Atelier Tanaka

Book 5

Book 5: Chapter 2 (7)

Dark Continent (2nd)

The one that helped me as I was being assaulted by the horde of Green Sylphs was the silver-haired brown skinned loli that I had met days earlier. After confirming that the threat had vanished, I retracted the Stonewalls I had created.

“Thank you for saving me.”

I bowed my head and thanked her.

I never expected her to help me out of that situation.

“…it wasn’t a big deal.”

What an awesome way to respond.

The chocololi is so cool.

It’s enough to make me fall in love. 

“Are you on your way to the settlement?” 

She said she bought her clothes at a village. The village might be that same one I stayed in a couple nights ago. I doubt we’d be meeting in a place like this if that wasn’t the case.

Her cave home is much farther north than this.


Instead of the response I expected she held out something in her hand —

“Oh, that’s….”

The leather pouch I noticed missing a couple days ago.

The infololi’s treasure is inside.

“You left it in the cave.”

“So that’s where it was….”

After being warped by that magic circle I must have lost my pouch when I ran into the wall. After examining it a little more closely, I noticed the string I tied around my belt had been cut.

“…is it not yours?”

“No, it’s mine. Thank you.”

I gratefully received the bag and checked to see that the infololi’s treasure was still there.

“Seriously, thank you. Thank you so much.”

I’m very happy.

I’m so glad I got my treasure back.

I didn’t realize how much it meant to me.

I finally feel like I’ll be able to face the infololi again.

“…is that important to you?” 

“Yes, but I didn’t realize how important until just now.”


I will carry this to my grave in memory of when I lost my virginity. This is the kind of love that any virgin man would dream of. I’m so happy.

And I’m grateful for the kindness shown by the Goggoru.

” Thank you, but how did you know I’d be here?”

“You said you were looking for Green Sylphs in Schwinn Forest.”

“Ah, I see….”

She came here just to return my bag.

Such a level of kindness made me fall in love with her all over again.

Not to mention how dangerous the journey must have been. I’ve seen her status and there are monsters much stronger than her that roam this forest. Moreover, all of my gold is still here and the priceless stone the infololi gave me.

What a good girl! 

“I didn’t realize who the Sylphs were attacking, but it turned out to be you.”

“Yes, despite my best efforts, my adventure was close to ending….”

I should have been more careful. I think the boss rush yesterday made me overconfident. Not good. This is the Dark Continent. I need to be more careful.

“I owe you my thanks again. Thank you for saving me. Thank you.” 

“…I didn’t do much.”

“I still would like to thank you….”

What can I do to thank her now?

The only thing I have on me is the pouch she just returned to me. I don’t think gold is an appropriate gift, but it’s all I can give. After all, girls love money.

I’d be willing to offer myself as her gift, but I think my face is more of a curse. So the only option left to me is gold.

“I don’t need your thanks.”josei

“I’d still like to offer it to you for saving me.”

I have a few gold coins as well as some silver and coppers in my pouch.

If it has to be money, then it must be gold.

How many seems fair?

Suzanne’s wasn’t that expensive and the inn nearby wasn’t bad either. With just the silver coins I have, I would be able to live comfortably for a while. Also, being on the Dark Continent provides me with an opportunity to make money quickly. 

All right, it’s not my first choice gift, but I have to do something to show her I’m sincere.

“I’m sorry, but this is all I can offer you….”

I took out the gold coins from my pouch and handed them to Goggoru-chan. 

I’ll be satisfied just knowing that she’s used something I gave her to buy her food and clothing.

She’ll be using my gift in a meaningful way.

I hope to one day serve her as well as these gold coins will.



However, even after holding out the gold to her, she wouldn’t take it.

She just kept glancing between my hand and face.

“…what’s wrong?”

“Is that really okay? This is a dangerous place.”

“It is, and that’s exactly why I want to thank you.”

“Money is important to hold on to.”

“I wish I had prepared something else for you but this is all I have.”

With my final excuse, I held out the gold to her again

She continued silently staring at me for a while.


“…will you take it?”


She gave me a slight nod and took the gold.

Her fingers touched mine as she grabbed the gold. This slight contact was enough to make my heart pound. Goggoru-chan is so cute. It might just be me, but the temperature of her skin was higher than a normal human.

“…thank you.”

“No, I should be thanking you.”

Her words of thanks were as sweet as music to my ears.

It was almost unbearable.



I have to do something about this silence.

We greeted each other, said our thanks, and now there’s nothing left. When it comes to the women I’ve met in this world, all of them have enjoyed talking nonstop. This is the first time I’ve met a cool beauty like Goggoru-chan.

What do you even talk about when on the Dark Continent? ‘It was surprising seeing Phoenixes so far down South, don’t you think?” No, that’s not good enough.

As I was worrying about what to talk about, she suddenly spoke.

“By the way, did you get any of their wings?”

“Eh? Oh, sadly, no….”

I had such a good opportunity too.

“…I see.”

“I wish I had something better to tell you.”

“The Green Sylphs can be dangerous in numbers.”

“Yes, I learned that the hard way.”

They could unleash an endless torrent of attacks while still keeping some in reserves to heal.

The best strategy is to take them out in one surprise attack.

“What are you going to do about the wings?”

“I’m ready to try again.”

I won’t be fooled by their cute appearance again.

The Dark Continent is a place where it’s either eat or be eaten.

“…I see.”


Now that I know they’re capable of killing me, my conscience won’t get in the way.

I can get their wings without feeling guilty.



It happened again.

She provided me with a suitable topic, but in just a matter of moments, we’re back to silence. I desperately searched my mind for anything to talk about.

Then, Goggoru-chan made a surprising proposal.

“…I could help you if you want.”


“…I could help you if you want.”

“Eh, ah, no, I don’t want to inconvenience someone I just met….”

I’m so happy I’m starting to cry.

Could this be it? Am I popular? Has my time come? Maybe my harem will now officially begin. No, none of that’s true. She’s just a nice girl.

Still, I’ve been healed.

A type of healing that I’m not capable of.

“I can leave if I’m bothering you.”

“You’re definitely not bothering me!”

I panicked and quickly denied her suggestion.

I did my best to push any thought of that from her mind.


“Yes, it is. I-If you want to help, I’ll gladly accept.”

I held my breath as I waited for her response.


What a cute response.

Goggoru-chan is so cute.

This is starting to feel like a honeymoon.

“First off, I’d like to ask you about the Green Sylphs, if that’s okay. That was the first time I’ve seen the real thing and I had a few questions.”

“I understand.”

Chocololi’s first lesson was about to begin.


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