Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1133

Chapter 1133

Gu qiaoyue and Miao Xiaoyu are discussing a solution. Clarence also knocks on the door anxiously:

"Boss, something's wrong."

Gu qiaoyue frowned: "what's the matter?"

"Several of the shops we have rented have suddenly defaulted and won't rent to us." Clarence touched the sweat on his head.

He was also surprised when he heard the news.

If only one or two families suddenly don't rent, he can take it seriously. It's just that the landlord may have other ideas and don't want to rent. That's normal. Just pay liquidated damages according to the contract.

But now, they have laid down several shops at the same time, but they all say they don't rent.

They have already renovated half of them, and they are about to complete the project. They can start business when they have complete certificates.

But now, these shops are suddenly not rented to them.

This is a great disaster from the sky.

Miao Xiaoyu was also startled: "don't rent? More than a dozen stores, all like this?"

That's more than a dozen stores. How can they suddenly break the contract at the same time? Even the agreed ones won't be so neat. They don't rent them all.

Clarence nodded sadly, "yes, we all have to close the shop."


Miao Xiaoyu looked at Gu qiaoyue with anxiety on her face.

Obviously, someone is doing them.

Otherwise, I won't rent it if it's good, and I suddenly said that if I can't do it, I can't do it.

Gu qiaoyue also looked ugly. She was silent. She was about to speak when the phone on the table suddenly rang.

Gu qiaoyue first picked up the phone and listened to the person over there and said, "boss, it's bad. A group of local ruffians came to our store just now and smashed our store."

The phone call came from Xiangyue electronics store, which had just opened before. It is their only franchise store in Y country.

"Call the police first!" Gu qiaoyue said coldly.

Gu qiaoyue was still talking on the phone, and Miao Xiaoyu's cell phone rang again., Seeing that it was from the factory, Miao Xiaoyu had a bad feeling in her heart. josei

Sure enough.

As soon as the phone was answered, there was a sentence: "boss, our raw material suppliers suddenly broke their contracts."

"What's going on?"

"It was supposed to deliver the goods every three days. Today is the day of delivery, but it hasn't been delivered until now. We called and the other party said that they wouldn't deliver the goods to us in the future. This is a unilateral breach of the contract. President Miao, what can we do? This batch of goods is to be delivered the day after tomorrow, and there is still a lot to be produced. If the goods are out of stock, the customer can't do it Explain. "

"How long can the remaining raw materials be produced?" Miao Xiaoyu asked calmly, and his heart was also agitated.

"Up to this afternoon, there will be a shutdown when there are no raw materials."

Gu qiaoyue had hung up the phone. Seeing Miao Xiaoyu frowning, he directly asked, "what's the matter?"

"The raw material supplier unilaterally broke the contract. Now the raw materials in the factory are gone. If the work is stopped, the orders to be delivered the day after tomorrow will not be delivered. There are several orders waiting for delivery."

All the problems came out overnight.

Miao Xiaoyu and Clarence panicked.

Gu qiaoyue was also agitated, but she didn't show it at all on the surface. She calmly took the phone in Miao Xiaoyu's hand and said:

"Continue production, the company will find a way to deal with the raw materials."

After hanging up the phone, Gu qiaoyue calmly said to Miao Xiaoyu and Clarence:

"Clarence goes to the factory, stabilize the factory, and Miao Xiaoyu goes out with me."

"But boss, what about the store?" Clarence asked anxiously.

Gu qiaoyue sneered: "it's their breach of contract, not ours. I'll contact a lawyer to talk about liquidated damages with them, as well as the raw material suppliers."

Taking care of Qiao Yue's calm and calm appearance, Clarence suddenly felt less worried. He nodded and said:

"Don't worry, boss. I'll be steady over there."

"Well, there's no need to take care of the shop for the time being." Gu qiaoyue patted him on the shoulder and motioned him to be busy.

Clarence left, leaving Miao Xiaoyu and Gu qiaoyue in the office.

Miao Xiaoyu looked at Gu qiaoyue worried and said:

"Boss, who wants to fix us?"

Gu Qiao didn't show up on the moon, but he sneered in his heart.

Who is it?

Who else but the Song family?

"Don't worry about this, you go out with me." Gu qiaoyue said.

They went to the company together. Bai Hu and Bai Li naturally followed, as did Xiao Ling, an assistant and bodyguard around Miao Xiaoyu.

Miao Xiaoyu thought about the company and didn't ask where to go.

When the car stopped, Miao Xiaoyu remembered and asked, "boss, what are we going to do?"

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile, "go and see Mr. Fran."

"Mr. Fran?" Miao Xiaoyu wondered.

Isn't Mr. Fran from the lu'ang family?

Lu Ang's family is engaged in the clothing business. Shouldn't they contact the raw material suppliers and try to get the raw materials so that the factory won't shut down?

On Miao Xiaoyu's puzzled expression, Gu qiaoyue said with a smile: "Lu Ang's family is engaged in the clothing business, but Lu Ang's mother, Mrs. joy's family, is operating the raw materials we need."

Franc asked Gu qiaoyue to be his model inspiration Muse more than once. Of course, she also wanted to know about franc, so she learned about Lu Ang's family.

Now, she was very glad to know more.

Otherwise, she really can't find a suitable material supplier for a while.

When Gu qiaoyue arrived, it was just when Fran was going to the airport. The two met at the door.

When Fran suddenly saw Gu qiaoyue, he couldn't help but be stunned. He asked with some uncertainty:

"Are you looking for me?"

"Are you free?" Gu qiaoyue asked with a smile.

"Free, free."

When Franc finished, the assistant beside him couldn't help saying, "but, boss, your three o'clock plane."

"Catch a plane?"

Gu qiaoyue frowned slightly. It seems that he came at a bad time. If he can't, he can only find a way to contact Mrs. Joey.

But I don't have much friendship with her. In this way, I'm afraid the material in the factory will still be cut off.

"No, no, it was supposed to be cancelled." Fran quickly smiled, for fear that Gu qiaoyue would think he had something to go out.

With that, he looked at the assistant, frowned and said, "go and arrange it. I have something to deal with today. Let's change the plane to tomorrow."

The assistant didn't understand why his boss suddenly had something to do, but he could also think that it was because of the sudden arrival of the woman, but he didn't know who the woman was, but he looked familiar.

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