Awakening to a Special-Grade Explorer

Book 4

Book 4: Chapter 118: 118

――Hell King Factor.

The 'King' part remind Tenji of the 'Nine King' that Class President Limey had talked about,

The words that left no room for him to misunderstand, that he always thought didn’t concern him, brought all sorts of scenarios to his mind.

(King huh?... In the end, it really comes to this.)

――He might be one of the 'Nine Kings'.

With the appearance of two pieces of concrete evidence that left him no excuse to deny it as his conceitedness, Tenji appeared a bit perplexed.

But, there was also Fuyuki he knew who was living a carefree life despite concealing the possibility of 'Nine Kings' within himself. The Fuyuki who loves to fight just as much. He, who was equally enjoying the school, was always beside him.

The radiant smile of those close to him dispelled any of the tremor inside Tenji.

He quickly shook off the thoughts that were clearly fruitless and once again shifted his focus to the 'Book of Enma'.

(There's no point thinking about that I don't know. It's not like I will be able to reach the conclusion by myself either way.)

On the next page, there was a list of summonable weapons and equipment lined up.

Turning to another page, there was the shop of Hell’s Old lady that kept attracting him like a butterfly to a nectar, making him want to buy anything possible.


«Summonable Hell Weapon»

(Red Demon Series)

―Flame Demon Blade/4th Grade (NEW)

«Passive Skill: Slashing Bond»Imbued blade with Hellfire attribute (150%)».

―Red Demon /Dagger/5th Grade

«Passive Skill: Intoxication» 20% chance to intoxicate the enemy.»

―Red Demon Glove/5th Grade

«Passive Skill: Explosion» 10% chance to add an explosion (300%) to attacks.»

―Red Demon/ Claw Sword/5th Grade

«Passive Skill: Pierce» 50% chance to ignore the enemy's defence.

Red Oni Greatsword / 5th Grade»

―Red Demon Greatsword/5th Grade

«Passive Skill: Stagnation» 30% chance to decrease the enemy's speed by 5%.

(Blue Demon Series)

―Snow Demon Roar/4th Grade (New)

«Active Skill: Choking Veil» Allows voice-based defense.»



Summonable Hell Equipment

«Red Demon Series»

―Flame Demon Ring/4th Grade

«Active Skill - Flame Attack» ATK +250»

―Red Demon Bangle/5th Grade

«Active Skill - Force Guide»Increases the user's attack power by 1.75 times.»

―Red Demon Necklace/5th Grade

«Active Skill - Aimless Guidance»Allows the user to manipulate Hell Weapons freely.»

―Red Demon Earring/5th Grade

«Active Skill - Personal Guide»Increases the user's overall status values by 1.2 times.»

―Red Demon Anklet/5th grade

«Active Skill: Divine Guidance» Increases the probability effects of Hell Weapons by 1.5 times.»

«Blue Demon Series»

―Snow Demon's Rosary/4th Grade

«Passive Skill: Ice Defense» +250 Defense Power.»



«Hell Old Lady's Shop»

-Stamina Recovery Ground Cherry (2 Point)

-Spiritual Power Recovery Ground Cherry (2 Point)

-HP recovery Ground Cherry (2 Point)

-MP recovery Ground Cherry (2 Point)

-Speed-Up Ground Cherry (2 Point)

-Attack-Up Ground Cherry (2 Point)

-Natural Water of Sanzu River (2 Point)

-Origin Water of Sanzu Water (4 Point)


The three pages had changed in this form. The changes were,

1. The Red Demon Blade weapon disappeared.

2. Red Demon Ring Equipment disappeared.

3. A new hell weapon - Fire Demon Blade was added.

4. A new hell of equipment - Flame Demon Ring (+250 ATK) was added.

5. «Blue Demon Species» addition.

7. A new hell weapon - «Snow Demon's Roar» was added.

8. A new hell equipment - «Snow Demon's Rosary» was added with +250 Defense.

9. Origin water from the Sanju river was added to the shop.

It seemed like equippable items were overwritten by their superior counterparts. Like Red Demon Blade with Flame Demon Blade or Red Demon Ring with Flame Ring.

Tenji tried to summon the disappeared Red Demon Blade or Red Demon RIng however the Book of Enma remained completely still.josei

Instead, the new weapons instantly responded to his summon when he attempted so.

(Well, the Flame Demon and Snow Demon series are obviously better in performance. But it's a pity the long-standing equipment gone just like that.)

He had always used them with care, so their sudden disappearance was bound to make him a bit melancholic.

But aside from that, being able to use even more strong items was the most important gain he had gained from level up. The new weapons were the proof that all his hard work was for not naught, that was the reward for him to not give him no matter how painful it might have been.

(And the new Snow Demon series huh. Unfortunately, they aren't the type of thing to be verified at the casual park. Maybe I should visit the 62th floor to try them out. There shouldn’t be no one to accidentally see him.)

Aside from that, another new addition was the «Sanzu river's origin water» available for sale in the shop of Hell’s Old lady.

Following the same reasoning, it should also be an upward version of Sanzu river's natural water. Its effect was still in the dark, but there was a time when he had Goblin-kun drink the natural water for verification once.

(Come to think of it, Goblin-kun was quite delighted at that time. I guess it must have been something like an energy drink equivalent for us. He was quite energetic at that time.)

Maybe when he once stored surplus points, it would be nice to give them to Goblin-kun, Fire Demon-sensei and Snow Demon-sensei, Tenji thought.

Also since both Flame Demon and Snow Demon were quite fluent in conversation, they might be able to give him a deeper insight about its effect.

(――For now, this seems to be it. But there are so many changes and new things eh, it seems like quite of my time will be spent in getting used to them. As they say, practice makes a man perfect.)

Training was a never ending road.

Reflecting on his own lack of skill and adaptability, Tenji closed the Book of Enma with a snap.

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