Awakening The Gluttony Talent: I Become Stronger By Eating

Chapter 243 - 243

Chapter 243 - 243: Reunion

Chapter 243: Reunion

Seeing Song Yan’s increasingly nasty expression, Song Guo’s eyes lit up immediately and he spared no effort to continue listing out Lu Yu’s ‘crimes’. He was practically pinning all the most heinous crimes he could think of on Lu Yu. Tan Lan, on the other hand, was getting restless and breathless, fearing that the members of the Song family would make a scene on his turf.

“How outrageous!” Song Yan shouted angrily, and slammed one palm on the table.

Sure enough, the worst case scenario still happened. Tan Lan’s heart thumped vehemently and he did not dare to breathe. Song Guo, on the other hand, was becoming more smug. He looked at Lu Yu with the expression of a villain who had succeeded. ‘Yes, yes! Fourth Granduncle, this guy is simply too despicable. He must be severely punished.”

“I was referring to you!”

Song Yan gave a vicious slap right on Song Guo’s face, and half of the latter’s face instantly swelled up hideously.

This turn of events caught everyone in the office completely by surprise, in particular Song Guo, who was thoroughly bewildered. “Wait a minute, I am the victim. How come the Elder of my own family slapped my face instead?” he thought.

Song Guo felt very aggrieved. He stammered for a long time, “Fourth

Granduncle, I… I…’

Song Yan glared and said, “I already have a general understanding of what happened. Do you still need me to tell you what you have done? You brought this upon yourself fair and square!”

That stern and furious look scared the living daylights out of Song Guo. He lowered his head and dared not look at Song Yan.

Even Lu Yu was a little confounded. He was fully prepared to take on Song Yan initially, but unexpectedly, Song Yan seemed to take Lu Yu’s side.

And then, as Song Guo gave an even more incredulous look, Song Yan put on a kind smile and said to Lu Yu, “You are the Count of Western Conquest, aren’t you? I am Song Lun’s father. I have learned long ago from our Song Lun’s letter saying how heroic the Count of Western Conquest is. Now that I have met you today, you have certainly lived up to your reputation.”

“Uncle Song, you are too kind. This title of Count of Western Conquest has not been officially conferred yet.” When he found out that Song Yan was Song Lun’s father, the new City Lord of Lunan City, realization hit Lu Yu.

It was only then that he understood why this guy Song Yan sided with him.

Song Yan said with a hearty laugh, “With the merits that the Count of Western Conquest has achieved, it is only right to be conferred a title. I am just congratulating you in advance.”

Seeing his own family’s elder laughing and joking with Lu Yu, Song Guo, who had been so scared that he was trembling, fell into a state of dazed bewilderment.

He recalled not long ago that Lu Yu said he had shown mercy on account of his identity as a member of the Song family. He then looked at Lu Yu and Song Yan chatting like good friends. This went beyond just showing mercy.

After Song Yan pelted Song Guo with a torrent of chastisement, he turned to Lu Yu again and said with a smile, “I must beg the Count of Western Conquest for forgiveness. It’s all because this junior of my family doesn’t know how to behave. I will definitely teach him a good lesson when I go back.” josei

Seeing this, Song Guo didn’t have the nerve to gloat like he did earlier. He immediately bowed his head to Lu Yu and admitted his mistake.

Following that, Song Yan dragged Song Guo out of the Capital City University’s affiliated Third High School. Before leaving, he handed over a business card, saying that after the conferment ceremony, the Song family would be holding a banquet. He invited Lu Yu to attend, and Lu Yu accepted without hesitation.

“Principal Tan, if there’s nothing else, I’ll take my leave, ” Lu Yu said.

Tan Lan nodded in a daze. After a long while, he still remained in a daze. He would never have imagined that Lu Yu was not only the Advisor to a military zone and held the title of a Count, but he was also on very good terms with the Song family.

