Author's Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting

Chapter 295 Warlord [2]

Chapter 295 Warlord [2]

The dust of the Moon rained upon the ground but it didn't do any damage.

The girl— or Zero of the future— then looked at the humanoid demon floating before the portal in the sky.

A whirl of wind circled around her feet as she was slowly lifted up in the air. She went up and up and soon passed out of the barrier and lifted herself up in the sky until she was at the same level as the humanoid demon.

She looked at him with her dull and dark golden eyes. They were golden to say, but when observed closely it could be seen that they had lost all shine.

"Sorry, okay? But you are a nuisance," she said and stretched out her right hand to the side.

She opened her fist and the black shadows that were also covering her body assembled themselves between her fingers and slowly took a shape. Soon it looked like a sword; a pitch-black sword.

"Is that the Requiem sword?" Zero asked.

"Yes, it is," Req replied, looking up. "But it is more than that."

"What do you mean?"

"I am not so sure myself, but it's like your future self has merged himself with Requiem as well along with my future self. He is not using the sword, in a way, he is the sword now," Req explained.

Zero just listened and observed up in the sky in awe.

"Human, do you intend to fight?" the demon asked, taking note of her.

Her lips curled into a smirk. "No, not at all." She looked up directly at him. "I intend to annihilate you."

She swung her sword at him and a surge of black was released toward the demon along with an intense amount of pressure. It hit him like a storm and the demon— despite being confident in his own strength— had to raise his hands in defense.

The black energy hit him and exploded, when the smoke from the explosion cleared Zero saw that the ground in the direction where she'd swung her sword had been completely destroyed.

"You, you are strong," the demon said as he eyed the girl in front of him.

She was strong, so far the strongest human he'd seen. Even stronger than the man in the academy they'd been told to be careful about. She could prove to be a threat in their operation, thus he had to take care of her somehow.

He raised his hands toward her and released his magic. Suddenly she felt a strong pressure on her shoulders that was pushing her down. A second later the ground just below her collapsed and drowned deep in the surface of the surface. Although she didn't get any damage.

"Gravity magic. That's your strong suit, huh? I still remember. Although it was a lot harder fighting you then. But now it won't have any effect on me, my resistance is stronger," she said, looking at her left palm.

'It's not working?' the demon thought. He increased his power but it still didn't work. Now he was using as much as power he used to pull down the moon but the girl before him was not affected.

'I can use more force to bring her down, but it's possible that I'll cause more destruction than I'm allowed to. And even then I'm not sure if it'll be enough; I don't know her true powers yet. I'd be foolish to think that what she did just now was the true extent of her powers.'josei

It was then that he noticed something that he hasn't done until now. The girl before him was not a human, she was more like a spirit, or a weapon.

'Maybe I should try and get her to our side. With her power, she will prove to be a good asset,' the demon thought, and with that in mind, he lowered his arm and stopped his magic.

"Girl, I have a proposal for you. Leave the humans and join our side; you will be far happier that way. We'll treat you better than these disgusting little pests," he said.

"So? What do you say?"

She didn't reply. A few seconds passed and she said nothing, a couple of minutes passed but she said nothing. Then finally she lifted her head, there was new darkness in her eyes. Deep and dull.

"Zero, hold the ground tight. I'd thought not to do many changes but now I might perhaps end up destroying this area. This timeline will be erased anyway so it won't make much difference," after saying that she strengthened the barrier around Zero and Req.

Turning to the demon she looked him dead in the eye.

"You bastard!" she said as she clenched her left fist tightly. "I spent my entire life hunting you motherfuckers down so that I can erase all existence of your race, and now you're saying I should join you?!"

"How dare you say that to my face without fearing for your life?" she screamed. "Did you forget how I killed you last time? How I tore you to pieces and then ate you alive just like it happened with my parents? Don't you remember how I destroyed your kingdoms and eradicated almost your entire race?

"DON'T YOU FUCKING REMEMBER?!" she shouted. "Well of course you would not. Because if you did, you would've thought a million times before saying that!

"I wanted to keep this simple, but you forced me! Now regret! Regret and fall in despair!"

She raised her sword straight toward the demon.


"Final form!"

A burst of shadows engulfed her blade and her hands completely turned black, covered by those same shadows.

"Ebony Blade!"

She swung her sword down toward the demon, and from then the sky rained a wall of black. It fell from the sky and then went down, destroying the ground; it was a big wall of black shadows that moved forward until it clashed with the demon.

There as it clashes, all the vision has vanished since the impact absorbed all light that was present there. There was a moment of calm, and then it exploded. A huge explosion, equal to a million nuclear bombs.

Zero was protected by the barrier but he had to close his eyes or he would have gone blind.

Everything that came under the explosion was simply marked out of existence; whether it be ground, cities, demon beasts, or even portals that connected the two realms. All of it was annihilated.

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