Atelier Tanaka

Book 4

Book 4: Chapter 6 (5)

Slave Sister

It only took an hour by air to reach my destination.

The massive crater created by Christina was still there. The crater was so deep that I couldn’t even see the bottom when flying directly above it. How exactly does Drill-chan plan on filling it? She’d be able to fit an actual mountain of dirt inside that pit.

I feel kind of bad knowing that I’m at least partially responsible.

But there’s really only one person to blame so I’ll just leave it at that.

“…is that the place?”

A building not much different than the one in Tricklis.

With the assistance of a local guard standing watch at the entrance to the city, it didn’t take long for me to find the Adventurers Guild. She was much friendlier than the gate guard I met in Kalis.


I entered the Guild through western style, wooden double doors.

I was greeted by a scene of macho men. The Guild apparently has a bar as well and I can see several people drinking from cups. I was able to catch a few words here and there from the many conversations happening throughout the Guild hall.

It was a very welcoming atmosphere.

Even so, this made me want to immediately turn around and go home. However, when I remembered that I was doing this for my blonde loli slaves, I found the courage to continue. I set my sights on what appeared to be the reception desk where the request board was located.

I was only a few steps in the building before I spotted someone I recognized.


It’s that lewd witch.

The slutty witch that fought naked in Kalis’ city square.

I’m glad that I was able to witness it.

“Ara, this is quite the chance encounter.”

The witch noticed me not long after I spotted her.

“Hmm? Who is it?”

Across from the witch was the self-titled ‘Great Thief.’ Once the witch greeted me, Hard looked back over her chair at me. The surprise was clear on her face as her eyes opened wide once she recognized me.

There were a few others drinking with them, some of whom I recognized. Even though I didn’t recognize some of them, it was obvious based on their reactions to seeing me that everyone here was a part of the prison break.

“What do we have here? It’s been a while.”

This city isn’t far from Kalis, but it is a different country with poor relations with the Penny Empire. Even though they’re wanted criminals, it’s entirely safe for them to be sitting out in the open like this. This is a strategy used by wanted criminals in modern society as well.

“What are you doing here? Did you change your mind and decide to join us?”

The witch stood up from her chair and took a few steps closer to me.

We were only a few metres apart now.

She’s placing herself between me and her allies in the unlikely case I decide to attack them.

What a good woman.

I want to cum inside of her without worrying about the consequences.

“This is all just a coincidence, and no, I didn’t have a change of heart. I came to this Guild for a completely unrelated reason.”

“Is that so?”

“If I’m lying, I’ll let you put a slave collar on me.”

I wouldn’t mind being this slut’s sex slave.

It would be nice to just surrender to her and let her have her way with me.

After all, she was nice to a busamen like me and actually spoke to me like a normal human being when we first met. I was surprised when I saw Allen’s frankfurter hanging next to her, but I was still happy to speak normally with a beautiful woman.

Despite this being our first meeting, she didn’t even charge me for speaking with her.

I’m undeserving of such kindness.

“…all right, I’ll believe you for now.”

“I don’t really want to draw a lot of attention. Do you mind if I sit with you?”

“Of course, please do.”

I followed the witch’s invitation and took a seat at the criminal table.


It would be bad if I tried to lie to them and they found out, so I decided to be honest. I told them how I needed to make a large sum of money in a short time and how that led me to the Adventurers Guild in Tricklis which led me to Paipan where I just happened to run into the escaped criminals.

When I finished, the witch muttered with a hint of uncertainty,

“You have a surprisingly vulgar side to you.”

“There’s nothing surprising about it. I’m a vulgar person through and through.”

“I always thought of you as more of a saintly person.”

“That couldn’t be further from the truth.”

Thankfully they never asked why I wanted the money. I can already picture their reactions if I had to tell them I wanted to buy a pair of young virgins to use as my sex slave. There’s no doubt they’d hate me. After all, I’m just an ugly busamen preying on young girls.

“But this sounds like a great opportunity for all of us.”

“…what do you mean?”

“Have you heard about the ruins recently discovered?”

“Ruins? No, this is my first time hearing about them.”

“I see. Then, allow me to explain.”

How could ruins help out my situation?

As I wondered this, the witch gave a brief explanation.

She told me that an unknown man-made ruin was found deep within the crater that the loligon made. There were many monsters sealed within these ruins that were released. The people of Paipan have been busy dealing with these creatures in recent days.

It has made the reconstruction of Drill-san’s castle a distant dream.

“I see.”

“We decided to stay in this city for a while to earn enough money to cover our travel expenses. We may have made it out of the Penny Empire, but we are still within reach of their soldiers if they truly desire to capture us. Once we’ve earned enough, we plan on moving on.”

“So that’s how it is.”

“So, what do you have to say about our little proposal? We investigate the ruins together and eliminate as many monsters as possible. The town will reward us with gold for each one we kill. We’ve even procured a map to make things easier.”

“That does sound like an attractive proposal.”

“It definitely suits both of our purposes.”

“But what do the rest of your group have to say?”

I turned my eyes towards the others that had yet to even acknowledge me.

I don’t want to join up with them if it’s going to cause any issue. They do have a map which would make things easier, but if it’s just killing some monsters, I could manage on my own. I won’t join their group until I know everyone agrees.

“Isn’t it fine? I have no reason to distrust this guy.”

The first person to speak was a large man dressed as a stereotypical thief.

Others quickly followed and voiced their consent as well. I didn’t see a single one among them that truly seemed uncomfortable about the idea. The fact that it was the idea of the witch and the Great Thief for me to join seemed to play a major influence on their decision, but this was still more positive than I expected.

Everyone here is so welcoming.

My chest feels warm.

“We’ll meet up tomorrow if that sounds good to you.”

“I understand. Thank you very much.”

“No, I should be the one thanking you.”

In a surprising turn of events, I’ve decided to join up with the escaped prisoners.

My short vacation is going to be spent killing monsters in a dungeon in order to buy my sex slaves.


[Sophia-chan’s point of view]

I was on my way back from speaking with the slave trade about purchasing those two girls.

While walking along the main road in the Northern District back to the mayor’s home, I was suddenly stopped by Drill-sama. She grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face her before saying,josei

“Hey, Sophia, do you even have enough money?”

It’s about the slaves….

“Well, t-that’s….”

I have almost all of the gold I received from the dragon extermination.

However, I needed to find a way to hide the gold from my father. Keeping it at home was out of the question, so I decided to invest it through various means that would allow the gold to maintain or even improve its value. 

In order to buy the girls, I’ll need to convert them back into gold, and to do that, I need to go to Kalis. Even if I take a carriage, it will take about five days to reach the capital. That makes me sad even thinking about it.

Well, I’ve already given those two hope and I can’t take it away from them now.

And this is exactly what I told Drill-sama.

“Hmm? I guess I underestimated you, Maid.”

“No,I-I’m nothing special. It’s all due to Tanaka-san and Fahren-sama….’

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Eh? Umm, then what do you mean…?”

“Would you like my help?”

“Umm, well, t-that’s….”

“How many days do you think it will take you on foot? Don’t you think that it will be likely that they’ll be sold by the time you get back? Doesn’t the idea of taking something from you light a fire inside of you? Besides, you wouldn’t be able to properly serve your master if all you can think about are those two.”

Drill-sama, your true intentions are starting to show.

I doubt Tanaka-san cares about anything I do.

“A-Are you sure?”

“It’s not because I think of you as a friend or anything. I just don’t want to ride all the way back to the capital on my own.”

I agreed to accept Drill-sama’s help.

I’m happy to know that I won’t be alone.

Just keep doing your best, Maid.


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