Atelier Tanaka

Book 5

Book 5: Chapter 2 (12)

Dark Continent (2nd)

After Christina transformed back to her loli form we flew back through the trees and landed near the chocololi.

The noble mage had stored her dress in his bags. For the first time in a while, I was able to see the loligon’s shaved vagina. Tonight’s meal for my son has been decided.

“…is that really the Ancient Dragon?”

The loligon had finished changing.

Goggoru-chan couldn’t hide her surprise. 

This question was expected. The massive dragon had transformed itself into a loli smaller than even the chocololi. I was even more surprised when I first saw her in this form. Actually, I didn’t even know she was the same dragon I had fought previously.

“Yes, it is.”

I nodded as I gave her my answer.

I noticed the noble mage eyeing Goggoru-chan before saying,

“Brown skin, white hair, and that tail….”

“Is something wrong, Fahren-san?”

“Is this girl a member of the Goggoru tribe?”

“You know about them? She was the first person I met after arriving here and has helped me out in many ways. I’ve heard some say that she’s a member of that tribe, but even if she’s not human, I want to treat her the same as anyone else.”

Because, even if she isn’t human, she’s a beautiful girl.

I need to take every chance I get to win her over.

Fortunately, she has some understanding of magic, so the noble mage shouldn’t be too hard on her. As long as someone isn’t completely magic illiterate, he doesn’t care what their status is.

But I was still curious to hear what he’d say.

“No members of the Goggoru tribe are known to live on the Dark Continent. It’s possible a few members have migrated here from elsewhere. That being said, the Goggoru people are not too dissimilar from humans. Considering the number of dangerous creatures that exist on this continent, a Goggoru would be a welcome addition to our party.”

“You think so?”

“There are many ways to make use of a Goggoru’s ability, but it would be too great a risk to ask her to touch every creature we come across. In fact, their power becomes less useful when a lot of creatures are involved.”

The noble mage began talking about something that only he understood.

I couldn’t understand what he was saying nor could I read his face to get an idea of what he was thinking.

But the loligon seemed to react to his words.


She didn’t say anything, but she left the noble mage’s size and made her way closer to Goggoru-chan. She gave her the same inquisitive look that the noble made had done previously.

It was a face she normally wouldn’t make.

“What’s going on, you two?”

[…aren’t you a High Goggoru?”

“High Goggoru?”]

Now that I think about it, there was something like that in her status.

I hadn’t really thought about what exactly the ‘high’ part of her race meant.

“H-High Goggoru!?”

After hearing Christina’s words, the noble mage took to the air and flew some distance away from us. The loligon flew to his side as well. The noble mage was noticeably more nervous than the loligon. I could even see his eye twitching.


What’s going on?

According to his own words, Goggoru-chan is a rare creature. I wouldn’t expect someone like him to want to keep his distance from such a specimen.

“I vaguely remember reading about a tribe of Goggoru that called the Dark Continent home. Was it in one of the libraries of Academy City? No, that’s not it. It was the annals of the Great Holy Kingdom. Yes, that was where I read it. I’m certain.”

“Fahren-san, what do you know about her?”

I had to ask him again.

The sudden change in atmosphere is worrying me.

It’s like I just told him he was holding a cockroach not a stag beetle.

“You said you met her here. Is that correct?”

“Yes, it wasn’t very far from here.”

I recalled my first encounter with the beautiful chocololi.

Her cute little hovel with a barebones bed. Poor girls are the best. It’s one of my top qualities for girls that I’d want to marry. Obviously, it’s second to still having their virginity.

However, the look the noble mage gave Goggoru-chan was worrying.

“…if that’s true, then what she said is most likely true.”

The ‘she’ he was referring to was Christina.

But I still didn’t understand.

There’s something that the both of them know about the race of Goggoru that I’m unaware of. I feel like I’ve heard of them somewhere before, but I can’t quite recall it. It was probably around the first time I arrived in the Penny Empire.

“A High Goggoru? I guess that’s her race, as she said, but why is that a problem? I think you’re taking it a little too far by putting so much distance between us. It’s unfair to her.”

I mean, I’ve seen her stats, and she is strong, but the loligon is much stronger than her. Is it really necessary for them to stay so far back? Aren’t they just being rude to Goggoru-chan?

“…you’re saying you understand the situation you’re in?

“I understand enough.”

Goggoru-chan is a homeless girl squatting in a cave.

I am the new baron of the Penny Empire.

I can easily see a future where the gracious new baron welcomes a homeless Goggoru into his home.

“A…and you’re still going to stay by her side?”

“Yes, do you have a problem with that?”


The noble mage was in complete shock.

I still can’t understand why the noble mage is reacting how he is, so I’ll change the person I’m questioning.


I called her name and when our eyes met, she quickly shifted her gaze and began staring off into space.

Even an Ancient Dragon is worried by Goggoru-chan? No, that can’t be right. Comparing stats alone, the chocololi is no match for the loligon. The loligon would normally take every chance she can to prove her superiority.

So, why is she acting like this?

I really can’t think of anything.

“What is going on with you two?”

I really can’t understand why they’re acting this way.

When I asked them once more, the noble mage was the one to speak.

“This might be rude to say right in front of her, but I can’t feel comfortable standing next to someone that I know is capable of reading my thoughts. I’ve never been face-to-face with such a creature, but now that I am, I can’t help but focus on keeping my mind clear.”

“…read your mind? What are you talking about?”

“You don’t know?”

“No, I’ve been trying to tell you for a while that I don’t understand why you’re behaving like this. Why did you move so far from us? It’s like one of us had the plague.”



As soon as I said this, the noble mage and loligon exchanged glances and appeared to communicate something with just one look. I couldn’t help but feel jealous. I also want to be able to communicate so easily with the loligon.

This isn’t the time for that.

“Sorry, but could you tell me more about the Goggoru tribe?”

“Y-Yeah, sure.”

The noble mage continued after clearing his throat.

“The Goggoru people read the minds of those they come into physical contact with. This is an important fact to understand. This ability is used by many aristocrats for their plots and schemes. Their ability causes them to be disliked as a race, but there is still without doubt a demand for them. There will always be a position amongst the nobility for a member of the Goggoru tribe.”

This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this.

I remember now.

Sophie-chan’s father said something similar.

Yes, he mentioned something being used as a lie detector.

“So that’s what you meant.”

I got lucky.

I never did much to physically sexually harass her. I was saved by my own self-restraint. It’s good that they got here when they did. If it had been much later, I’m not sure I would’ve been able to restrain myself. I’m so curious to know what her dark skin feels like.

As expected of the noble mage. He appears at the most opportune time to offer sage advice.

Safe. Just barely, but that’s good enough for me.

“If that’s all, then….”

“However, the rarer species of High Goggoru that are only known to inhabit the Dark Continent are not limited by physical contact. It is said that at will they can read the mind of any creature they see. The range of this power was reported in ancient texts to be around the length of a spear.”


“I honestly never expected to come into contact with one. It’s an ancient and powerful race that was believed to have disappeared a century ago.”

I’m not safe at all.

I’ve been completely exposed.

Goggoru-chan was standing right in front of me. Her eyes were locked on mine. I could easily reach out and touch her. If she were holding a spear, she’d be able to stab me. No, the blade of the spear might not hit me because we’re so close.

So, in other words, umm…



No way.

She understood me.

A deep connection with Goggoru-chan like I’ve never had with anyone else before.

End of Chapter

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