Atelier Tanaka

Book 5

Book 5: Chapter 1 (9)

Dark Continent (1st)

The next day I woke up later than usual and decided to go to Susanne’s for a late breakfast.

The only thing on my mind as I made my way there was how I was going to apologize to the infololi.

With my mind so focused on this, it took me a moment to notice the commotion running through the streets of this small village. The streets were packed yesterday, but this is more of a panic rather than the normal hustle and bustle of the city streets. It’s making me nervous.

As soon as I entered the shop, I asked Rodriguez if anything was wrong.

“Umm, is something going on?”

“Oh? Ah, if it isn’t the plain-looking guy from yesterday!”

This guy really doesn’t hold anything back.

Well, maybe it’s because he just feels comfortable in this place.

His rough questions are fitting of a man like him.

“I noticed a commotion out in the streets.”

“Ah, those idiots are all excited about some strange wall suddenly appearing in the forest. Just yesterday, no such wall existed, but now this massive structure appeared right in the heart of the forest.”


That sounds familiar.

Now that I think about it, I was so desperate to escape that I never bothered to remove it.

“Everyone’s trying to form a party to go investigate the strange wall.”

“…I see.”

“The Heroes of the East and West believe it’s a sign of the Demon King’s resurrection.”

“Well, what do you think?”

“Well, this is the Dark Continent after all. There are a number of strange happenings that could be the source.”


This isn’t good. I seem to have caused quite an uproar.

Should I quickly fly there and erase the evidence?

I’m worried what will happen if I don’t.

Before I was able to act, a familiar voice began shouting over the noise of the shop.

“All right! If any party other than my own can beat us to the wall and solve its mysteries, I’ll transfer the title of Hero to them. However, the only one capable of such a feat is I, the Hero of the West!”

“Keep your voice down. The responsibility of investigating the resurrection of the Demon King falls to none other than I, the Hero of the East. I won’t hold back if you get in my way. And if you feel the weight of the title of Hero is too much for you to bear, pass the title to another so I no longer have to deal with you.”

“Hou, those are some strong words, Hero of the East-kun.”

“The same can be said for you, Hero of the West.”

The Heroes of the East and West were in direct conflict.

They’re close to an actual fight.

And beside them —

“When trying to understand this strange phenomenon, looking back at historical texts is important. However, an event like this is unprecedented.” “No, that’s not true. In the ancient kingdom of Dashinaka, a huge monolith was created during the resurrection of an evil god.” “If we look into what the wall is made of, we may learn more about it.”

“One thing is for certain: we don’t yet possess enough information at the moment. We may need to conduct a field survey.” “Yes, I would have to agree.” “There won’t be much left to survey if they have their way.”

Probably a group of professors from Academy City.

They were discussing this with several documents laid out on the table between them.

And, at the next table —

“Oi, our party is about to head off to investigate this wall! If there’s anyone that wants to join, do so now! Being skilled is important, but we’re aiming to have the largest party possible!”

Rodriguez said that this man belonged to a famous clan from the southern region.

And those that wanted to rise to prominence in the Dark Continent are not just limited to these notable figures. The tables were all filled with people forming parties and there were countless people not even able to find seats.

The room was getting hot from the shear amount of people and my forehead was starting to sweat.

This place has certainly become lively.

“What are you gonna do?”

Rodriguez asked me this across the counter.

This is a chance for me to get some useful information.

“I was planning on heading to Schwinn Forest. Do you know the way?”

“Ah, if you’re looking for Schwinn, you only need to head towards the wall. It can’t be seen from this settlement due to us being near sea level, but according to the man that first spotted it, you can see it on a hill just outside of town.”



The ultimate waypoint, my Stonewall.

I love it.

I want to increase its level in the future.

“But the area where the wall is located is tough for mid-tier adventurers. Even someone strong and skilled could lose their life over a small mistake. I wouldn’t recommend a beginner like you going there.”

“Don’t worry about me. I was just interested in learning about the area. Thank you.”

It’s not far from the coast. According to the noble mage, the average fighter stands no chance of surviving anywhere but on the coast of the Dark Continent, and even the most skilled of fighters would struggle in the heart of the continent.

“I don’t know what you’re planning, but you won’t survive in that place alone. There’s only one person in this world that could survive the Dark Continent alone.”


“Obviously. Usually, a party is made up of at least four members, but that’s only for the stronger fighters that prioritize speed. Those that want to remain safe form parties of ten or more. The creatures of the continent are becoming more active so larger parties are growing in popularity.”

“I see.”

I think I was able to understand that much from my brief encounter yesterday. You’d need several people to stand guard overnight and others to carry you to safety if you get injured.

