Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1390

Chapter 1390

"I'm back." master Si smiled.

He hadn't seen such a scene for a long time. Looking at the two people walking together at the door, it was as if they had returned to their childhood. At that time, they had a good relationship. Si Moyan would follow Si Weijun, who was seven or eight years older than him, shouting one by one.

At that time, the yard was full of laughter.

But later, there was no such laughter.

For such a long time, Mr. Si's greatest regret is the strange relationship between his uncle and nephew.

Now, watching them come back together, he was also very happy.



"Ba Ba ~"

Puckering his butt and poking mud on the ground, the happy little nine heard his father's voice, got up and walked towards Si Moyan, enough to let Si Moyan hold him.

Si Moyan bent down and held him in his arms.

Xiao jiu'er sat comfortably on Si Moyan's arm, kicked his calf, looked at the guard who came back with Si Moyan, and shouted, "uncle and grandpa."

The little guy doesn't see the guard very often, but he has a good memory and can basically know anyone who has seen him once.

Si Weijun was not good at coaxing children. He hesitated before answering. He wanted to touch something for the little guy, but he put his hand in his pocket and found that he didn't have the habit of carrying gadgets with him.

Being embarrassed, Si Moyan took out a rainbow candy from his pocket: "you can only eat this one."

Xiao jiu'er's eyes lit up immediately, nodded like mashing garlic, quickly took the candy, peeled it and stuffed it into his mouth. He said vaguely: "don't tell Ma Ma..."

Si Moyan smiled and nodded, and saw Gu qiaoyue come over: "what can't you tell me?"

Xiao jiu'er immediately covered his mouth and shook his head.

Sima Yan smiled and asked, "do you want to go home?"

Master Si's voice came from behind: "Qiao Yue just made a leaky fish. We'll try it together and go back later."

"OK." Si Moyan bent down and put down Xiao jiu'er.

Xiao jiu'er's mouth was filled with sugar. He was afraid to be found by Gu qiaoyue. His short legs slipped away quickly.

Leaking fish is Wu Honglian's unique skill, and the Secretary's family also like it.

Although Gu qiaoyue is not as good as Wu Honglian, she can also take it. Moreover, the leaky fish is well done. The entrance is smooth and good. With soup, you can bring out a variety of different flavors.

If Mr. Si is in poor health, he can be served with nourishing soup. Gu qiaoyue and Mr. Si Moyan like to eat sour and spicy soup. With sour and spicy soup, the taste is absolutely first-class.

Si Weijun and Si Moyan both stayed to eat leaky fish together. Gu qiaoyue poured sour and spicy soup, and specially poured nutritious Chicken Soup for Mr. Si and Xiao jiuer.

So the four generations gathered around the table in the yard and ate together.

Mr. Si was in a good mood and directly forgot the nutritionist's advice to eat less and eat more.

After eating a bowl, I still have more meaning: "Qiao Yue, fill another bowl for Grandpa."

Gu qiaoyue took the bowl and directly refused: "no, Grandpa, you just had lunch. After a while, a bowl is enough. You can eat it after digestion."

"You child... You are bullying the elderly." master Si glared at Gu qiaoyue discontentedly.

Gu qiaoyue was unmoved. Turning around, he saw that Si Moyan had just finished eating a bowl. He directly got up and took Si Moyan's bowl and said, "give you a sour and spicy mouth?"


The guard also got up and went to serve dinner.

Gu qiaoyue stretched out her hand to pick it up: "I'll come."

Si Weijun directly refused: "it's all right, I'll do it myself."

Only master Si and Si Moyan are left in the yard.

Master Si stared at Si Moyan again. His eyes were full of complaints: "I'm not full."

Sima Yan looked at master Si solemnly and said seriously, "Grandpa, you are just in good health. The doctor told you to eat less and more meals. One bowl is enough."

The nutritionist in charge of the company's food nodded hurriedly: "yes, sir, you really can't eat any more."

He has been in charge of the old man's diet. He doesn't know where he can eat. Moreover, he hasn't eaten lunch for a while. He can't be really hungry. The old man is greedy.

Mr. Si stared at the nutritionist who was also carrying a bowl of leaky fish behind him. The nutritionist was happy to eat just now. At this moment, he stiffened his eating action against the dissatisfied eyes of Mr. Si.

It happened that Gu qiaoyue and Si Weijun came out with a bowl.

When master Si saw Gu qiaoyue carrying two bowls, he immediately smiled, hummed and said: josei

"Girl Qiao Yue is still obedient. She says she won't give it. I still have an old man in my heart. No, it's not for me."

That complacent look, like a child with snacks.

In the old man's happy eyes, Gu qiaoyue put one bowl in front of Si Moyan and the other in front of him.

Then, Mr. Si's face became black with the naked eye:

"What is this? Why is it so clear?"

What about another bowl?

This bowl is clear and waterless. When you poke it with chopsticks, there is nothing but a few pieces of scallion floating on it.

Mr. Si's eyes widened.

Gu qiaoyue sat down beside Mr. Si with a smile and said in a warm voice:

"This is chicken soup. I asked the nutritionist and said that you can't eat more staple food, but it's OK to drink more chicken soup."

So Mr. Si went to stare at the nutritionist behind him.

The nutritionist was embarrassed and went directly to the kitchen with a bowl. The helpless voice came from the kitchen: "there's still a nanny in the kitchen. The old man can continue to eat at night."

In short, eating less and eating more must be implemented.

The old man sighed helplessly, bowed his head and drank chicken soup obediently. In a faint voice, he said, "Alas, I thought I was not happy when I was hot, but now..."

He looked at the chicken soup in his bowl, and then looked at the red bowl of his little son's eldest grandson opposite, and sighed faintly.

Xiao jiu'er looked up at him and suddenly said solemnly, "Grandpa Zeng, pepper is terrible. At the latest, his mouth will hurt. You see, Xiao Jiu doesn't eat it."

Xiao jiu'er pushed his bowl in front of Mr. Si and let him see the white color in his bowl.

"It's not good for old people and children to eat pepper."

Xiao jiu'er looked up and said seriously. He pointed to the bowl in front of master Si and said seriously, "Grandpa Zeng, let's eat together."

So Xiao jiu'er took a sip of the soup left in the bowl, looked at Mr. Si and motioned him to drink it too.

Master Si was helpless and stared at Qiao Yue and Si Moyan, so he had to bow his head and drink soup.

Xiao jiu'er was satisfied and began to drink his own soup again. When he finished, he stared at Mr. Si.

Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan looked at it and shook their heads.

It is said that every generation is closer, and every two generations is closer.

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