Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1116

Chapter 1116

Clarence hurriedly said, "it's all right. I'm in the company. What can I do? On the contrary, you make people worry. Well, I have something to do, so I won't tell you."

"By the way, I work overtime tonight. Maybe I won't go back... Be careful at home alone. Don't open the door to strangers..."

"Well, I see. I'm like a three-year-old child. Then you go to work well. Your boss is very good. Come on and work hard. My future baby and I depend on you."


After hanging up the phone, Clarence smiled bitterly. After sitting alone for a long time, he went to turn over the documents sent by song on the table.

For his wife and unborn son, he must find a way to stay. josei

All night, Clarence was studying how to win the trust of Xiangyue boss and how to stay.

Until after dawn, he was really unable to carry it. He narrowed on the table for a while, but he didn't expect to fall asleep directly.

Gu qiaoyue came in and saw the blonde man sleeping on the table.

There is no doubt that this must be Clarence, the unlucky guy who has just been president for a week and the company has changed hands.

"I'll wake him up."

"No hurry."

Bai Li wanted to wake him up, but Gu qiaoyue stopped him.

Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan sat down opposite the desk. Seeing that there were still documents on the desk, Gu qiaoyue took them directly and looked at them.

They are all song's Xinmi, but they are also unimportant, and they have known it for a long time.

For others, it may be secret enough, but it is of little value.

Gu qiaoyue picked up another document, which is the list of customers of Corell company.

This is indeed a very important thing for a company.

But the same is useless to Gu qiaoyue.

First of all, the name of the company at the top of the list, she knew that it was Crocker's industry. According to her relationship with Crocker's family, how could she continue to cooperate with them?

The next few are also the industries of the family that made friends with the Song family.

If she cooperates with these enterprises, it is tantamount to sending herself to the wolf's nest.

Moreover, Corell company has been taken by Xiangyue. It is still a question whether these people will cooperate with them again.

After Corell company was taken over by Xiangyue, it was inevitable to reshuffle the cards, which was completely useless to her.

However, this Clarence seems to have done his homework seriously.

It's hard for him.

It's just a pity

Gu qiaoyue looked at the man who was still sleeping on the table and sneered at the corners of his lips.

Now that she has taken Corell company and wants to integrate into Xiangyue, she will not leave any of song's people, even if she is temporarily ordered.


Gu qiaoyue sneered, waved directly to the white fox and said, "go and be busy first."


The white fox answered and went down.

Before coming, Gu qiaoyue gave her a list. What she has to do now is to hold a meeting with the people of the company, and then eliminate all the people on the list.

Lin Guodong's stay in Corell company for so long is not for nothing. The information collected about Corell company is many times more complete than those on Clarence's desk at the moment.

The voice of Gu qiaoyue and white fox finally woke up Clarence in his sleep.

He suddenly woke up and saw Gu qiaoyue sitting opposite him, smiling at him. The whole person was an inspiration.

Yes, this is the boss of Xiangyue and now the boss of Corell company.

Why did it suddenly appear.

Why didn't the front desk report any news.

But now is not the time to think about it. He soon regained his composure, got up, smiled and stretched out his hand to Gu qiaoyue:

"Hello, boss. I'm Clarence, the president hired by Corell company."

"Hello, I'm Gu qiaoyue."

Gu qiaoyue also got up and shook hands with him, and then sat down again.

With a faint smile on her face, she looked at Clarence in silence.

Clarence was looked at by Gu qiaoyue for a moment and didn't know what to say. The words prepared before also disrupted the rhythm because of Gu qiaoyue's sudden arrival.

At the moment, he just woke up on the table. He may have beard residue on his face and didn't change his clothes. It's not a good state to meet the boss.

If it was an interview, he must have been brushed down at the first time.

When he thought so, he couldn't help touching his face. Sure enough, he was a little pricked. It must be a waste of his beard.

He was more uncomfortable and subconsciously went to see Qiao Yue.

To Gu qiaoyue's faint smile, he felt that he didn't know where to put his hands.

Hell, Mingming is much younger than him. Mingming is ready to convince her to stay.

However, facing her now, he seemed unable to say anything.

Especially the faint smile on her face gave him an illusion that the other party had seen through everything.

It's like what he thinks and wants to do are all under the gaze of the other party.

He felt guilty for no reason, which made him even more helpless.

He is a professional manager. He deals with various bosses. All kinds of negotiations are common here. He has already developed a calm attitude and can adjust his state as soon as possible at any time.

But now

There is no doubt that he is in the worst state at the moment, worse than when he didn't know anything when he just left school.

"If Mr. Clarence needs to freshen up, I can wait." Gu qiaoyue suddenly opened her mouth.

"Oh, good..."

Clarence answered subconsciously. Then he realized that he answered too quickly and was taken away by others. He quickly changed into the previous formula smile and said politely:

"I'm really sorry. Please wait a moment."

Gu qiaoyue nodded and signaled that he could go.

Clarence went to the washroom in the office and looked at his tired face in the mirror, the beard residue on his face, some messy hair, the tie pulled open by him, the wrinkled shirt

He rubbed his head again with a headache, and muttered in his heart: "what's the front desk doing to eat? There's no news at all."

In the office, Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan looked at each other.

Gu qiaoyue asked with a smile, "what do you think?"

Si Moyan smiled at her and said that Gu qiaoyue already knew the news:

"Song's people came yesterday."

Gu qiaoyue smiled and nodded: "indeed."

Song's people came, and Clarence didn't go back all night. Look at his state today and these things on the table. Although what happened can't be completely restored, he can also guess eight nine.

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