You’d need people to fill the multiple roles required of a party so you’d need people that are specialized in attack, defense, and support. You’d essentially need two full parties to take shifts sleeping while still remaining safe.

That being said, Rodriguez did say there’s someone capable of surviving the Dark Continent solo, which gives me hope and faith in the potential of humanity. How far can one person rise?

“Well, I’m sure you’ll be able to find a party willing to take you on.”


What should I do?

It’s probably not necessary, but maybe I’ll be able to find a good group. Just like Rodriguez said, with everyone recruiting, I doubt I’ll have much trouble. It might lead to something else just like when I joined Team Orgy.

“I’ll think it over. Thank you.”

“Of course.”

I bowed to Rodriguez and left the counter.

I turned my attention to the shop filled with adventurers.

Everywhere I turned there was some group looking for members. People looking for additional members in the hopes of increasing their odds of survival. I want to find some place to fit in as well.

“We’ve got five members in the forward guard and three in the rear. We’re looking for more members to join our rear guard, especially if you can use recovery magic!” “Are you a summoner!? We’re looking for summoners! One that can summon quickly!” “Looking for a magic user capable of using large-scale destruction magic! We have several members that can create an impenetrable defense for you!”

“Please, join us if you’re a skilled no-chant magician! We’re looking for a small group capable of moving quickly through the forest!” “Is there no one confdent in their destruction magic!? We’re a part known for our defensive capabilities!” “Is anyone in need of a capable spy boasting heightened senses? I’m looking for a group!” “We need a rear guard with support capabilities! Please, speak up if you think you fit the role!”

It’s like I’m in global chat of a popular net game.

It’s kind of fun and exciting.

I quietly listened to what each party was looking for. Even if I’m able to sell myself well, there’s no doubt that most parties will pass based on my looks. 

My eyes naturally scanned the room, looking for any party that might take me on.

Conversations concerning the wall could be heard all around me.

After listening for a while, I slowly began to understand the situation.

There was a much higher demand for attack magic than recovery magic. I assume this is due to the enemies of this continent having high HP and defense.

The next class in demand was those capable of support.

And, after that, came those capable of using recovery magic.

I recall seeing a shop in Kalis selling recovery potions. The decline in demand for healers is probably due to the availability of these potions.

Everyone now possesses the power to instantly restore lost limbs.

The most in-demand type of class is those capable of using high-damage abilities while also providing some form of support. The so-called hybrid class. I don’t see any chance of finding a party to join at this rate. Those that need healers probably have regular members capable of filling the role.


It’s like trying to find a good party for an endgame dungeon as a solo player in a net game.

I’m getting excited.

I want to rub the ass of the nee-chan wearing hotpants in front of me.

“…all right.”

A freshman’s Dark Continent challenge.

Given what most parties are looking for, I’d have the best chance joining the rear guard as a mage that can use destruction magic. However, I’m not sure how fit to the task I am as I’ve never fought in that situation before and my attacks are strictly limited to fireballs. For now, I’ll try to find a party looking for a healer.

Even though those parties are already few, I’ll try to focus on parties that are mostly female. It could be a makeshift harem where there are eight women and only me. My ideal party would consist of beautiful big-breasted women.

I slowly made my way closer to a potential party.

I tried to make what I thought was a cool expression.

“Umm, excuse me, are you looking for someone capable of using recovery magic. If you are, I’m confident in my abilities and would like to join. I can also carry your luggage and I’m a decent cook.”


“Ah, sorry, umm, I overheard you were looking for a party member to join your rear guard. I’d like to join if that’s all right? What do you say?”

I spoke to a woman that was recruiting.

She had beautiful glossy, black hair and appeared to be in her early twenties. The rust coloured armour that covered her large chest must have been specially made. A large sword hung from her waist which suggested she was a warrior in the vanguard.josei


“…what do you say?”

The look in her eyes reminded me of someone looking at a small, dirty stray cat that wandered into your home. She narrowed her eyes and looked me up from head to toe. The other female members of her party did the same.

And then, a curt reply.

“I’m sorry, but you should look for another party.”


One-shot destruction. So quick.

Damn it.

I can’t give up yet. There are still more parties looking for healers.

If I gave up after failing the first time, I would have never made it to thirty. I’m used to living life on hard mode. This is all in order to obtain the Elixir of Youth. Even if I’m forced to shame myself by licking someone’s boot, I’d happily do it if I meant I can obtain the Elixir.

“Let’s do this.”

I next went to the second place party when it came to the number of women.

There was one particularly beautiful witch with massive breasts that caught my eye.

I don’t think I’ll be able to hold myself back.


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