Awakened Multi-talented Goddess Is Doted

Chapter 280 Drunk

Chapter 280 Drunk

280 Drunk

As the alcohol kicked in, Mu Sheng felt a little dizzy and subconsciously moved closer to Li Hanchen's hand,

Mu Sheng's face was extremely small. It was about the size of Li Hanchen's palm. Now, she buried her entire face in Li Hanchen's palm,

his jade-like skin brushed against his palm, and Li Cold Chen subconsciously pursed his lower lip. The towel in his hand was almost unstable,

He pushed Mu Sheng, "Sit down."

some people will show a completely different state when they are drunk, such as Mu Sheng,

She was very clingy when she was drunk,

Li Hanchen pushed her, but Mu Sheng did not move back. Instead, she buried her entire face in Li Hanchen's palm and rubbed it against it. "I'm not sitting properly."

Mu Sheng's eyelashes were sweeping in Li Hanchen's hands, making Li Hanchen's heart itch,

The air is full of wine mellow, although Li Cold Chen did not drink a drop of wine, but at this time, he felt like he was drunk.

li Hanchen tugged at the tie on his neck, feeling a little hot. He simply took off his tie and threw it to the side,

mu Sheng seemed to regard Li Hanchen's palm as his pillow and slept soundly on it,

Li Hanchen helpless, can only the right hand to Mu Sheng when the tray does not move, the left hand is holding a towel to her face.

The wine in the wine cellar is basically old wine that has been around for decades. The strength of the wine comes up slowly,

After a while, Mu Shengan started to feel hot again. subconsciously, he called out to Li Hanchen, "Li Hanchen, I want to drink some water."

Li Hanchen wanted to stand up and get her some water, but Mu Sheng held Li Hanchen's hand and pressed his face against it to prevent him from leaving,

Looking at Mu Sheng like this, Li Han-chen only found it funny,

He took out his phone, turned on the video camera, and pointed it at Mu Sheng. Then, he called out to her, "Mu Sheng."

Mu Sheng raised his head. His eyes, which had always been clear and bright, looked a little misty because of the intoxication. His long eyelashes fluttered and fluttered, making him look extremely cute, 


li Cold Chen lightly coughed a voice, "You let go of my hand, I want to go to get something."

mu Sheng lowered his head to look at Li Hanchen's hand, then looked at Li Hanchen again. Finally, both of his hands hugged Li Hanchen's arms tightly. "I won't."

Li Hanchen in the corner of the eye already is full of smile, but actually a serious, "Who am I?"

"Li Hanchen." This time Mu Sheng answered quickly,

li Hanchen's eyes glittered. "Why won't you let me go? Do you like me so much?"

Mu Sheng's mind was still foggy. She blinked and subconsciously answered, "Okay."

li Hanchen raised his eyebrows slightly. "What do you mean? Do you like me very much?"

Mu Sheng raised his head to look at Li Hanchen. When he looked at Li Hanchen with his bright eyes, he seemed to be filled with spring water, which was clear and clean,

She didn't know what Li Hanchen was talking about, so she just followed Li Hanchen's words and replied, "Yes."

Li Hanchen pressed the end of recording button and threw his phone to the side. Then, he picked up Mu Sheng and placed her under the blanket,

"Go to sleep, you fool."

Mu Sheng's hand was still holding Li Hanchen's wrist. Li Hanchen could only lie beside Mu Sheng,

However, Mu Sheng, who was drunk, was obviously not as peaceful as Li Hanchen thought,

She lay still for only a little while, and then began to stir,

It was easy to get hot after drinking. Mu Sheng felt that the blanket was too heavy, so he pulled it aside and started to pull his own clothes,

Li Hanchen sat beside her and held her hand. "If you don't sleep well, I'll tie you up."

Hearing Li Han Chen's words, Mu sheng wronged up, "Why tie me up?"

"That you don't move randomly," Li Hanchen will take his hand away from the Mu Sheng Hand, don't look at the Mu Sheng was pulled open collar.

Mu Sheng was very obedient. He stopped moving, but he was very attached to Li Hanchen. He insisted that all of his limbs be wrapped around Li Hanchen's body before he was done,

This time, Mu Sheng completely quiet down, wine to help sleep, gradually sleeping,

by her pestering Li Cold Chen, deeply sighed, so open his eyes until the dawn.

it's not that I don't want to sleep, I just can't.

