Atelier Tanaka

Book 5

Book 5: Chapter 1 (2)

Dark Continent (1st)

The work Neumann has to do is probably at the request of the King. I’m not sure exactly what kind of work it is and when it needs to be done by, but any work assigned by the King should take priority.

What business could he have in this area? It must be something concerning Viscount FitzClarence’s territory considering there’s not much else around.


I left the loligon’s mansion and started walking down the main street while wondering about this. I don’t know much about Viscount FitzClarence’s territory so the possibilities are endless.

How should I proceed?

I’d like at least a small hint before deciding.

I continued down the road with my eyes locked on the ground. Then, the sound of laughing caught my attention and I spotted someone I recognized. It was none other than Gon-chan. Surrounding and clinging to him were several lolis and shotas. The loli master also noticed me.

Oh? What are you doing in a place like this, Baron?”

“Gonzalez, how nice to see you.”

Given how happy all of the children looked, they must be in the middle of exploring the city. There was a child clinging to his arm and one wrapped around his chest. What an enviable sight.

This is something I can set as a goal for my life.

“Did you have some business you needed me for?”

“Yes, but I’d hate to be responsible for ruining everyone’s fun, so I’ll come find you again when you’re free. Or, if you have some free time soon, you can come see me in my office.”

“Well, we’re just out wandering the city. If it’s something simple, you can join us or if it requires more discretion, we can find somewhere more private.”

“I suppose that works….”

What should I do?

I guess I don’t have to tell him everything.

“There’s just one thing I need to ask.”

“Oh, what’s that?”

“Could you tell me about any mines or river sources near Tricklis? If there are any other places in the vicinity of Tricklis that the Empire may be interested in, I’d like to know about them as well.”

“Oi, oi, are you getting involved in something dangerous again?”

“I’ll tell you everything once I’ve taken care of the situation. For now, it’s just my problem. I’ll do everything I can to not involve you or the rest of the Twilight Company.”

“I wasn’t worried about me or my people.”

Gonzalez spoke while scratching his cheek.

“Anyway, when it comes to water sources, there’s not much I can think of. The territory there isn’t that large to begin with, but it’s still important for trade due to its proximity to the border with the Pussy Republic.”

“I see.”

I assumed there was a mine with rare minerals or something else of interest, considering the Prime Minister must be aiming to take over the country. Maybe my assumption was off. The importance of Tricklis is just due to its location near the border. That’s not very exciting.

“I suppose there is Mount Dorz north of Tricklis. It was formerly the highest producing mine in the area. It ran dry some time ago, but it was heavily excavated to extract the high quality denis ore that was found there.”

“Mount Dorz?”

I feel like I’ve heard that name somewhere before.

But I can’t remember exactly where.

“There’s nothing else of note that I can think of.”

“That’s fine.”

I suppose that’s a good place to start.

It’s important for me to personally check every place of interest. Investigating each area is a simple task, but due to the Prime Minister’s potential involvement, there’s no way I could ask my friends or hire someone else to investigate on my behalf.

If I mess things up, I may lose my chance at discovering what the Prime Minister is up to.

I need to be mindful of my actions.

“Sorry, I guess I wasn’t much of a help.”

“No, that was enough for me to go on. Thank you.”

“Really? Well, I’m happy to hear it.”

“I’m going to head out for the mountain.”

“Sure, take care. We’ll be here to look after the town.”

“I’m sorry for forcing more work onto you.”

“No worries. I’m not sure what you’re up to but be careful!”


I gave Gon-chan a nod before taking to the sky. I’d arrive after dark if I took a carriage, so the best method of getting to Mount Dolz quickly is by air.

I’m looking for a mine. If I follow Gon-chan’s directions, I should be able to spot it from the sky.


I travelled from Dragon City to the city of Tricklis before flying straight north, following the directions Gon-chan gave me. In the distance, I could see a series of large rock formations.

Mount Doltz must be there.

I dropped my altitude once I reached the mountain range and this allowed me to spot a few roofs of a reasonably sized town. Gon-chan said this was a thriving town in the past.


But that was clearly no longer the case.

From my position in the sky, I could see that the town was mostly deserted. It’s not completely devoid of life, but it was clearly less populated than Kalis or Tricklis and may even have a lower population than Dragon City.

It was like an old station square in a suburban city.

“…ah, that must be the mine.”

There was a lone road that ran deeper into the mountains. At the end of this road was the mining operation. Several small buildings sat in a large quarry with several different open shafts dug into the mountainside. The mouth of the largest of these shafts was two metres square. The mouth was framed by wooden boards and had an armoured guard holding a spear on either side. 

