Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1362

Chapter 1362

In the field, everyone is busy in a tense and orderly way. Zhang Lingyue is staring at the people of the investigation team. The whole person is as heavy as water and checks all the information in person.

However, the other party was very cautious, and all the news disappeared near the garbage dump in the northern suburbs.

In this age of little monitoring, there seems to be no other way except relying on witnesses.

The people sent to check didn't get any feedback.

In this case, finding a person is basically equivalent to looking for a needle in a haystack.

The only good news is that Zhang Tianhe calculated that Gu Qiaowan has no worries about life now, and there will be no worries about life this time.

Zhang Tianhe's words have always been accurate. With him, it is equivalent to giving everyone a shot in the arm.

"Boss, the media company found an eyewitness in. Gu Qiaowan and his bodyguard went to the bathroom together. They didn't come out after they went in. There were signs of fighting in the bathroom and footprints on the windowsill. Our people have taken samples. In addition to Gu Qiaowan and his bodyguard, there are three footprints, all 42 yards feet, wearing military rubber boots... According to the information obtained, The other party is well-trained and should be a killer. It can be basically determined that it is the person of organization X. "

Gu qiaoyue, Si Moyan, Zhang Lingyue and others were silent, one by one looking more ugly.

Because this is the worst result.

The people of organization X are unlikely to leave clues. It is almost impossible for them to find people. Now the only way is to wait for them to contact them.


Zhang Lingyue suddenly kicked over the chair in front of him. In the past, he always smiled and didn't do anything right. At the moment, he was on the edge of rage, his face had been distorted, and his clenched fist and knuckles were white.

"I'll let them die!"

It's easy to say that those present don't want them to die.

But what happened?

They haven't seen him since they let x escape in country y.

It has been nearly two months since he appeared in China this time. They tried all means and failed to find X.

No one spoke, and the investigation team was still trying every means to find someone.

Although they all know that if it is really the people of organization x, they may find very little, but no one dares to stop looking.

Zhang Lingyue suddenly turned and walked out.

"Where are you going?"

"Where are you going?"

Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan spoke at the same time. josei

Zhang Lingyue paused, took a deep breath and said, "I'll go out and get some air."

But Si Moyan saw other emotions in his eyes. He didn't go out to breathe at all.

Si Moyan stopped Zhang Lingyue and said calmly, "calm down. Since X has caught her, he will definitely contact us. As long as he contacts us, we will find them. You are so impulsive now. Even if x contacts us, are you sure to find them?"

Zhang Lingyue clenched her fist and didn't speak, but she didn't take another step forward.

He took a deep breath and sat down in silence. The whole person suddenly seemed to be taking away all his energy and holding his head dejectedly.

After the strange silence, he made a low, extreme sob.

"Why didn't I call her more? Why didn't I call her in the afternoon? If I knew earlier, maybe it wouldn't be like this..."

"I'm such an asshole! It's all me..."

Deep remorse filled Zhang Lingyue's heart. She just felt that as long as she called Gu Qiaowan more, she might have known the news of her accident earlier. If he was calling her at that time, it might not have happened.

Zhang Lingyue's repressed cry makes people feel more and more uncomfortable.

Strong remorse and what happened in her last life also poured into Gu qiaoyue's heart again. She had always been strong and calm, and her face gradually turned pale. Even if she was tightly held by Si Moyan, she couldn't feel warm.

The only calm among the three was Si Moyan. He held Gu qiaoyue tightly and comforted her.

At this moment, he could feel her fear. He just thought she was worried about Gu Qiaowan, but he didn't know that the fear was more from the memory of her previous life and the memory that had been buried in the bottom of her heart.

"Qiao Yue, it's all right. Grandpa Zeng said that Gu Qiaowan will be fine."

"And Zhang Lingyue, be promising. Think about your master's words. You can't even believe your master's words. He said Gu Qiaowan will be fine. What's the use of crying here now? It's better to find someone when you have time."

I don't know whether Si Moyan's words played a role, or Zhang Tianhe's words played a role, or neither. Zhang Lingyue just had a temporary emotional collapse. She can adjust herself by crying for a while.

Zhang Lingyue stopped crying, silently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and went to check Gu Qiaowan's whereabouts with the investigation team again.

And Gu qiaoyue also gradually calmed down. She knows better than anyone that crying is useless. The only thing she needs at this time is calm.

However, it may be the impact of Gu Qiaowan's death in her previous life. When she knew that Gu Qiaowan had an accident, she was always easy to think of those things.

"I'm fine." Gu qiaoyue also sat up straight, and all that remained on his face was calm.

Everyone is checking the whereabouts of Qiao Wan and waiting for the people of organization x to call them.

It's difficult to investigate without clues, and it's hard to wait.

For five hours, the bright lights outside the window have shone on most of Kyoto, but they still haven't found any useful clues, and organization x still hasn't called.

At this time, the guard called.

The phone directly reached Si Moyan's mobile phone. After connecting, he heard Si Weijun say: "half an hour ago, people suspected of organization x wanted to cross the China Vietnam border. Our people have gone to intercept. Please rest assured that if Gu Qiaowan is here, we will try our best to save her."

Si Weijun was not surprised to know that Gu Qiaowan was missing. After all, the people in the field were looking for people on such a large scale that they couldn't have noticed.

At the moment, the guard's call also provided them with clues.

At this time, the phones of Si Moyan, Gu qiaoyue and Zhang Lingyue rang at the same time.

The three looked at each other and answered the phone.

"Gu Qiaowan is in my hand. I want to see her and come to city a!"

"Gu Qiaowan is in my hand. I want to see her and come to C City!"

"Gu Qiaowan is in my hand. I want to see her and come to Sichuan!"

Three different people, as like as two peas, are the same as the address.

After saying this, they hung up before they could say a word.

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