Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1385

Chapter 1385

Song Anshan was the only one left in the room. He looked around and didn't find anyone else. His frightened heart was more surprised.

X said 'watch him'. He thought he would let the woman stay and look at herself, but now there is no one.

He thought that x might be a bluff. Maybe it was time for him to run away now. He walked directly to the door.

But before his hand touched the door, a man in black suddenly appeared in the room:

"Mr. Song had better stay in the house and don't run around."

Song Anshan was startled: "you, where did you come from?"

He was alone in the room. Why did a man suddenly appear?

The man in black didn't say a word. He just stood quietly in front of the window and looked out of the window. It seemed that he didn't pay too much attention to song Anshan.

Song Anshan saw him standing in front of the window and looking out of the window. He was a little away from himself. If he moved fast, he might be able to escape before he stopped himself.

When he was caught here, he looked around. This is an old residential building. As long as he can successfully go out, these people dare not catch themselves openly under the eyes of so many people.

When thinking like this, he stared at the man in black with his eyes, but tentatively stretched out his hand to reach the doorknob.

The man in black kept looking out of the window as if he hadn't seen his movements. Song Anshan was so happy that he turned around and turned the doorknob to open the door to go out.

But the next moment.

The strong wind flashed in his ear, and a flying knife flew past his ear, fiercely inserted into the position less than a centimeter away from his hand holding the door handle, and the tip of the knife fell deeply into the door.

"Gulu ~"

Song Anshan swallowed his saliva, and his blood seemed to solidify. His body was stiff and dared not move at all.

At the same time, the voice of the man in black came faintly: "the master said that Mr. Song had better stay in the house."

Song Anshan stood stiff for a long time. Only then did he have to loosen the doorknob and go back. The whole person was trembling and scared. josei

Just now, if the Throwing Knife deviated a little, he might die

He doesn't know what x is going to do or what's going on outside.

When he ran away, he had heard that Mr. Si was seriously ill and hospitalized.

Will this matter have been found on his head now?

Is it true that he was caught as soon as he went out?

Would it be safer to stay here alone? But what the hell is x doing? Is he saving himself?

Song Anshan looked at the man in black standing in front of the window and shrunk his neck. He didn't believe that x would save himself.

He is not necessarily safer here than outside.


At the same time, in the military region hospital, although Mr. Si hasn't woken up yet, he has also been out of danger.

All the doctors involved in the rescue were relieved.

"The patient's condition has stabilized. The inducement of this illness is mainly a new type of chronic poison in the patient's body. Originally, this poison would be latent in the body for about half a year, which is not different from ordinary epilepsy..."

With the doctor's explanation of the condition, the people nearby heard a cold sweat.

The new chronic poison says that the old man's body is obviously strong. Why did he suddenly become seriously ill? It turned out to be so.

The doctor continued: "however, this new poison just repels the old man's body. It does not show a general disease trend. On the contrary, it arouses lesions in the incubation period, which is the current situation..."

Most people don't understand some professional terms, but they also understand the meaning of doctors.

That is to say, the old man is poisoned. It is a new type of chronic poison. This poison should have an incubation period of half a year. Six months after poisoning, it has a toxic trace, and the toxic trace is similar to epilepsy. If the poison goes to the hospital for examination, it will only detect that the old man has epilepsy, not signs of poisoning.

The current situation is because the old man's physique is somewhat special. After entering the old man's body, this poison can not latent for half a year, but causes lesions during the latent period.

In any case, fortunately, they were sent to the hospital in time. After some rescue, they are now out of danger.

In the advanced ward, the old man is still sleeping.

His face did not have the palpitating cyan black when he was ill, the whole person looked much more peaceful, which also reassured the people who were carrying their hearts.

After he ronghua and Gu qiaoyue saw the old man in the ward together, he ronghua asked Gu qiaoyue to stay here and watch the old man, while she went to the door of the operating room to wait.

The old man is out of danger now, but Si Weiguo is still in the rescue room.

"Mom, Dad, you'll be fine." Gu qiaoyue comforted.

He ronghua nodded, tears swirling in his eyes again.

The family fell down two in a row, and everyone was worried. The Secretary's family had basically stayed in the hospital, waiting for the news that they were out of danger.

Now that the old man was out of danger, everyone began to worry about serving the country.

Not only the Secretary's family, but also the people above are paying attention to the situation here, praying that both of them will be fine.

Another hour later, good news finally came from the rescue room.

The operation was successful. Si Weiguo had been transferred to the intensive care unit, but he couldn't go too far, so he ronghua followed.

Gu qiaoyue stayed with the old man.

The news that they were out of danger soon spread, and everyone waiting anxiously was finally relieved.

At the same time, Si Moyan, Si Weijun and others also received the news and hurried to the hospital to accompany them. When they both woke up, they were all red eyed, but they had to continue to investigate behind the matter and vowed to catch the culprit who dared to attack their family.

Si Moyan and Si Weijun acted separately, and Si Weijun directly put pressure on the person in charge of the investigation.

Although Si Weijun could not participate directly, he did not say that he could not stare.

Moreover, if his father is found to be poisoned and his brother is shot again, he is not allowed to check and stare at it, it means that he can't tell the truth.

When Si Weijun arrived at the investigation department, he found that these people were not on the job at all. Si Weijun directly fired a fire, took out a gun and pointed it at the Investigation Director:

"Do you want to die?"

The investigation director was frightened by him: "don't be impulsive, you, don't be impulsive."

He had been entrusted by others. He thought he could delay for a while. Unexpectedly, the guard looked like a madman and took out his gun at the door.

But now he was directly pointed at by someone with a gun. He didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly asked the people below to check.

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