Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1034

Chapter 1034

"Beckett family, his family is one of the best in our country y. anyway, its status has not been shaken in recent 100 years. You just offended Marlene. She is the eldest miss of Beckett family. You offended her... I'm afraid it will be difficult to live in country y in the future."

Fran looked at them and shook his head and sighed, but his eyes flickered when he looked at Gu qiaoyue.

Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan looked at each other. Although they were dignified, it seemed that their trip to country y was not smooth at the beginning.

But so what?

How many difficulties they encountered along the way and when they were afraid.

Except for the brief look at each other, they showed nothing.

Fran wanted to see Gu qiaoyue worried. Then he stood up and comforted her with his wide arms and told her not to be afraid. As long as she was willing to be her own model, these were not problems. What Beckett family, he would not let the injured her.

People... People don't have the slightest fear and worry.

This made Fran a little disappointed.

"In fact, you don't have to worry, as long as you..."

Look at the eyes of Gu qiaoyue.

"As long as I how?" Gu qiaoyue smiled.

Fran was suddenly embarrassed to go on. Although people didn't show fear, he still felt that it was a bit of taking advantage of others' danger.

"Well... Nothing... In fact, although the Beckett family is powerful, our Hunter family is not bad. If you..."

"Sorry, I really don't intend to be a model. I have my own things to do." Gu qiaoyue refused again with a faint smile.

Fran's shoulders collapsed and said disappointed, "how did you know I meant this? I haven't said it yet."

Gu qiaoyue smiled and didn't speak.

As far as his madness for his career is concerned, what he can ask at this time is to make himself a model. There is nothing else.

Looking at Gu qiaoyue's smile without words, Fran smiled helplessly and tried to persuade her again.

"In fact, you can really consider it. There's nothing wrong with being a model, and the clothes I design are not those wild designers who like to show their arms and legs. My design can definitely give full play to your look. You must believe me."

Unfortunately, no matter what he said, Gu qiaoyue's clothes were light, and the meaning of rejection could not be more obvious.

Fran came with hope, especially when he saw that Marlene of Beckett's family obviously didn't deal with her, and wanted to come and help her out, so as to make a good impression on her.

But the result

Looking at her lack of oil and salt, Fran had a deep sense of powerlessness in addition to disappointment.

Who is he?

He is Fran lu'ang, the eldest son of lu'ang's family and the youngest and most powerful designer in y. as long as he says he needs a model, which of those models doesn't go one after another to introduce himself to him.

But when he came to the woman, he had no way at all.

People don't want to be a model, and he can't tie people.

"You really don't think about it?" Franc asked again.

Knowing that she would not agree, he still didn't want to miss any chance.

Of course, Gu qiaoyue won't really promise him to be a model.

She smiled and said:

"Mr. Fran, your design is really good. I believe you will be a famous designer in the world in the future, but I'm really not suitable. I'm not interested in being a model. Maybe Mr. Fran hasn't had much contact with our Chinese people. If Mr. Fran needs a Chinese model, you might as well go to China. Maybe there will be something suitable for you." josei

"As for this falling angel."

Gu qiaoyue looked at her dress, smiled and said:

"It's really a perfect and beautiful dress, but it's not always true that no one can wear her style. My figure can be seen everywhere in our country. If Mr. Fran just sees me wearing a falling angel and thinks I'm your inspiration muse, maybe you can find more inspiration muses in our country."

"Really?" asked Fran incredulously.

At present, there are no Chinese models in the world. Is that ancient country really like what she said? Can he find a lot of inspiration, Muse?

Gu qiaoyue smiled and nodded: "of course, if Mr. Fran wants to go to China sometime, I can arrange someone to take you to know our country well."

"But I heard that your country is very poor. You can't eat in many places..."

Fran suddenly realized that his words were really inappropriate. He said in front of a Chinese that their country was poor. If he couldn't do it well, he would offend people.

He quickly explained: "well, of course, I don't mean to look down on it. I just talk about it. After all, many people say so."

"Mr. Fran, if you are really poor and can't even eat, my wife and I can't be here. If Mr. Fran is interested, you can find out. As for those words, I believe Mr. Fran won't say so after understanding them."

Gu qiaoyue's tone was lighter, but she also knew that at this time, their country is really nothing internationally, but soon, they will impress everyone.

What she really worried about was Si Moyan. After all, he was in the army before. Compared with ordinary people, he may be more sensitive in this regard.

But seeing him, he only looked at Fran and didn't say anything inappropriate, so he was relieved.

Franc didn't get the answer he wanted and didn't stay here much. After talking to them, he went to other places.

When there were only two of them left, Gu qiaoyue sat beside Si Moyan and asked with a smile, "I thought you would be angry."

Si Moyan said, "there's nothing to be angry about. One day they will see our strength. To argue now will only make people think that we can only play lip service."

"Indeed, one day, all of them will see our strength. It won't be long." Gu qiaoyue nodded.

Si Moyan turned to look after Qiao Yue, and the smile on his face was more intense.

"What do you think of me like this?" Gu qiaoyue smiled and turned to look at him.

"Look at my daughter-in-law."

"It's so beautiful, that night..." Gu qiaoyue suddenly smiled and leaned against Si Moyan, smiling sweetly.

"There are many people here."

Sima Yan's ears were red, and subconsciously looked around.

Gu qiaoyue straightened up, put down her water glass and said with a smile, "I won't tease you. I'll go to the bathroom."

"Shall I accompany you?"

"Unless you want to go to the women's room."

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