Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1139

Chapter 1139

Clarence's words gradually quieted the scene.

The sound amplification effect of the microphone was still good. Gu qiaoyue and Miao Xiaoyu didn't look well when they heard Tommy's words at the beginning. Now they saw Clarence pick up the microphone. A few words quieted the workshop. They were both relieved.

Otherwise, it's more than 7000 people. If it really makes trouble, it's not a small matter.

Clarence's voice continued, but Gu qiaoyue looked at Tommy on the side and said to Bai Li, "go check Tommy and focus on what he has done recently."

All the remaining top leaders of the company have been screened and have no problems, so Tommy may have problems recently.

Tommy was really worried at the moment. If he went on like this, his plan would be ruined.

Absolutely not.

When this thing is done, there will still be 100000 US dollars in the future. Now he has only taken 50000. After the thing is done, the remaining 100000 is the big head.

On such a thought, he suddenly said, "but the raw materials haven't arrived. What if all these raw materials are used up and the raw materials haven't arrived yet?"

Although it was anxious, a word made the employees on the scene unstable.

Clarence frowned, looked at Tommy coldly, and suddenly asked:

"Tommy, what's your purpose? Or who sent you?"

When asked by Clarence, Tommy suddenly missed a beat and sighed that he was impulsive just now, but he looked puzzled and asked strangely:

"President, what do you mean by this? I just asked my own concerns. As the general manager of the factory, I am not only responsible for the daily operation of the factory, but also responsible for the 7000 employees in the factory. Is there anything wrong with my concern about this problem?"

What he said is reasonable and reasonable, which makes employees have some resonance in their hearts.

The factory leader who thinks of them is really a good leader. A manager in the factory has to speak for Tommy.

However, before he spoke, Clarence sneered: "Tommy, when you were in the office more than an hour ago, you asked me when the raw materials would arrive, and I have replied to you. I will be there soon. Why, you asked me this question once in the office, and now you will ask me again in front of these employees?"

The manager who was supposed to speak for Tommy suddenly looked at Tommy and wanted to stop talking.

He was the manager of the subordinate Tommy met outside the office. After talking with Tommy, he was thinking about his future way out. As a result, the workshop was in chaos. After that, he was busy pacifying people and didn't think about what Tommy said.

But now

Listen to what the president said, how is it different from what general manager Tommy told him?

The general manager clearly said that the raw materials were gone and the suppliers did not supply, but the president said that the raw materials would arrive.

Although he wanted to ask some questions in his heart, under the circumstances of so many people, he still pressed down the words in his heart and made no sound in silence.

Since the president said that the raw materials will arrive, they, as employees of the company, should also believe the words of the leaders. It's only a matter of time, and so on.

And Tommy was almost speechless by Clarence's words.

But at this time, someone in the staff suddenly shouted:

"President, you said you would arrive later. Why haven't we seen the goods? Don't deceive us?"

"I really think we workers have no brains, don't we? Xiangyue has offended several nobles for a long time. It's said that these nobles unite to suppress Xiangyue. We just see the problem of the factory. Who knows what's going on outside. Maybe you can't support it anymore."

"It's just... What are you doing here with us and with our general manager? Our general manager is just thinking of our employees. Where are you like you? You really think you are a person? I tell you, Xiangyue can't even produce a fart without our old employees!"


There was a sudden clamor in the crowd, hiding in the crowd, as if there were discontent everywhere.

But when you listen carefully, you can tell that these voices are quite similar. It is clear that the voices from so many people seem to be many and miscellaneous, but in fact they are almost the same.

Gu qiaoyue frowned at the crowd and said coldly, "write down all the people who make a fuss."

She's sure there must be something wrong with these people.

Looking at the crowd going to be chaotic again, Clarence was also worried. She was about to speak, but the microphone was picked up.

Turning around to see Gu qiaoyue, Clarence's heart suddenly settled down.

Since the company had an accident, all of them were worried. Only the boss was so calm that people could have unlimited confidence.

"Boss," Clarence shouted.

Gu qiaoyue nodded at him, took the microphone, looked at the more than 7000 people present, cleared his voice and said:

"I'm Gu qiaoyue, the boss of Xiangyue. I'm glad to meet you. Originally, I should have come to say hello and get to know each other as soon as I took over the factory, but there are so many things in the company and I'm delayed. I'm sorry for the big guy here."

Gu qiaoyue finished and bowed to the more than 7000 people present.

Everyone present was stunned.

After working in the factory for so many years, they have seen the biggest leader, that is, the general manager. Even if the general manager holds a meeting, that is, they ask the managers and managers in the factory to hold a meeting. They have never asked these front-line workers to hold a meeting, nor has the leader been so polite to them.

With that bow, they were stunned and felt that their identity was suddenly elevated. At this moment, it seemed that they were not ordinary workers, but workers respected by the boss.

This feeling is really wonderful.

Gu qiaoyue also had a wonderful feeling in her heart. Standing in front of these people, she seemed to return to her previous life and hold an employee meeting in front of the employees.

Although there are different places, different scenes and different people, the mood seems to coincide.

She looked at these people with a gentle smile and a little seriousness, and then said: josei

"I know what you are worried about, whether your salary will be affected by the shutdown, whether our raw materials are really in trouble, even whether our company is really in a crisis, and whether you will lose this job

I know that it's not easy for everyone, and we all cherish this job. I also believe that most of you rely on this job to support your family, and it's particularly important to look at this job. I won't hide it from you. There is something wrong with our raw materials... "

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