Atelier Tanaka

Book 5

Book 5: Chapter 5 (6)


Somehow, I was acquainted with these bandits.

“You said we met each other yesterday?”

“What, don’t you remember? I don’t think I’d forget that face. It’s not every day that you meet a man with such a flat yellow face. I suppose, in some ways, you aren’t the man I met yesterday. I’d never expect to see that man marching into our territory with a nobleman as a companion.”

I was still standing beside the carriage as I spoke to the dreadlock man.

I doubt the cuckold couple would be safe if a fight were to break out so I asked them to stay in the carriage. They didn’t attempt to argue with me at all.

“What’s wrong? You look like you want to say something.”

His eyes were alert as he glanced between me and the carriage.

What could have happened between us last night? I can’t remember anything. No matter how hard I try, no memories of last night remain.

I should just be honest with our situation.

“We’re actually looking for someone. A young girl that was recently kidnapped. A carriage was attacked not far from here. If you have any information about the attack or the location of the girl, I’d appreciate it if you would tell us.”

“Huh? A young girl?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“I think you’d be the person to ask about her location.”


“You’re talking about the girl we gave you last night, right?”


Wait a second, what is he talking about?

Being acquainted with these bandits isn’t a big deal, but he’s suggesting that they gave her to me last night. I wonder if this is even the guy that took the cuckold couple’s daughter.

“Just to clear something up, would you mind coming a little closer?”

“Umm, what are you talking about?”


I need to know the truth.

The dreadlocked man fell silent.

Goggoru-chan needs to confirm what he’s saying. The bandit could be lying about what he’s done with the girl. He may be trying to avoid getting into a fight with a nobleman.

I’m not sure what to believe but I think this is the best option available to me.

She gave me a nod before moving closer to the bandits.

She walked forward until she was within the “spear’s reach.”

In response to her sudden movement, the dreadlocked man reached for the weapon that hung from his waist. However, maybe because of her appearance or because he knew she was a Goggoru, he only placed his hand on the hilt without drawing it.

He’s still vigilant.

“What is this? A Goggoru?”


What’s she going to say?

She stared at him for a few moments before turning back to us.

“…it’s the truth.”

“Thank you.”

He’s not lying.

Goggoru-chan returned to her spot by the carriage. It was a strange interaction. The dreadlocked man looked at her with suspicion, but there’s no chance he’d expect that she read his mind with that brief interaction.

He eventually returned his gaze to me.

“Don’t tell me you actually don’t remember anything?”


It’s not surprising that he’s figured it out.

I’ve apologized, but I should fully explain the situation.

“I had too much to drink last night and after returning to the inn for the night, I woke up not remembering anything from the night before. If you can tell me anything that I did last night, it would be a great help.”


“We have no plans on attacking you.”

If they don’t have the girl there’s no reason for us to attack them.

Also, this may just be my imagination, but they also seem reluctant to attack me. They gave me the girl last night which would suggest a somewhat friendly relationship between us.

“How did we meet?”

“A younger member of our group invited you out to drink.”

“He invited me?”

“Yes, he said something about you celebrating with a large group at a bar.”

Ah, that’s something I do remember.

I was so happy to have so many people praising me. Someone like me isn’t used to being fawned over like that, so when I got the chance, it made me feel warm inside and I couldn’t hold myself back.

“He brought you to meet me and told me you were a good guy worth knowing. Sure enough, after we met and got to talking, I saw you weren’t too bad. We even invited you to join, but you declined. We ended up telling you about the girl and you said you knew her, so we decided to leave her with you.”


What am I supposed to make of that?

Why would I say I knew the girl? I suppose that’s a good opportunity to get a girl that’s potentially a virgin, but I can’t believe I’d be so proactive. This is the true power of alcohol.josei

But if all of that is true….

What happened to the girl?


My virgin heart was beginning to regain some of its lost willpower. This girl could have still possessed her hymen. Maybe I met her before I slept with the married woman.

Actually, considering where I woke up this morning, I’d have to have met her first.

“Don’t tell me you did something to that girl….”

The dreadlocked man seemed to have reached a similar conclusion to me. The hand resting on the pommel slowly started to pull the weapon free.

Richard stepped in at this time.

“Wait a moment, if you will. You are bandits, correct?”

“What of it?”

“I just can’t help but wonder why a group of bandits would entrust someone they kidnapped to a man they just met. I’m not a bandit myself, so I can’t speak on your behalf, but as a businessman, it just doesn’t make any sense.”

That’s exactly what I was wondering.

My face is incredibly ugly, so even if I claimed to know her, most people wouldn’t feel safe leaving her with me. Maybe I gave them money. Did I buy her from them? The long sought-after meat toilet with an intact hymen.

“Don’t lump us in with ordinary bandits, nobleman.”

“…what makes you different?”

“We’re careful about who we work with.”

Maybe these guys are only bandits in name.

“We were aided by the bandit Gale who helped us realize our mission. We were the ones that attacked the carriage. We knew it to be carrying slaves led by a slave trader and wanted to free them. It was only by chance that we met that girl, but we promised to help her nonetheless.”

“I see.”

“That young girl is innocent as all children are. The adults are the cause of all of the problems in the world. I told you this last night, but we were planning on helping her reach the capital to reunite with her family. As we were planning this, you were introduced to me last night, Tanaka-san.”

I wasn’t expecting him to use my name like that. He’s clearly younger than me but he’s addressing me by ‘san.’ Perhaps the power he holds in the Penny Empire is greater than I imagined.

“And that’s why we’re not the same as every other bandit.”

“I wouldn’t say that. Just like any other bandit, you’re an inconvenience to the nobility.”


A smile spread across the dreadlocked man’s face.

A cruel smile.

The rest of the bandits started to move in response. They drew their weapons and started spreading out to completely encircle us. Furthermore, there were more bandits emerging from the trees that had been hiding until now.

We’re completely surrounded.

“So, why are you really here, Tanaka-san and you, nobleman.”

“It’s just as I told you earlier. We’re here to rescue that girl. However, I really have no memory of what happened last night and now I’m concerned as to what happened to her if I took her from you as you said. I’m at a loss for what to do.”

“To me it sounds like you’re desperately trying to talk your way out of this.”

“Being surrounded like this could make anyone desperate.”

The handsome bandit and I locked eyes.

This is a critical moment.

I want to avoid any conflict if at all possible. If everything he’s told me is true, these bandits aren’t bad people and they even treated me well last night.

“If we came here to fight, that nobleman would’ve brought an army and we wouldn’t be talking right now.”

“That may be true.”

We could easily defeat them, but is there any way to avoid a fight?

As I was thinking about this, the dreadlocked man suddenly turned his attention to Richard.

“That man there is the head of the FitzClarence family, correct?”

“Oh, I’m honoured you know me.”

“Master Gale mentioned you earlier….”

“And what did he have to say?”

“Don’t mess with the FitzClarences.”


Even out in the middle of nowhere the name FitzClarence carries such weight. I guess you can never know how everything is connected in this world.

After this, I think it best I live a quiet life going forward.

One completely absent of alcohol.

“We’ll let you go. Now get the hell out of here.”

The dreadlocked man sheathed his sword as he said this.

That’s something new. Even after realizing who Richard is, this man still maintained his attitude.

I gave the bandit a bow on behalf of Richard and watched as they turned to leave.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t come back.”

The bandits walked off into the woods. We watched them fade into the thick foliage and only turned to leave once they were completely lost from sight.


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