An hour later, Lu Shan and Lu Shui were specially granted a two-day leave. It was a rare opportunity for the father to be united with his son and daughter after such a long time. Lu Yu felt it was very heartwarming and intended to have a good get-together.

“Dad! When did you become a Count?” Lu Shui asked petulantly as she leaned on Lu Yu’s shoulders with both hands.

During the time that she and her father were separated, her father must have accomplished a great military achievement. However, when Lu Yu recounted the merits he had accomplished, both Lu Shui and Lu Shan stared in awe, feeling that it all sounded somewhat far-fetched.

He had become the military zone’s Advisor, killed an SS-class Fearsome Beast, successfully protected Lunan City, and was conferred the title of a Count… All of these events were sufficient to rouse the deaf. They began to feel a faint sense of unfamiliarity towards this aged father whom they had been familiar with for years.

“Dad, I didn’t know you are so powerful!” Lu Shan’s face reddened with excitement, his eyes full of admiration. “I must become a hero like you in the future, Dad.”

“What’s so great about being a hero? What I really wish is for you guys to be able to live out your lives in peace and quiet, without illness or disaster.”

As a father, Lu Yu said the most heartfelt words. He did not harbor any ambitions of his son and daughter soaring to great heights of achievements, but rather, he uttered the greatest hope that every father under the sky held.

“Let’s go. I’ll take you guys to see your mother!” Lu Yu said with a smile.

Under Lu Yu’s dedicated care using the Emerald Emperor’s Method, Giovanna’s injuries healed quickly. Although it was still a little hard for her to walk, there was no longer any major health issue.

That day, when the whole family reunited in the hotel, Giovanna hugged Lu Yu in a tight embrace, crying tears of joy. When she met with a traffic accident, she thought she would never see Lu Yu again for the rest of her life.

“Give a kiss, give a kiss…” Lu Shan and Lu Shui began clapping their hands and cheering by their side.

Giovanna blushed with embarrassment instantly and shrank her head down very low. Lu Yu, on the other hand, displayed the stern authority of a father and glared at the two children, who simply rolled their eyes.

“Old man, let’s not stay in this hotel. Let’s go out for a good meal tonight.” Giovanna took a look at the room that was completely devoid of any homeliness and felt uncomfortable instantly.

Lu Yu immediately agreed. He made a reservation for the best private dining room at the most luxurious hotel in the capital right away.

Giovanna chided him, “We can’t be such a spendthrift. We still have many days ahead of us.”

Lu Yu smiled and said, “I have plenty of money. In the future, we are going to make do with only the best and eat the best.”

The whole family was chatting happily for quite a while before Giovanna looked rather awkwardly at Zheng Xiaochuan, who had been standing nearby as a third wheel for a long time. She then asked about Zheng Xiaochuan’s identity.

Zheng Xiaochuan simply rolled his eyes, thinking, “Finally, your whole family remembered that there is still an outsider here. And I thought you didn’t think of me as a person.” Lu Yu introduced Zheng Xiaochuan as a friend of his in the capital.

Giovanna took one look at Zheng Xiaochuan, who resembled a typical profligate son, and did not say much. Her old partner was getting more capable. She could not possibly judge his choice of friends in the same manner as she did in the past.

So she simply said, “Let’s get Mr. Jiang to join us. He has also given a lot for our two children.”

A few moments later, after Jiang Jun received the invitation, he put on a respectable set of clothes and arrived in trepidation.

Meanwhile, Lu Yu’s appearance at the Capital City University’s affiliated Third High School caused a considerable upheaval. Some families in the capital were full of indignation.

This was particularly so for the family heads of the Wang, Li and Tang families.

Their faces were downright apoplectic. How could he simply kill their families’ orrsprmg so rnppant1Y( ‘rms guy LU YU was really acting so nlgn ancl nugnty that he had total disregard for them.. If they didn’t fight to restore their dignity, how could they still hold their heads up high in the capital in the future?

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