Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1011

Chapter 1011

Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan said they had nothing to say about the two old people who could find something to quarrel with.

what did you say? I always talk when I don't see it. When I see it, I can connect with each other.

Moreover, as a younger generation, there is no place for them to speak.

Gu qiaoyue went to Zhang Tianhe and called, "Grandpa Zeng."

"Ah." Zhang Tianhe answered happily. josei

Looking at this great granddaughter, he was so happy that he stroked his beard. Hehe, he looked at Si Moyan very well.


"Sister Qiao Yue."

Gu Qiaowan and Zhang RuRu also came forward and shouted.

Gu qiaoyue smiled and rubbed the heads of the two people naturally as before, but Gu Qiaowan avoided and looked at her discontentedly: "sister, I'm twenty."


Gu qiaoyue couldn't help laughing: "you are thirty. You are still a child in my heart."

"It's like you're my mother."

Gu Qiaowan muttered and took Gu qiaoyue's arm and pulled her to talk.

Zhang RuRu also followed skillfully.

The three walked home arm in arm. As a result, just two steps later, little Zhang Shuo chased up with his short legs: "sister Qiao Yue, sister Qiao Yue, wait for me."

Then he pushed away Gu Qiaowan, took Gu qiaoyue's hand and talked to her excitedly: "sister Qiao Yue, I miss you. I miss you every day. I also listen to you and study hard. Our teachers praise me..."

"Really? I miss us very much, too..."

Watching several people go back together, Si Moyan, who was pushed aside, smiled helplessly.

He is ready to be robbed of his wife when he returns to Daqing. There is no way. Who makes his wife too popular? As long as he returns here, especially during the holiday, he will be robbed by these kids.

"Grandpa Zeng." Si Moyan greeted Zhang Tianhe with a smile.

The party went upstairs with a smile. Wu Honglian, Zhang Peipei and others had already met at the door. When they saw Mr. Si, they came forward with a smile and shouted, "the old leader is coming. Come in quickly."

After greeting a circle of people, he cunfang was busy cutting fruit and serving fruit. Gu qiaoyue followed up to help.

People are talking in the living room. Zhang Jingqi and Mr. Si are still fighting, but they both enjoy it.

After dinner, the family sat in the living room chatting and talked about Gu qiaoyue's going to be an exchange student in country y.

"Qiao Yue, are you going to study in country y at the end of this semester?" he cunfang asked.

This is the first one in the family to study abroad. When it comes to speaking, the whole family is happy.

Although Zhang Jingqi always said with a straight face, "what's good in foreign countries is not as good as us."

But everyone knows that he is actually happy. Besides, studying abroad doesn't mean staying abroad. There's nothing bad about learning other people's things. Maybe he can make better contributions to his country when he comes back.

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile: "either to study abroad or to be an exchange student for a semester. Last semester, our school came to the exchange student of Stina University in country y. the two schools learn from each other and make common progress."

"Sister, you're really good." Gu Qiaowan said with envy and said seriously: "I heard that Hollywood is the paradise of stars. I'll go there to study later."

"I'll go too." Xiao Zhang Shuo was unwilling to show weakness and joined the fun.

The family laughed. Zhang peipeipei, he cunfang, Wu Honglian and others told Gu qiaoyue to pay attention to safety when she went abroad.

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile, "don't worry, Mo Yan will go with me."

"Mo Yan will go too?" everyone else looked at Si Mo Yan.

Wu Honglian asked suspiciously, "didn't you say to be an exchange student? How can Mo Yan go?"

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile, "he went to work and just accompanied me."

Wu Honglian and others can't understand that it's false to go to work. They don't trust Gu qiaoyue to be true. They are also quite comfortable. Their children are happy to be treated like this.

When master Si heard that Gu qiaoyue was going to be an exchange student in country y, he frowned.

He hasn't heard about it yet. When he first heard it, he was worried.

No one else knows about X, but Mr. Si knows. X is in country y, but Gu qiaoyue is going to be an exchange student in country y. what if x keeps an eye on it.

But obviously, Si Moyan also knew about it and didn't tell him at all.

However, at present, everyone is happy to ask Gu qiaoyue about going to country y as an exchange student, and Gu Qiaowan and others envy that they will also study abroad in the future to increase their knowledge. He is not good to say these words at this time.

And X's matter is confidential and can't be said here.

He had to suppress his worries and decided to ask Si Moyan later.

However, the old man still couldn't help staring at Si Moyan for several times.

He didn't even tell him such an important thing.

Mr. Si's obvious condemnation sight, of course, Mr. Si Moyan can detect it and understand what's going on. He also smiles bitterly in his heart. He can't say it now. He can only wait for a while to explain to him.

In fact, he didn't deliberately hide it from the old man.

I just forgot.

That night, after the rest, Si Moyan went to master Si's house.

Mr. Si didn't sleep as expected. He was obviously waiting for him. When he saw him coming, he stared at him directly, and even childishly took a pillow and threw it at him:

"Tell me, what's going on."

Si Moyan easily took the pillow, walked over and put it on the small sofa, and said helplessly:

"Grandpa, it's my fault. I didn't tell you in time."

Mr. Si glared and said, "I will care if you don't tell me in time? I ask you, why did you let Qiao Yue study in country y? You don't know. X is from country y. what if Qiao Yue is targeted once he passes."

"Grandpa, Qiao Yue and I have had a good discussion about this. Country y is very big. Qiao Yue used to be an exchange student and should not attract the attention of X." Si Moyan said.

Master Si's eyes widened: "if you say no, you won't? You don't know the ability of X. if he changes his face and approaches Qiao Yue, can you recognize it?"

Mr. Si was still worried. Looking at Si Moyan, he was full of discontent.

How could Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan not have thought about what Mr. Si said? However, since they have made a decision, they are not completely prepared, but they are also prepared in their hearts.

Si Moyan said seriously, "Grandpa, if we don't take the initiative to understand, we will never understand the enemy. Moreover, it will be fine if I follow Qiao Yue."

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