Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061

She's really worried about him.

But if you really don't know him, how can you worry about him and ask him, 'who is she?' I was surprised and scared like that.

Si Moyan has confidence in himself. If it is acting, no one can escape his eyes.

That's the problem.

What the hell happened?

He lost his memory?

Si Moyan quietly observed everything around him. The doctor came to examine him, and he was very cooperative. At the same time, he observed the woman who had been worried about falling tears from time to time, but pretended to be calm.

And the white beaver, even very worried about the woman, took her wrist and couldn't help comforting her.

He heard Bai Li say, "boss, it'll be fine. I've called Zhang Lingyue to return the white fox. They'll be here soon."

White fox, Zhang Lingyue

White fox doesn't say. She is the same as white beaver. She is training in the field.

But why is Zhang Lingyue here? Besides, they all know this woman very well.

"Doctor, how's it going?" Gu qiaoyue asked anxiously.

The doctor frowned and shook his head. "I'm not sure yet. I need further examination."

"Who is she? Do you know her?"

The doctor first pointed to the white beaver and asked Si Mo to recognize it.

Sima Yan nodded, but did not say the name of Bai Li.

But people who know Si Moyan can see that he knows Bai Li.

The doctor didn't hear Si Moyan's reply, and didn't worry. He pointed to Gu qiaoyue and said, "what about her?"

This time, Si Moyan neither shook his head nor nodded. He looked at Gu qiaoyue for a long time.

Although he said nothing, Gu qiaoyue still judged that he really didn't know himself from his obviously confused eyes.

This answer made her step back for several steps, but she stubbornly wanted to wait for him to answer.

Finally, Si Moyan said, "I don't know."

The simple three words, inserted into Gu qiaoyue's heart like a sharp blade, also stunned the people present.

Zhang Lingyue, Bai Hu and Wang Feng, who had just arrived, were also stunned.

Boss, what's he talking about?


That's my sister-in-law. How can I not know her?

However, the doctor continued to calmly point to the back of Zhang Lingyue and asked, "where is he? Do you know him?"

Sima Yan frowned, then nodded, looked at Zhang Lingyue and said to the doctor, "I know the situation now. The examination will continue later. Now please go out."

The doctor was frowning at the moment. When he heard this, he nodded and went out. He planned to talk to the experts in the hospital.

These people are obviously together, but they just don't know one of them.

If it wasn't pretend, it would be selective amnesia?

Still have to check.

Before the doctor went out, he told him, "the patient's situation is special. Try not to stimulate him."

After the doctor left, everyone looked at Si Moyan.

Si Moyan looked at Gu qiaoyue, hesitated and said, "can you go out first?"

"Boss... You..." Zhang Lingyue looked at Si Moyan incredulously. Unexpectedly, this was said by his boss. The man with only his wife in his eyes would say this.


"Boss, you said you didn't know your sister-in-law?"

Zhang Lingyue asked this, and everyone looked at Si Moyan nervously.

Sima Yan looked at Gu qiaoyue again, frowned and said, "you call her sister-in-law?"

"Yes, sister-in-law, boss, what's the matter with you? My sister-in-law hasn't closed her eyes to find you these days. It's hard to find you. You don't know her. You let her..."

Zhang Lingyue was talking excitedly, and suddenly her arm was pulled by someone.

Gu qiaoyue shook her head at him: "stop talking. He should be just in time. The situation is unstable. I'll go to the doctor first to understand the situation. You can talk to him well and don't stimulate her."

Gu qiaoyue said, taking a deep look at Si Moyan and lifting her feet out of the ward.

Standing outside the ward, Gu qiaoyue took a deep breath.

Raised his head and drove back the tears from the bottom of his eyes.

Si Moyan's situation is obviously wrong now. She is not sad. She must find a way to find out what's going on and then treat it.

Her relationship with Si Moyan will not be defeated so easily.

"Boss." Bai Li and Bai Hu followed up uneasily.

Gu qiaoyue turned her head and smiled at them: "white fox stay and white fox go to the doctor with me to ask about the situation."

The white beaver hurriedly followed, looked at Qiao Yue with worry, and couldn't help asking, "boss, are you okay?"

Gu qiaoyue shook her head: "it's all right. He's just ill. He'll be all right if he's cured."

Bai Li can't see Gu qiaoyue's mood, but she also knows that she must feel bad in her heart.

When we found the doctor, the doctor was discussing Si Moyan's condition with an expert in the nervous system. Qiao Yue came in and briefly said the situation. He said, "now what specific situation needs further examination. Later, we will take a CT to see if he has hurt his head."

Gu qiaoyue nodded.

Now this situation is to consider whether it is like this, but she still has doubts in her heart:

"Doctor, why does he remember everyone, but he doesn't remember me?"

The doctor thought for a moment and said, "this situation may be phased amnesia. The specific reason for this result needs further examination. There is also a specific loss of those memories, which also needs further examination."

Gu qiaoyue leaves from the doctor. Gu qiaoyue stops in the hospital corridor.

"Boss, are you all right?" Bai Li looked at her anxiously.

Gu qiaoyue didn't speak. She looked up and took a deep breath. She raised her feet and walked towards Si Moyan's ward. josei

Pushing open the door of the ward, all the people in the ward looked at Gu qiaoyue.

Zhang Lingyue came directly and grabbed Gu qiaoyue: "sister-in-law, I have something to tell you."

In the hospital corridor, Zhang Lingyue looked at Gu qiaoyue with a calm face and said, "sister-in-law, we talked with the boss just now. The boss seems to..."

"Come on, he forgot that memory?" Gu qiaoyue said calmly.

"Sister in law, you..."

Zhang Lingyue looked up at Gu qiaoyue in surprise.

Gu qiaoyue smiled bitterly: "remember you, but don't remember me. Isn't this obvious? Before you knew me?"

Zhang Lingyue lowered her head and looked at such a sister-in-law. He really didn't know what to do. He was also in pain.

He nodded and said, "the memory of the boss three months after he retired from the army is gone."

Then he looked up at Gu qiaoyue: "however, we roughly told him, and he accepted it. The boss said he would try to find this memory."

Willing to believe and not reject, this should be the best news I heard after finding Si Moyan.

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