Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1021

Chapter 1021

"Well, it's really a good idea."

Si Moyan nodded and asked, "what did she say?" josei

Gu qiaoyue's face collapsed. The whole person sat by the bed with some wilting. His expression and actions were exaggerated and unable to stand up:

"What else can I say? Think about it. I also know. She said that she wouldn't think about it at all. We Xiangyue was never within her scope of consideration, so I said it's hard to find talents."

Then he said, "but I'm just trying to test. If I want someone, I always have to find a way to get her. Hey, hey..."

Gu qiaoyue smiled and joked maliciously.

"Oh? What do you do?" Si Moyan naturally knew that she was joking, but he also cooperated to tease with her.

Gu qiaoyue hehe Zhile: "of course it's coercion and inducement."

"I thought you would say you knocked out and tied your company. In that case, I can help." Si Moyan joked with her.

"Cut, am I such a violent person? I'm so gentle and lovely."

"Should such a gentle and lovely wife rest? It's really getting late." Si Moyan pointed to the watch on his wrist and said, "it's more than ten o'clock."

"Really, don't bother me when I sleep. It's very tired to fly all day." with this, Gu qiaoyue directly lay in bed and pretended to die.

Si Moyan shook his head reluctantly and sat back to read the unfinished documents.

Gu qiaoyue slept for a while. Seeing nothing moving, he opened his eyes a little and saw that he was still reading the documents. He couldn't help shaking his head and didn't disturb him. He turned over and went to bed by himself.

Gu qiaoyue is gone, but Jin Tiantian is not sleepy.

She didn't take Gu qiaoyue's invitation to Xiangyue to heart, but she still cared about Gu qiaoyue's not going to school, and she was inevitably envious.

This is not a little insomnia.

When I got up the next morning, I had more dark circles under my eyes. I met Wang Yuanrui and Hu Yifan early in the morning. I thought she was acclimatized to the new environment.

Wang Yuanrui was more enthusiastic and shared with her the soil he brought from home: "you really listen to me. My mother said that if you are not acclimatized, you should drink some water soaked in soil brought by yourself. It works."

"No, no, I really don't need it." Jin Tian refused again and again with a bitter smile.

She looks a little bad, but she is definitely not acclimatized. Even if she is acclimatized, she can't really eat earth. Although she soaked earth in water and drank it, it's also earth. Isn't porridge a meal?

Wang Yuanrui thought she didn't believe in the local prescription and said repeatedly:

"Let me tell you something, classmate Jin, don't believe it. When I first came to college, I was acclimatized. It's because I ate the soil my mother brought me, so it's okay. Don't dislike that the soil is dirty. In fact, it's not dirty. My mother fried the soil in the pot, and there are many trace elements in the soil, which is actually harmless to the human body..."

Wang Yuanrui came down with a string of popular science. He just wanted to escape.

Seeing that he was very quiet on weekdays, she talked about the earth square right now. It seemed that she didn't believe him if she didn't try. She had an idea and said, "the key is that I don't belong to the same place as you. Where's your earth?"

"Er... It seems so. My mother fried my soil in my field."

Jin Tiantian nodded quickly: "yes, my home is in Kyoto. Your home seems to be in the south. We don't have a place. Your soil doesn't work for me."

"It seems so. What do you do?" Wang Yuanrui put away his soil.

Jin Tian breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm fine. I just didn't sleep well in a new place. It's not that serious." then he quickly changed the topic: "by the way, Gu won't be with us today. He may arrange a driver to take us to school. Let's ask."

"Not with us?"

Wang Yuanrui and Hu Yifan said in surprise at the same time.

Jin Tiantian roughly explained what Gu qiaoyue said to her yesterday and said, "she may have other arrangements. Let's go and have a look first."

Both Wang Yuanrui and Hu Yifan couldn't accept it, and the situation with Jintian was no worse last night.

They worked hard for places, and people were invited casually. That's all. Now people still only take this communication as an excuse. Schools can't use it, and it seems that schools on both sides still have a tacit understanding.

People are more popular than people. They can't be compared.

Turning around, I saw Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan come out together, and their expressions were even more wonderful.

"Classmate Gu, won't you go to school with us today?" Wang Yuanrui couldn't help asking.

Gu qiaoyue nodded and said with a smile, "well, there's something wrong. I can't go to school for the time being. I'll arrange a driver to take you directly to school later. We'll meet again."

Watching Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan leave, they only left a driver. All three were at a loss.

Fortunately, Jin Tiantian was ready and soon cleaned up his mood: "well, it's time for us to start."

Wang Yuanrui and Hu Yifan also reacted quickly. They all turned their heads and looked at Jin Tian: "is she really OK?"

They are exchange students. They represent their country and their school. She doesn't go directly like this. Does it really matter?

"Don't worry, she said no problem, no problem, we should start." Jin Tian smiled.

Maybe she didn't even find it. The affirmation in her words.

Maybe, she will still envy, envy and hate, but she has admitted Gu qiaoyue's ability in her heart.

Neither of them was talking. They went out of the hotel together and took the car that Gu qiaoyue specially left for their driver.

When they got on the bus, they couldn't help feeling.

I have to say that Gu qiaoyue's arrangement saves them a lot of trouble. At least it's a lot more convenient to stay in a hotel and take a taxi.

Otherwise, they wouldn't find the hotel so soon yesterday, and it wouldn't be so smooth today.

However, when I think that they are all young people, even if they are younger than them, they are so powerful, and they are still going step by step, I have some gaps in my heart.

Jin Tiantian is also worthy of being a member of the student union. He is also very enlightening. Seeing that both of them are somewhat lost, he smiled and said:

"In fact, we are also very excellent. We can go abroad to be exchange students, but we are the only four of us in Kyoto University. As for Gu qiaoyue... After all, she is an odd number. Maybe she is the darling of God. We can't compare with her, or we won't be tired to death."


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