Back For My Daughter

Chapter 617 Smoking Causes Harm

Chapter 617 Smoking Causes Harm

In another district a few miles away from the Star City.

​ In a mansion which looked no less handsome than that of the Han.

A young man was holding a doctor's collar with a dazed look in his eyes as if he was remembering something.


Meanwhile, the doctor couldn't keep his breathing since the young man's palm was on his neck as resulting in him running out of breath as he coughed.

As for the other doctors, they were just too afraid of even going near the young man afraid that they might also be gagged like this.

They had known this young man for a long time now and it could be said that all this long they had seen him like this for the first time.

"Alright, boy, leave the doctor, what he said might have some truth to it."

Just as the doctor was about to feel even more suffocated, the middle-aged man walked to the young man and shook him a bit wanting to bring him back from his trance.

"I am sorry!"

Losing his grip on the doctor's neck, the young man looked pale as he recalled what he had done in a fit of rage.



The doctor coughed for a few moments before smiling wryly, of course, he seemed to be completely aware of such actions from the family of the patients and looked quite unaffected by it as he continued while pointing his report to the middle-aged man who he thought would be clear-minded and won't react like the young man.

"See right here, in this part of the chest, even if you can see that they looked quite healthy, but after taking a scan just after a moment they look almost the same as if they have paused."

Hearing the doctor's words, the middle-aged man's eyes widened for a moment as he muttered.

"You mean that they have stopped in their position."


The doctor nodded while sighing in his heart, when he saw the man's eye widen, he had thought that his reaction would be the same as that of the young man, but seeing that the man reacted with a composure he felt relief.

He then turned to the young man and then glanced at the patient lying on the bed and continued.

"I don't know what has caused such an anomaly, but it should have been a really long time that he has been suffering this condition, and now even the vital organs have started to freeze, if this goes on then no one can do anything."

"Though I really feel bad for telling you this, Mr Wang, please don't lose yourself."

By the time the doctor finished, his voice was as low as breathing.

It felt as if he was not telling this to Mr Wang, the young man, but to himself for not being able to cure the patient even after having such wide knowledge and experience.

With that, the doctor turned to the middle-aged man seeing that there was no reply from Mr Wang and nodded his head.

"Alright, you all can leave, thanks a lot for giving us your valuable time."

The middle-aged man helped the doctors out.

Meanwhile, as they were out the doctor from before turned to the middle-aged man and said.

"Sir, I don't think that anyone would be able to cure something which barely anyone can notice, I was also able to not notice it until I compared the two reports altogether and they were only made with a coincidence."

The doctor smiled wryly as he shook his head.

It could be said that if not for the coincidence that the machine scanned the patient twice at the time, then it would not be wrong to say that no one might have been able to even recognize what was even wrong with the patient.

But it was really mocking that doctors were usually considered as live givers, but right now, if not for the coincidence then none of them might have been able to know what caused all of this.

"Hmm, it will be hard for the young boy to get over this, but I also think that there is nothing we would be able to do."



"As much I would like to say that the freezing of his cells might stop, the chances of it was even less than 1 percent, and I don't want to give false hope to Mr Wang."

The doctor smiled wryly while shaking his head and then walked towards his car which was brought in front of him by the driver.


Just as the middle-aged man was about to turn and leave after the door of the car was opened once again.

But since he had no reason to remain, the middle-aged man continued to go back to the room from which he had just walked out.

"Sir, I have something for you."

Just as he was about to enter, the mansion's door, the doctor's words arrived in his ears.

He was a bit stunned as to what might the doctor have something which was quite important for him.

The middle-aged man turned around with a confused face and saw that the young doctor was running towards him with a file in his hand.

"Haah haah."

The doctor gasped for air while showing the file to the man and said.

"Somehow, we got a blood simple of yours and the reports were also made from it."

Hearing his words, the middle-aged man frowned, he glanced at the small cut on his left arm and then looked at the doctor.

"But later the diagnosis doctor placed it away since it didn't belong to the patient."


The man asked seeing the doctor was pausing after every sentence.

He didn't know why but he was having a bad haunch seeing the doctor.


All of a sudden the image of the young man from a few days ago flashed in his mind.


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