The next day was also a good day, the first ray of sunshine in the morning when the house, Mu Sheng woke up.

wake up the first time, Mu Sheng heard a strong heartbeat, she raised her head, indeed saw Li Cold Chen perfect jaw line.

At this moment, both of them were in an awkward position. Mu Sheng's ears were red, and he wanted to take advantage of Li Cold Chen's lack of awareness to quickly retreat,

however, as soon as he moved, Li Hanchen opened his eyes,

Before Mu Sheng could react, Li Cold Chen quickly retreated and lay to one side, as if Mu Sheng was some kind of monster.

"..." Mu Sheng looked at Li Cold Chen's actions. "I don't dislike you, but you still dislike me."

Li Hanchen looked tired, but he still smiled. "Get up. I'll show you something later."

Mu Sheng hesitantly looked at Li Cold Chen, finally opened the quilt to get up and wash.

When he was done tidying up and sat downstairs, Mu Sheng looked at Li Hanchen. "What is it?"

a faint smile appeared on Li Hanchen's lips. He turned on his phone and showed Mu Sheng the video from last night,

Mu Sheng's face became redder and redder as she watched the cute and clingy person in the video, especially when she said that she liked Li Hanchen. Mu Sheng's entire face turned red,

she reached out her hand to delete the video, but Li Hanchen was faster than her and took the phone back,

"Li Hanchen!" Mu Sheng could not help but call out to him,

The servants were scared out of their wits. They had never heard anyone call out Li Hanchen's name so directly before. They immediately left the living room and left the space for Li Hanchen and Mu Sheng.

Li Hanchen answered very calmly, "What's Wrong?"

"You deleted the video." Mu Sheng could not believe that she would be so stupid after getting drunk.

li Hanchen picked up the spoon and began to drink the porridge in front of him, "Do not delete!"josei

Mu Sheng could not do anything about Li Hanchen. "Why are you like this?"

Li swallowed a mouthful of porridge, "Look at your performance, if you make me happy, I will give you the video deleted."

"..." Mu Sheng's pupils widened slightly. "You're really getting worse and worse now."

Li Hanchen accepted Mu Sheng's comment very favorably and was about to burst into laughter. "It's to make me happy, not to make me angry."

"....." Mu Sheng was Cold Chen Gas.

Until he got on the plane and was about to leave the country, Mu Sheng still looked as if he had been provoked by Li Han Chen,

li Han Chen looked at Mu Sheng one eye, the heart thought is not funny too cruel?

However, he really did not want to delete the video. Although Mu Sheng felt that the video was silly, in Li Hanchen's opinion, it was actually extremely cute.

mu Sheng sat looking out of the window at the clouds,

In fact, she was not angry for a long time, but she could not think of how to make Li Hanchen Happy,

In the end, Mu Sheng came up with a plan that she thought was not bad,

So, when Li Hanchen was struggling to decide whether to delete the video and offer concessions, his sleeve was suddenly pulled,

Li Hanchen turned his head. "What's Wrong?"

"Can we talk about something?"

"You said."

"You don't have to delete the video, but can you not send it to anyone else?"

Li Hanchen raised his eyebrows slightly. "You mean that no one can look at it except me?"

"Yes." Mu Sheng nodded,

The corners of Li Hanchen's lips curled up into a small arc. He took out his phone and directly deleted the video. "You coaxed me to be happy. I deleted the video!"


Mu Sheng has a little doubt, when did she coax Li Cold Chen to be happy??? She didn't do anything, did she.

However, Li Hanchen seemed to be in a good mood. Not only did he take the initiative to delete the video, but he also took out a bunch of snacks for Mu Sheng. The two of them started chatting and laughing again.

as the plane flew through the clouds, the woman in her bed at the first hospital in France suddenly opened her eyes,

A woman is an exceedingly beautiful face, like a rose in flames, with thorns, but seductive and seductive,

"Come out." The woman opened her mouth, her voice was like her appearance, cold and enchanting.

"Master." Several men in black jumped in from the window and looked respectfully at the woman on the bed,

even though the woman was weak at the moment, everyone present looked at her with feverish admiration and respect.

