Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1004

Chapter 1004

"Jiang Yuqin, do you have anything worth doing? Who do you think you are?"

Gu qiaoyue said coldly and left directly.

But Jiang Yuqin's face was distorted. Looking at Gu qiaoyue's contemptuous appearance, he wanted to scratch her face.

Why does she say that about herself? Is she so noble?

She twisted her face, went forward and stopped her, pointing to her loud Accusation:

"No, who are you? Who else has that ability besides you."

When she stopped her again, Gu qiaoyue's face became more ugly. She looked at her coldly for a while and said:

"I haven't done it before, but if you must think I've done something, I don't mind doing it."

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Yuqin looked at Gu qiaoyue in horror.

Actually, she knows what's going on with her.

In order to compete for the quota of exchange students, she refused the opportunity of internship. Now the quota of exchange students has been determined. Without her share, the quota of other people's internship unit has also been determined.

She went to the unit leader and hoped that the leader would give her a chance, but the leader of others directly said that the quota had been determined and could not be changed.

After that, she found several internship units one after another, and they all replied like this.

Before, she had a good ability. These schools also extended olive branches to her, but they were arrogantly rejected by her. Now the quota of others has been determined, and there is no reason for others to replace her. This is unfair to others, and the internship unit will not agree.

Besides, there are many excellent students in Kyoto University, and there is no shortage of her.

After that, she went to the school, but the school was also disappointed with her random questioning of the school. Where would she help her.

There were a lot of people in the same situation as her. After all, she went to country y to be an exchange student and had the opportunity to study abroad in the future. Everyone wanted to compete, but there were only three places, and many failed in the competition. These were also arranged by the school for internships by various units after the competition failed.

She was the only exception. Originally, she didn't agree to compete for the school and went to Gu qiaoyue. After the failure, the school also arranged an internship for her, but she had to ask for the quota of exchange students and had a quarrel with the school.

Although the school also wants to make every effort to arrange every student for her to make every effort to arrange an internship, it doesn't mean that the school has no temper. If she doesn't go, the clay figurine is also angry. It also wants her to suffer.

Jiang Yuqin knew that he really offended the school this time. Things in the internship unit would be more troublesome, but he didn't expect to be so troublesome.

In addition, last time she distorted the facts and used her influence to find a group of people to go to Gu qiaoyue for trouble. Later, they were exposed. These people also knew that they had been used by her, and of course they would not pay attention to her again.

Under the successive blows, she also hated Gu qiaoyue, and attributed all these reasons to Gu qiaoyue.

Thinking that these people don't know what the specific situation is anyway, she might as well let Gu qiaoyue taste the taste of being isolated before leaving school.

Weakness is her biggest bargaining chip. In addition, in her last event, it is a fact that she was isolated. If she is used well, it will make others think that Gu qiaoyue is indomitable and bullying others.

Looking at Gu qiaoyue sneering and saying 'don't mind doing something more to her', Jiang Yuqin couldn't help feeling cold and began to regret coming to her trouble.

Gu qiaoyue glanced at her coldly. Without any extra words, she just took out the phone, dialed a number and said directly:

"Mom, it's me. Are there interns in your unit in our school?"

The phone she dialed was he ronghua's.

When he was working, he seldom received a call from his daughter-in-law. He ronghua was surprised and happy:

"Is something wrong?"

Gu qiaoyue doesn't need an internship. Call her now and say something about the internship. It must be something.

"There are some things. There is a senior in our school named Jiang Yuqin. Can her internship unit not be arranged in your company?"

Gu qiaoyue called he ronghua for the first time.

It's rare to be used. He ronghua naturally agreed without saying a word. In her opinion, it's not important at all. josei

Her daughter-in-law is so capable that she can't help her as a mother-in-law. Now her daughter-in-law thinks of her when she has something to do, which makes her happy for a while and arranges it immediately.

As for why Gu qiaoyue is suddenly embarrassed with a senior student, this is not in her consideration.

Anyway, in her opinion, everything is good for her daughter-in-law. If you want to make trouble with others, it must be someone else's problem.

He ronghua would not have asked about the internship, nor would her assistant.

But now a little intern, the boss personally asked, the assistant also raised his vigilance, and arranged it when he went back.

As a result, manager Zhang, the personnel manager in charge of arranging interns, hesitated and said, "can you ask what Jiang Yuqin has done?"

Looking at the personnel manager's pale face, the assistant asked, "it can't be so just. I've recruited our unit."

Manager Zhang quickly shook his head: "no, no, I'll inform you now and let the people below be vigilant these days. Don't recruit them."

Then he hurried away.

However, instead of notifying the people below, he went directly to the finance and accounting department and found Yu Miao who was working.

When they came outside, Yu Miao said, "manager Zhang, what's the matter?"

With a cold face, manager Zhang returned the red envelope he received yesterday: "sorry, I can't do what you asked me to do yesterday."

The red envelope was given to him by Yu Miao yesterday. He just wanted her daughter to come to the company for internship. He directly agreed to such a small thing.

Moreover, the other daughter is still a student of Kyoto University. Just for Kyoto University, there is no problem with one more intern.

But he didn't expect it. Just yesterday, he promised. Today, general assistant he went to him in person and called the roll and said he didn't want Jiang Yuqin.

Fortunately, he hasn't brought anyone in, otherwise he really doesn't know how to explain.

Yu Miao looked at the red envelope stuffed into his hand, looked suspicious and said with a dry smile: "manager Zhang, why can't we do a small number of interns? Is something wrong?"

Their units recruit interns in major universities every year.

Originally, her daughter didn't like the unit where she worked. She also understood that after all, her daughter studied well and was a student of Kyoto University. This time, she also had the opportunity to compete for the opportunity to be an exchange student abroad.

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