Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1054

Chapter 1054

Several killers also saw his intention and accelerated the attack one by one, trying to stop him from escaping.


Another shot.

Obviously, the sniper in the dark also found Si Moyan's purpose and shot.

Si Moyan has been on guard, and he has experienced a lot of bullets. His perception of danger is far beyond people's reach. When he perceived the danger at the first time, he subconsciously leaned down to avoid it.

But although he escaped the fatal position, he was still shot.

The shot hit him firmly on the left shoulder.

Si Moyan was in pain. The whole person stumbled, but quickly accelerated his pace again. He came to the car faster than before. Without looking, he fired several shots at the driver's seat.

At the same time, he opened the door of the driver's seat, pulled out the people in the driver's seat, got on the car, closed the door and stepped on the accelerator at one go.

The car flew out like an arrow off the string.

Temporarily out of danger, Si Moyan dared not hesitate, and immediately touched his mobile phone.

But I found that the mobile phone had disappeared in the fight just now.

He looked even worse and endured the pain and drove the car as fast as he could.

The killers have caught up.

Without rescue, Si Moyan, who was shot twice, was spinning his brain rapidly, thinking of ways to deal with it.

Unfortunately, it seems that we are really in a desperate situation now.

The injury on his shoulder was getting worse and worse, and a double shadow had appeared in front of his eyes.

Behind him, the gunfire was getting closer and closer.

No, no!

Gu qiaoyue is still waiting for him.

He must not have an accident!

Si Moyan bit his teeth and stepped on the accelerator. The speed has been increased to the extreme.


The ghosting is getting heavier and heavier, and the line of sight is getting blurred.

He felt the danger getting closer and closer to himself.


The car's tire was hit, the body panicked, and the speed became slower and slower.

From the rearview mirror, he saw the two cars following him getting closer and closer.

Just then, just looking at the rearview mirror, a big truck rushed in front of him. Si Moyan's eyes shrank and quickly hit the steering wheel.

But he didn't notice that the other side of the road was the sea.

And the direction of his steering wheel is the sea.

When he noticed, the whole car had fallen vertically.


Heavy objects collide with the water and make a violent noise.



"Go down and search!"

There was a sound overhead, followed by the sound of falling into the water like dumplings.

Si Moyan endured the pain on his body, clenched his teeth and hid in the stone crevices under the water. He didn't dare to make a sound.

"There's no one in the car."

"Damn it, I escaped. Keep searching!"

From time to time, someone searched the stone where Si Moyan was hiding. Si Moyan held his breath and dared not move.

Ten minutes have passed, fifteen minutes have passed

Sima Yan's consciousness became more and more blurred. He vaguely heard that there seemed to be a siren behind him.

"Damn it, it's coming so fast!"

On the road overhead, someone gave a low curse and ordered: "retreat!" josei

After waiting for a few minutes, the siren sounded louder and louder. After confirming that these people had completely left, Si Moyan was relieved and was about to surface, but before he could move, the whole person lost consciousness.


"Sir, the mission failed, the target fell into the sea, and our people couldn't find it."

In the dark room, there was some uneasiness in the voice from the phone, and holding the phone was a bony and beautiful hand.

When hearing this, the finger couldn't help gripping for a few minutes, and the joints were white.


"Sir, we were going to continue the search, but the people from the police station came too fast. We also... Doodle doodle..."

The people over there still have to explain, but the phone has been hung up, leaving only a series of busy tones.

The man put down the phone with a bang. He smiled coldly at the corners of his mouth. He reached out to pick up the red wine on the table and tasted it carefully. Then he sneered:

"It's worthy of being master mo. it's not easy to kill you."

His voice was full of cold, and he looked at his eyes in the distance.

"Qiang Qiang..."

The man didn't seem to hear it. He drank the red wine in the glass, walked over and sat on the sofa, picked up a newspaper and read it. At the same time, the cold smile with evil charm became the same as before:

"Come in!"

The old housekeeper pushed the door in, stood at the door and said respectfully:

"Young master, the Beckett family came to send a message and asked if you saw Miss Marlene today?"

The man raised his head slightly, with some doubts on his gentle face:

"Haven't the Beckets found anyone yet?"

"I think I haven't found it yet. The Beckett family said that young master, you and miss Marlene have always been close. Do you know where Miss Marlene may go?"

The man frowned for a moment and asked:

"Did you find all the others? If you didn't go to the others, I couldn't think where she would go... Oh, by the way, Ma Lin fell in love with a Chinese man recently. Is it possible to find him?"

"You mean Mr. He Yan from China?" asked the old housekeeper.

"Yes, Ma Lin has said more than once that she is interested in Mr. He Yan, but I heard that Mr. He Yan seems not to be here these days. Let the Beckett family inquire."

"OK, young master, you should rest early."

The door was closed again. The man put down the newspaper and changed into red wine.

The gentle smile on his face was no longer. He walked to the balcony with a sneer and tasted red wine. He looked in a good mood.

"Si Moyan... He Yan... Ha ha... It seems good to ask the Beckett family to find you..."

Gently shaking the red wine in his hand, the man couldn't help laughing, and his voice was colder:

"Superfluous people shouldn't live in this world. Si Moyan, master mo... Hehe... No one has been free for such a long time after provoking me... The game has just begun, and wait slowly..."


"No, don't... Mo Yan!"

In the dark, Gu qiaoyue suddenly sat up. With the faint light of the moonlight, she touched the cold sweat on her forehead and frowned.

How could she have such a strange dream that Si Moyan was swallowed by a terrible monster.

She took a deep breath, turned on the bedside lamp, reached for the water cup and was about to drink slowly. At this time, the telephone suddenly rang.

I looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was 11:40. How could anyone call so late? Not many people knew her number.

I don't know if it's the influence of the strange dream just now. Gu qiaoyue always feels uneasy.

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