Is that the entrance?

The other openings in the quarry were left unguarded. It must be costly to have two well-equipped guards stationed all the way out here guarding an abandoned mining pit.

The easiest way to find out why they’re here is a direct confrontation.

“Here I come.”

A soldier stationed out here might know something.

I landed in clear view of them a fair distance away.

“Who is that!?”

“A mage!”

I wasn’t close to them but they were still uncertain of my intentions. If most of your day is spent standing guard at an isolated mine when a man suddenly falls from the sky in front of you, it’s only natural for you to be a little suspicious. 

“Excuse me, I just had some questions I’d like to ask.”

“…what is he doing in a place like this?”josei

“He’s suspicious no matter how you look at him. Just look at his strange, flat face.”

Leave my face out of this, please.

I started making my way towards them as I introduced myself.

“My name is Tanaka and I am a friend of the recently appointed ruler of Tricklis, Viscount FitzClarence as well as being the recipient of the title of ‘Baron’ by His Majesty.”



The two soldiers went stiff after hearing my title.

After seeing this, I finally understood why other nobles took so much time to introduce themselves. You need to invoke your title and everything that comes with it in order to show the difference in power between yourself and whomever you may be speaking to.

It’s like a representative of a venture capital startup or a gangster on the streets that holds a lot of power. They want their reputation to precede them.

As I thought about this, I felt a little sad.

Am I becoming a noble in both title and reality now?

“In order to better rule this land, Viscount FitzClarence has ordered me to conduct a survey of her land. This mine is next up on my list. Would you please allow me to take a look around?”

“N-No, I d-don’t think that’s….”

“This mine is….”

They were immediately at a loss for words.

That didn’t take long at all.

No, it won’t be that easy. When has anything gone so smoothly since I arrived in this world? I arrived in this world and within a day I had to break out of prison.

My LUC has also rapidly decreased since then as well.

“I’m sure you are here on someone’s orders, but I’m serving the Viscount and indirectly the Duke of FitzClarence.”

“I-I’m sorry but this is just too strange. What kind of baron would be dressed like that?”

“That’s right! There’s something not right here!”

The two guards immediately attacked my appearance.

Should I start dressing more appropriately for my title? The traveler’s clothes I’m currently wearing are lighter and easier to move in. Clothing more suitable for a noble tends to be layered and I’m honestly just tired of wearing suits.

“I’m not here because I want to be. If you won’t believe me, you can send a message to the Duke himself. I recently ate a delicious meal at his estate in the capital.”

“Wha — y-you’re just trying to deceive use by talking big.”

“That sounds like something a child would say. Eating dinner with the Duke or even a king.”

As they spoke to each other, they began to turn their spears towards me. The sharpened metal was pointed straight at my chest and if they took a single step forward, they could reach me.

Of course, I could easily eliminate them both with fireballs. It would only take a few seconds, even with that armour they’re wearing.

But I shouldn’t do that after bringing up Ester-chan’s name.

“Are you saying you plan on defying the Viscount’s orders?”


“I-Is that a threat?”

“My master, Viscount FitzClarence, is a very kind-hearted ruler. She would never permit me to harm or murder any citizen of her territory. Still, the orders of my master are absolute.”

If this does work out, it would be best if I don’t give these two a reason to report to the Prime Minister. I suppose I could find a way to silence them if necessary.


“I-If that’s the case, then….”

“If you would like, you can dispatch a messenger to the Radius Grassland where you will find a man named Gonzalez. He is the leader of the Twilight Company and can vouch for everything I have told you.”

“Gonzalez? You know Gonzalez?”

One of the soldier’s reacted when I mentioned Gon-chan’s name.

“Yes. We fought together during the conflict and he and his company are now serving under me as my knight order.”

“…is that so?”

This could be an opportunity. The tone of the soldier has changed completely. I have to take any chance that appears.

I’ll use Gon-chan’s name.

“Do you know Gonzalez?”

“An acquaintance of mine…is a member of the Twilight Company.”

“I see. I may have met them.”

“Don’t be stupid! The Twilight Company would never serve a noble….”

“Would you like to speak with Gonzalez himself? As I said, he’s on the Radius Grasslands right now.”


The soldier that didn’t seem to know Gonzalez remained silent which allowed me to take control of the conversation. 

“Would you please allow me to go through? If you refuse, I’m afraid I won’t be left with many other options.”


It was clear by the look in their eyes that they knew they didn’t have any choice. This is the difference in power between  the nobles and commoners of this world. They quickly lowered their spears and took a step back.

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