Atelier Tanaka

Book 5

Book 5: Chapter 1 (6)

Dark Continent (1st)

I’m beyond lost at this point.

It’s like I’ve been placed somewhere randomly on the globe with little indication of where.

“…what’s wrong?”

“I-It’s nothing. I’m just a little disoriented.”

Without me even noticing, the chocololi was by my side. She must have come up the stairs at some point. She also was no longer carrying the food.

She was standing close enough that I could easily reach out and touch her.

This sense of closeness made me happy.

I wanted to lick her brown skin until it turned white.

“Are you leaving?”

“I want to, but the place I want to go to is near the mountains….”

Can I find my way back?

If what the noble mage said was true, then this entire continent is filled with creatures that can rival Christina. If a group of creatures of that strength attacked me, I’m not sure if my recovery magic would be able to keep up with their damage.

I’m in a place where I could be killed by a single monster if I’m careless.

Even this chocololi’s stats are ridiculous. In a fair fight, I’m not sure how much of a chance I’d stand considering her agility. My best bet would be to end it quickly with a surprise fireball. If it did turn into a real fight, I’d be forced to use the same invincible mode I used against Christina.



Our positions have flipped.

I was the one offering her help when I believed her to be a simple orphan, now I’m the one at a complete loss. Her expression still hasn’t changed; as if she’s thinking, “What is the ossan talking about?”

“Excuse me, could you answer a question?”

“…what is it?”

“Do you know of a place called the Schwinn Forest? Or maybe the nearest village?”

“Both of those can be found south of here. They’re not far from each other.”

“I see.”

That’s something positive.

I’ve taken one step closer to the Elixir of Youth.

The journey to the dark continent should’ve taken two weeks but I’ve arrived in only a few minutes.

My target is the wing of a Green Sylph.

“…are you leaving now?”

“I never expected to arrive on the Dark Continent. I’ll head to the village for now and visit the forest if I have time.”

“Why do you want to go to the forest?”

“I need Green Sylph wings. I had planned on getting them in the future, but I can’t let such a great chance slip away.”


“I’m sorry for the strange proposal I made earlier.”

I feel sorry for her, but I have to prioritize myself and how I’m going to find a way home.

If the chocololi could accept me, I’d be happy to live in her hole with her forever. Rather, I’d like it if she’d take the initiative and forcibly drag me back into her hole. If I was abducted and confined by a homeless girl, I could die happy.

I want to die while she takes care of my every need.

If I were an ikemen would such a future be a possibility?

A life where I’m reverse-raped by a chocololi every day until I die.

“Oh, right, which way is south?”

“…that way.”

“I see. Thank you for all of the help.”

“I didn’t do much.”

I am thankful to her and want to stay with her, but before I can say or do something to make her hate me, I should leave.

“Then, if you’ll excuse me.”


“Yeah, goodbye.”

I wish I could spend some more time with her.

I could get addicted to her cute voice.

I want to hear her say, “Oji-san no ecchi.”


[Sophia-chan’s point of view]

I was hard at work as usual today.

I was already covered in sweat so early in the day.

These days, most of my time is spent in the Dragon-san’s house. Today I had a special guest as well. Tanaka-san’s acquaintance Gonzalez-san.

“Sophia, the northern district is almost complete. I’ve got some extra hands if there’s any work that needs to be done.”

“O-Of course! If that’s the case, the work in the eastern district is falling behind. If you could please send your men there.”

“Oh, the eastern district, huh!? Roger that!”

“I-I-I-I-I-I’m sorry for the trouble!”

“You don’t need to apologize so often.”

“I-I’m sorry.”

With a pleasant smile, Gonzalez-san left the room

And was replaced by someone else.


He is a good-looking, tall official from the capital.

“Sophia-kun, do you have a moment? I’ve noticed a problem in the southern district. People there seem to congregate on a few specific baths, causing these areas to become congested. This has resulted in certain problems.”

“Eh? Problems…?”

“There was a fight.”

“O-Oh, I see….”

I don’t think dealing with fights is my responsibility. What would Tanaka-san do?

“I’d recommend adding more baths to the area, however….”

“U-Umm, without Tanaka-san, I’m not sure adding more facilities is a possibility….”

What should I do, what should I do?


This maid’s useless brain seems to have finally reached its breaking point.

Where did you go, Tanaka-san?

“Umm, h-how about holding an event to promote other baths? We could do this to encourage a regular rotation of the facilities….”

“I see. New facilities was what I was thinking, but this would be cheaper and easier to implement. Hmm, not bad.”

“Y-You think so? I-I was just sharing my thoughts….”

“I’ll get to work on it immediately. Thank you, Sophia-kun.”

“Eh? U-Umm, are you sure that’s a good idea? What if it doesn’t work or someone has something better…?”

Just as Gonzalez did before him, Neumann-san left the room while flashing me a pleasant smile.

And I was given no time to catch my breath.

Someone else entered the room.

“Sophia anego!”


It was the mohawked man that works for Gonzalez-san. If I listen closely, I could hear pounding footsteps approaching my door. There were more people coming.

“Anego, we’ve just received a report!”

“A-A-A-About what!?”

The discomfort I was feeling in my stomach was getting worse by the moment. I felt a shiver run down my spine and could hear audible wet noises coming from my armpits. 

Oh, my stomach.

It’s killing me.

It’s the kind of pain that makes me happy a toilet is nearby.

But how am I supposed to get to it with a line of people outside my door?

“There are reports of people gathering in the slums of the southern district….”josei

I can’t do this.

This is the type of pain that no normal human can endure.

“Um! I-If you’ll excuse me for j-just a moment…oh, ah…ah….”

“What was that? Did you hear a strange sound, Sophia anego?”


I was hard at work as usual today.

I was already covered in sweat so early in the day.

Please, hurry home, Tanaka-san. Just come back and show me your smiling face. I just want to go back to eating in the dorm. I’ll never wish for anything more again.

“Anego? Is something wrong?”


“Ooohh, I’m sorry! Gonzalez aniki always scolds me for not looking after the needs of women! I’ll clear the way for you to do your business!”


This young girl’s heart is breaking, Tanaka-san.

I’m afraid of the rumours he’ll hear about me when he returns.


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