"Who Saved Me?" The woman had just recovered, and her head was still a little dizzy,

she remembered what it felt like to be shot, to actually feel the smell of death,

However, when he woke up again, it was in the hospital, his injuries have been treated, and even years of chronic illness have some improvement.

"We have checked, master. It was a passing farmer who made the 911 call and the hospital sent someone over."

"Yes." The woman answered lightly, "Give them a sum of money as a reward."


"Take me back now. I Can't stay here long."


Five minutes later, when the doctor came to check on the ward, he found that the patient, who had just been seriously ill, had vanished into thin air!


at dawn in China, Mu Sheng and Li Hanchen arrived at the villa,

At this moment, Li An was still awake. When he heard the commotion, he ran out and saw Li Hanchen and Mu Sheng. He could not hide the joy in his heart. His eyes were sparkling, 

"Brother and sister-in-law, you're finally back!!"

Li Hanchen glanced at Li An's sandals. At this time of year, the temperature at night was only 10. Li Hanchen looked at Li an and said, "That paper...

Li Hanchen had just said a few words when Li an quickly slipped back into his bedroom. "Aiya, I was sleepwalking just now. Good night, brother and sister-in-law!"

mu Sheng laughed and shook his head, then looked at Li Hanchen, "I go to sleep first."

"Well, good night."

"Good night."

While Mu Sheng slept soundly on his side, a great event happened in the Mu family's side,

Because Ouyang he has decided to accept Mu Xiao as his close disciple,

The news spread to the internet and the whole internet was shocked,

no matter whether they were in the piano industry or not, there was no one who did not know Ouyang he's achievements and status. Now that Mu Xiao had become his closed disciple, he was definitely a future star.

sheng Sheng Shuai, Li Gu

Seeing the cold and beautiful side face in the car window, the man who had come with a mission had really put some thoughts into it, 

"Hey, girl, Wan na Come Down and play?"

Mu Sheng opened the car door and looked at her slender legs. Everyone's eyes went blank,

Mu Sheng glanced at the crowd, "What's the matter?"

"Yes." The man in charge looked Mu Sheng up and down, his eyes gleaming. "Come here, beautiful girl. Let Me Give You a kiss."

Mu sheng facial expression calm, "Good."

"Oh, what a good girl." The man reached out to hug Mu Sheng,

However, before she could even touch Mu Sheng's hand, she felt a pain like a needle sticking between her legs. In the next second, Mu Sheng had already kicked him in the chest and kicked him out.

the others saw the leader being kicked away and rushed towards Mu Sheng,

as soon as Mu Sheng raised his hand, a packet of medicinal powder in his hand blew directly along the direction of the wind onto everyone's faces,

everyone wiped their faces and did not feel anything. They were about to go forward when they realized that their entire body was weak and sore. They could not even lift their hands. They could not even feel their legs,

mu Sheng walked to the head of the man in front, "Who sent you?"

The man covered his legs and looked at Mu Sheng with a hideous face. "No one sent me. What are you talking about?"

mu Sheng tilted his head. "Alright then."

she also sprinkled a layer of medicinal powder on the man. "The effect of this medicine is about a month. You guys like to do evil. I'll let you lie at home for a month."

Mu Sheng said, then turned back to the car,

"Stop right there. What did you get us? Why Can't we move?" The crowd did not believe Mu Sheng's one-month deadline at all. How could he be so divine?

mu Sheng has started the car, "Go back to tell the people who sent you over, good self-care."

finish saying, Mu Sheng then drove a car to leave, leave behind a ground wailing person.

Li Hanchen was not busy with his work today. When Mu Sheng returned to the manor, he had already read the newspaper on the sofa,

Hearing the commotion, Li Hanchen raised his head. Before he could speak, his eyes were already smiling. "You're back?"

Mu Sheng answered and went to sit beside Li Hanchen consciously. Then, he took out a piece of candy from his pocket and ate it sullenly.

Sensing Mu Sheng's displeasure, Li Hanchen put the newspaper in his hand to one side, "What's Wrong?"

Mu Sheng took a bite of the sugar in his mouth. The peach-flavored filling exploded in his mouth. It was sweet. Mu Sheng swallowed it before saying, "I'm going to participate in the World Piano Competition."

