie tutor Ester-chan for the same reason. I don’t know much about that aspect of things; only what Sophie told me herself.”

I guessed correctly.

“It’s also commonly known that Earl Bitch is considered to be a genius when it comes to managing the lands he owns. He inherited his land from his family after generations of mismanagement and managed to completely rebuild it and turn around the fortunes of his house. As long as Earl Bitch continues to perform at that level, Richard-sama will never consider taking action against him.”

“But doesn’t that put you in a dangerous position, Allen?”

“You made it clear to Earl Bitch that you and I are friends. No matter what the situation, the Earl won’t take any actions against me for fear of you ending your relationship with Ester-chan.”

“So that makes you safe.”

“Yes, and it’s also why I should thank you.”

Allen lowered his head again.

“You don’t owe me any thanks. It’s my fault you’ve been put in this situation in the first place. Which is why I believe it’s best that we return things to how we both know they should be.”

“But Ester doesn’t want….”

“This is why I was trying to find you today, Allen.”


Just like with the noble mage, I will support Allen in his pursuit of love.

I’ll become the Cupid of this world.

“I think we should discuss plans for how to make that happen….”

It’s best if we hurry this along.

When this busamen gets motivated nothing can stop him.

And just as we were about to start….

“I-It’s Ester! I-I’m coming in!”

A voice could be heard coming from the entryway.

Why does this blonde loli have such terrible timing?


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