Azarinth Healer

Dedicated Post

Dedicated Post

Hello everyone.

I'm not quite sure how to start this.

A good friend of mine wrote a book. Like me, they're not a massive fan of marketing. It doesn't come as a surprise then, that the book hasn't exactly exploded on amazon.

Note that they didn't ask for this shoutout.

I think it's good shit. And I think you should check it out. Every one of you.josei

It's about a tragic and badass female lead finding herself usurping a ritual to become a Lich. Fantasy, slice of lifey, dark, bloody, and incredibly atmospheric.

Here's a small excerpt:

"The moon rises, casting pale shadows across the land. Somewhere to the west a wolf howls, mournfully, the sound mingling with the swish of the wind through the dusky boughs. As we travel further north, the scent of the forest changes from loam and flowers to resin and dust.

Fey lights twinkle in pockets of deep darkness, wisps whisper and call to me as we pass. I do not fear them. How many times had I walked these forests after dark, my heart thumping as I hurried home in the night? And now I stride with ultimate confidence, knowing there is nothing out there more terrible than me. My eyes pierce the gloom and I bare my teeth at the slinking shadow of a wolf. It growls softly and then runs away on its belly. Sensible."

If any of that seems interesting to you, do go check it out, get it, get it for your friends, leave a rating, and review :P.


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Thanks for reading and have a good week :)!

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