"That's a good thing." Mu Sheng's piano skills were top-notch in Li Hanchen's eyes. "You'll definitely win the championship."

"But." Mu Sheng hesitated. Her past life was still in her mind. She just wanted to earn some money and did not want to go back to that kind of life. "Isn't it too high-profile?"

Li Hanchen had never asked about Mu Sheng's experience, but he was such a smart person. From many small details, he could roughly guess what kind of Fire Mu Sheng had made in the past.

"Do you still remember who I told you I am?" Li Hanchen looked straight into Mu Sheng's eyes,

"President of Wansheng Group?"

"Yes." Li Hanchen had never shown off his identity before, but at this moment, he asked Mu Sheng, "Am I Good?"

Can become the world's richest, of course powerful, Mu Sheng nodded,

Li Hanchen's lips curved slightly, "So, what are you still worried about?"

Looking at Li Hanchen's smiling eyes, Mu Sheng understood what Li Hanchen meant,

What he meant was that he was good, and he would protect himself, so that he could go to the piano competition without worrying about going back to his old life as a tool.

Mu Sheng's eyes widened slightly and could not tell what kind of feeling was in his heart. There was a warm current surging in his heart, extending to every corner of his limbs.

Li Hanchen reached out his hand and rubbed Mu Sheng's head. "Playing the piano is not your task. It's Your Hobby Now. You can play it if you like. If you don't like it, forget it. No one can force you." 

Feeling the warmth of Li Hanchen's palm and the containing power contained in it, Mu Sheng pursed her lips and held the corner of Li Hanchen's suit with his right hand.

She didn't know what she was going to do, but she subconsciously wanted to get close to Li Hanchen,

Feel Mu Sheng to own dependence, Li Cold Chen eyes dyed warm color, "Happy now?"

Mu Sheng nodded, "Thank you."

As soon as Li an entered the door, he saw Li Hanchen and Mu Sheng smiling at each other,

Liam covered his teeth with his mouth,

Li Hanchen's eyes swept over, and Li an immediately became honest. "Brother."

li Hanchen took his hand from Mu Sheng's head down, "I take Li an upstairs first."


Li Hanchen stood up and looked at Li An. "Come to the study with your midterm exam papers."

"..." Li an took advantage of Li Hanchen's turn to leave and gave Mu Sheng a mad look. "Sister-in-law, you must come and save me later!!"

However, Mu Sheng did not have time to save Li An. She had not started broadcasting for many days. The operation of the Cat's tooth platform had already sent countless messages to her backstage. The operation manager almost knelt down to beg her to start broadcasting.

However, today's live broadcast room is not as harmonious as usual,

Mu Sheng just opened, there are a lot of bullet screen poured in, in addition to ridicule her, is to persuade her not to participate in the world piano competition.

[ mu God, as long as we play the game well, why do we have to get involved in the piano industry? To tell you what you don't like to hear, don't waste the popularity that we have built up through the game, Okay?]

[Hehe, you're the only one taking part in a piano competition? Don't embarrass us by going abroad, okay? Let's take a piss and see how good you are. A toad wants to eat swan meat.]

[Sheng Sheng, are you really going to participate in the competition? Can you not go? We have no other meaning, but we don't want you to be scolded again.]

Mu Sheng saw the comments sent by many fans to her. Seeing that everyone was asking, Mu Sheng responded when he was in the interval of matching his teammates,

"Will go to the competition,"

Mu Sheng words fall, the bullet screen brushed up a bunch of question marks and ellipses.

mu Sheng will bullet screen interface off, no longer see, concentrate on the game.

During her live stream, the video of her personally admitting that she would participate in the world piano competition had been posted online by someone who was interested in it. It had triggered a new round of ridicule towards Mu Sheng.

On the tiger shark platform, Mu Xiao was also broadcasting live tonight. She was performing a piano solo for everyone. When she finished playing the song, she saw all sorts of comments about Mu Sheng that were scrolled by netizens,

Mu Xiao held his hand tightly, but he had a very kind smile on his face. "I believe that senior Mu Sheng must have her own reasons for saying that. Maybe she can play much better than me."

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